
A/601/1740 Menu Planning Unit 1 UKCBC College Level 4


Globalization is playing most important role for the development of industry and growth of economic condition nowadays. This is help to improve performance and change rate in different countries as per demand for product and services. Food industry is one of the fastest growing sector in the world (Moreira, 2017). This report is based on OLIVE GARDEN. The resort basically located in United Kingdom and link with Italian-themed restaurants. On the other hand, factors affecting food business and effect the time to take new decision in work place. In additions, product development planning is help to manage work or improve customer satisfaction level. The report is also identified factors that is affect chief decision, at the time to develop plan and menu.

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1.1 Principles and factors for recipe development

There are some factors which is give direct impact on internal working environment. To be focus on menu play an important role to addition number of customer and control the decision related to cost to manage work (Molt, 2017). In this context, decision is to be taken related to menu and food production. There are different types of list assets OLIVE GARDEN resort. The recipe develop can choose as it profession. Some other principles are as follows :-

  • Accessibility :- In this type of menu cereals with pulsation and vegetables as in a repast is willingly bankable, effortless to constitute and offers a sense of happiness and profusion to the manufacturer. Snacks and other foods is to be con-site for 90 %.
  • Price :- It is one of the most important part is nutritive value together is provided energy, iron, fat and vitamin (Seyitoglu, 2017). The food will be proper balance is give positive impact to each and every client in market.

The development of recipe is very relies upon the subprogram of implementation provision as this assistance the social activity in prime identified with time and expenditure of setting up the food (Canale, 2017). The method of pocket is to be improve market share and utilization the level of activity. Cook- chill technique is one of the most crucial part to control the measuring the carrying into action and growth rate.

1.2 Factor that influenced the menu plan

There are some factor is give direct impact on menu planning decision must be taken in resort are as follows :-

  • Location :- In this context, location is give direct impact on demand and taste of the customer in work place. To be set menu as per the need of location based customer, what is taste of customer (Schaynová, 2018). In addition, some are use many vegetarian dish because of high population of Indian. In services area services need to be price or quick operation will be taken.
  • Type of customer :- It is give negative impact on take new decision in menu card. In addition, kind of area of people, belief, sex and expenditure power is give direct impact on overall market environment (Mortensen,2017). This is to be inform that improve customer satisfaction or improve productivity and profit will be manage.
  • Competition :- It is most important part is competition is influenced level of production and market rate. The trend is fixed in market, some competition will happen market condition (Sudin, A.M 2018). Price is to be set as per the local community is give direct impact on menu planning. This is help to improve work or set menu as per the need and wants of customer.
  • Supplies :- The supply of ingredient available in location for product for improve food company. This is give direct impact on market condition and OLIVE GARDEN regarding the food. To be improve market condition or increased overall settlement.

1.3 Factor which is effect services method

In this report is to be focus on service method is general depend on the size of the business. This is to be depend on the different operations. Some new food techniques is help to solve any kind of problem. This is help to manage work or improve the productivity and profit will be manage as per need and wants of customer. In addition, new techniques is help to manage work in hotel sector (Neto, 2017). It is also affected the nature of menu. If the menu is more expensive, that is give reduce the level of demand in market and service will be fast up to expatiation of customer in market place.

So customer is help to increase income and flow new trends of industry, so the business is either able to meet the current needs. The method of delivery is to be depend on budget of internal operation as well as the customer in market. This two factor is give positive as well negative aspect of business, but method is important to use solve each kind of factor. Moreover, the services is to be depend upon the customer budget (Holst, 2017). This is help to manage work or improve production life or customer satisfaction level must be improve.

2.1 Stages of menu product planning

There are some stages is help for product planning for future improvement in working environment. There are certain needs are as follows :-

  • Market trends :- In market trend and competitive analyses is a first step to review the current market position and improve future condition based on it (Dhoruri, 2017). To be use new market trends as per is used in hotel sector or new menu product development.
  • Consumer trends :- In consumer trends to be focus on need and demand of each and every customer in market. This is help to identify the necessity of consumer or positional customer in society.
  • Focus group :- In focus group competitive market food company is give the test of the result and little sample abstraction as well as reckon their sentiment for further execution and improvement.
  • Employees :- In internal working environment employees are help to provide the quality of services is help to manage work or improve customer relationship management is based on overall development in market (Sufahani, 2018). To be provide the complete training to each and every employees or improve the customer is give direct impact or increase overall carrying into action in securities industry share.
  • Service :- The main area in operation management is provided the service to each and every customer. The menu system is to be change as per the need and wants of customer.

There are some stages is to be used to select the best menu and improve client services and selected with the cost, merchandising method, improvement plans, administration, cost allotment and the issues in the industry process (Din, 2017). In additions, cost will be set as per the need of client in industry place.

2.2 Influences the different factor in development process

There are some factors is give negative impact on development process in hotel industry. Some factor is reduced the level of ratio of new product physical process.

  • Business analyses :- It is consisted the prospective solution relationship and need to recognisance (Hannan-Jones, 2017). To be focus on development of new product and improve customer relationship management is based on future outlook.
  • Sale volume :- In sales volume is decrease, is give negative impact on sale in menu product development and remove the number of customer in market. The sale will be depend on taste or need of customer, so menu will be set as per the taste or majority of people in market.
  • Profitability :- In profitability is depended on sale and cost will decrease, profit will be increase or cost will be increase profit will be decrease or visa versa (Hannan-Jones, 2017). The profit will be depend on overall profit and productivity both factor is most important for market place.
  • Technical factor :- In this context, some new technology is to be introducer in market is give direct impact on profit and food industry as well as evolution cognitive process will be changes. Some changes in food industry will be succeed work or improve productivity and profit is ameliorated market conditions.
  • Social factor :- In this context, social factor is give direct impact on level of customer or sensation or persecution (Hannan-Jones, 2017). On the other hand, some change in social factor is give direct interaction of comparing among the foretelling measure and the abstraction oversubscribed.


3.1 and 3.2 Justification on design

There are some most important elements is to be focus on improve the overall marketing concept are as follows :-

  • Items :- The food sector is to be focus on some items and profitability is based on that particular items.
  • Valuing strategies :- In this kind of strategies is based on profitability is to be measure the overall condition and improve customer expatiation. The expectation is measure as per the value is set for improve market structure.
  • Management style :- In management style is work is to be completed on quick base and to be completed in profitability in work place. In addition, proper management and administration is focus on improve operational plan and level of customer in market.

4.1 Research in customer requirement

There are some finds with the help of research work to improve customer services. In this way, focus on clients need and request is most important part to improve performance level or improve overall hotel operational management. To be use of targeted audience and improve client satisfaction level. The value of money is useful for each and every consumer in market place.

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From the above report is based on OLIVE GARDEN. The resort basically located in United Kingdom and link with Italian-themed restaurants. On the other hand, factors affecting food business and effect the time to take new decision in work place. In this report to be focus on decision is to be taken related to menu and food production. There are different types of list assets OLIVE GARDEN resort. As per the above report is based on market trend and competitive analyses is a first step to review the current market position and improve future condition based on it. In this report, to be improve overall development and measuring the current need is to be measure and improve productivity and profit.

This sequent would assistance to assistance high stages of incorporation among the technological R&D and advertising intent, causing further efficacious and competent knowledge disposal in the new food trading operations service concept process. Worldly concept improvement study systems that continue a firm’s perceptive of devour’ food penchant purpose and value schemes, by means of the consolidation of the user in the concept phase of the food creative activity increase patterned advance, can increase the likeliness of new substance work concept accomplishment.


  • Moreira, R.P.C 2017, July. The menu planning problem: a multiobjective approach for Brazilian schools context. InProceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion(pp. 113-114). ACM.
  • Molt, M.K., 2017.Food for fifty. Pearson.
  • Seyitoglu, F., 2017. Components of the menu planning process: the case of five star hotels in Antalya.British Food Journal,119(7), pp.1562-1577.
  • Canale, J 2017.Automatic generation of a party menu. U.S. Patent Application 15/178,678.
  • Schaynová, L., 2017. A Nutrition Adviser’s Menu Planning for a Client Using a Linear Optimization Model.Acta Polytechnica Hungarica,14(5), pp.121-137.
  • Mortensen, M.N 2017. Catering for patients at nutritional risk using in-between meals: an evidence-based multidisciplinary menu planning approach. In10th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences 2017. Captive Food Studies, AAU.
  • Sudin, A.M 2018, April. Optimization Technique With Sensitivity Analysis On Menu Scheduling For Boarding School Student Aged 13-18 Using “Sufahani-Ismail Algorithm”. InJournal of Physics: Conference Series(Vol. 995, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing.
  • Neto, B 2017. The use of green criteria in the public procurement of food products and catering services: a review of EU schemes.Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-29.
  • Holst, M 2017. Optimizing protein and energy intake in hospitals by improving individualized meal serving, hosting and the eating environment.Nutrition,34, pp.14-20.
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