
H/508/0489 Unit 5 Individual During Adolescent Level 4

Individual during adolescent

There are various types of changes that take place when a person grows. These changes occur due to the situations faced by him/her. Individuals are able to do develop their learning and understanding when they grow older. Adolescence is considered to be a big emotional and social development for a child. There are both positive and negative impacts on a person. Some are able to understand the changes and taken them effectively but there are few fail to do so because of lack in support from adults (Wang and Eccles, 2012). The level of maturity grows and they are able to taken their own decisions and decide on what is right and wrong. The way of understanding and perceiving things also changes and these are positive when a child is getting appropriate support.

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Adolescence is determined to be a time of emotional, social and changes in relationship. For all these type of changes, it can be stated that child is forming an independent identity and this makes them to learn as an adult. In order to make the essay more effective, impact of different aspects in education for adolescence will be discussed.

During the time of adolescence, the way a child interacts with peer, family and friends changes. Further, there are also differences in teens emotional and social development, the type of behaviour that they carry will be different (Schonert-Reichl and Lawlor, 2010). With the unique combination of brain development, genes, and experiences with friends and family, etc. enables to shape up their growth.

In social aspects, there are different changes that can be identified. In this context, it is identified that young people are busy in working out with themselves and prefer to identify individuals who understand them. They will aim at making themselves fit with the society and try out music, new cloths, art, etc. (Social and Emotional Changes in Adolescence, 2016). Further, they prefer to be independent and do not like others to make them perform any work control them. In part of the education, there are students who aim at developing their skills and try to work hard so that they can be recognized Yeager and Walton, 2011. Further, this is the time in which child starts to develop individual set of morals and values. Thus, it develops a concern for majority of children to focus on their studies so that they are able to grow in a positive direction and also helpful to attain their set goals. Use of social media and mobile phone has raised and this way the rate of communication with friends increases. These are highly effective enough to develop various type of skills related to communication. When children grow, then they develop sense of responsibility both at school and at home. They share work and support others in order to complete the work in effective manner.

In aspect of emotional changes in adolescence, it can be stated that a child becomes strong with intense emotions and feelings and their mood also becomes unpredictable. These types of conditions raise conflicts. It is a slow process as a child learns to control their emotions slowly. Further, a child is able to develop his decision-making skills (Beal and Crockett, 2010). There are different types of situations that are faced and these make them develop their learning and understanding in effective manner. They are able to take up decisions by analysing the conditions and deciding on the ways that can make them boosted up. Apart from this, they also realize that actions taken have their own set of consequences. Further, individuals get close to others and they develop strong connection. Emotionally they get connect when a person is able to understand them. They develop trust and it gets stronger when trust broken. All these types of situations arise when a child grows and thus it makes a person emotionally strong. In context with education, their understanding towards studies improves gradually. However, it totally depends on the perception and groups in which child spend time with. When a group of children do not study, then the sense of responsibility is developed very slowly (Wiener, Weaver and Sansom-Daly, 2015). However, there will be very few cases who understand the situation and take appropriate steps to change the group or to get involved in studies.

Further, there are changes identified in terms of relationship in adolescence. In this context, one of the main changes identified is that individuals spend more time with peers and friends and less time with family. Further, it is also identified that parents and child have more arguments. There are certain set of expectations that are developed by a child and when there is no support is shown, then they prefer to do whatever they like. In such condition, the education gets negatively affected in conditions when child do not prefer to study, they will get involved in other activities. They become emotionally strong but there are situations in which they lose their temper and thus the rate of conflicts gets raised (Li and Lerner, 2011). Further, there are some of individuals who are focused on understanding the situations and taking appropriate steps so that they are able to overcome them in appropriate manner. In order to support child to grow, it is required to have appropriate support from the side of parent and teachers so that they are able to guide and direct them through which the issues faced by them can be considered and appropriate support can be provided.

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In accordance with the above analysis made, it can be stated that when a child grows older, then they are able to learn different things as per the situations faced. There are both positive and negative impacts faced. When, the group in which a person is contains individuals who prefer to study, then all will be focused on the same path. Thus, it can be stated that the support that is carried out by individuals need to be properly guided by their parents or family members so that they are able to develop in effective manner.


  • Beal, S. J. and Crockett, L. J., 2010. Adolescents’ occupational and educational aspirations and expectations: Links to high school activities and adult educational attainment. Developmental psychology, 46(1), p.258.
  • Li, Y. and Lerner, R. M., 2011. Trajectories of school engagement during adolescence: implications for grades, depression, delinquency, and substance use. Developmental psychology, 47(1), p.233.
  • Schonert-Reichl, K. A. and Lawlor, M.S., 2010. The effects of a mindfulness-based education program on pre-and early adolescents’ well-being and social and emotional competence. Mindfulness, 1(3), pp.137-151.
  • Wang, M. T. and Eccles, J. S., 2012. Adolescent behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement trajectories in school and their differential relations to educational success. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(1), pp.31-39.
  • Wiener, L., Weaver, M. S. and Sansom-Daly, U. M., 2015. Threading the cloak: palliative care education for care providers of adolescents and young adults with cancer. Clinical oncology in adolescents and young adults, 5, p.1.
  • Yeager, D. S. and Walton, G. M., 2011. Social-psychological interventions in education: They’re not magic. Review of educational Research, 81(2), pp.267-301.
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