
Unit 21 Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations L/616/1805 HND in Hospitality Management


In order to define, developing individuals or teams and organisations, there are different types of skills, knowledge and behaviours required for HR professional. Professional development plan is also described for jane cambridge. There are several factors which differentiate the individual learning, training and development or organisational learning, training and development. All the organisations required to continue the learning and professional development programmes because it helps the organisation in achieving their goal.

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High performance working contribute in competitive advantage and employee engagement. There are various approaches and strategies to manage performance level and support culture and commitment as well. This report is based on the increasing in organisation's development and employee's performance level(Anagnostopoulos, Byers and Shilbury, 2014). It also includes the requirements of learning and development programmes of individual to derive sustainable growth. Individual, team and organisation these all three factors are runs together for smooth running of an organisation. The main goal of this report is to describe the skills, knowledge and behaviour which is necessary to hr professions. Furthermore, it includes the approaches which is used to manage and develop the performance level of its employees. Here is described difference between organisational and individual learning programmes.

LO 1

P1 Analyse the appropriate knowledge and skills of employee which are required by HR profession in Appendix A :

Many of the companies are using set of a CIPD framework. It sets out the skills and knowledge which is required by HR function. It also sets a benchmark. This framework focuses in the activities and knowledge which is required to develop product and service. It also describes that how HR will add the greatest sustained value to the industry. Skills which are needed in the HR profession are :

  • curiosity
  • decisive thinker
  • skilled influencer
  • driven to deliver
  • collaborative
  • courage
  • motivate
  • role model
  • personally credible

these are the key skills which are required to succeed as HR professional. Behaviour is an external source which is related to the situation or an idea. HR can find the behaviour which are required by using these resources such as accurate, adaptable, aggressive, creative, clever, efficient, diplomatic, imaginative, co-operative, challenging, analytical and broad minded. These all the factors of behaviour. Apart from these points, there are several things which are required for HR profession such as defining, analysing, measuring, improving and controlling the process. For evaluating the risk and execute the planning are the required skills and knowledge for the HR profession. There are different skills to human resource management. First must be managed and organized the task with multitasking. Rather, then these communication skills and specific job skills are required like knowledge of rules and regulations of law, developing and writing skills and such computer skills. A sense of strong ethics will make a manager the best HR manager. In the communication skills, it includes both verbal and written communication skills. In verbal communication it is required to listening others, place themselves in the complex situation and understand their issues regard to task. Just making a plan and strategy is not enough. To implement the strategies in a proper and according method is required for HR profession. At the last, but not least, there are number of skills, knowledge and behaviour required in HR profession. In the knowledge factors knowledge of market, personal and HR and management or administration factors are involved. In skills, role model, leadership and coordination are involved. In behaviours, stress tolerance, self control and concern for employees are included(Anagnostopoulos, Byers and Shilbury, 2014).

P2 Developing plan for HR jane cambridge in Appendix A

For professional development plan there are several steps which should be followed such as :

  • self assessment : the first step is the self assessment from the staff members. This assessment is related to their skills, interest, personality and value. Employees can use sample planning performance model to assess the rights and skills. When a member is going to self evaluate then these questions should be kept in mind such as : what are the individual's skills and opportunities required ? Is the individual requirements and skills support the organisation's needs and vision ? What are the goals such as short term and long term.
  • individual's assessment : it this level, some categories are analysed. It includes technical skills, social skills, aptitudes and attitude. Technical skills which is needed to get the job accomplished. Social skills include how do they do work with their coordinators. Aptitudes include special abilities for learning and doing or natural talents. Attitude includes point of view, outlook and feelings or mind set.
  • assess the needs : when a company is going to create professional development plan then these following goals need to be consider such as : team goals, individual goals, departmental goals and big duke goals. It is necessary to be ensure that all individual's activities should be aligned with organisational activities(Tessem, 2014).
  • explore opportunities : fourth step developing the professional plan is to explore the opportunities with the members of your organisation. It includes professional development academy, new projects, new responsibilities, workshops, seminars, educational opportunities, volunteer opportunities and mentorship. These all factors are centre dedicated to develop professional planning programmes. These programmes helps in to develop skills and capabilities. With the exploring of new projects, employees can use such opportunities to increase their skill level such as business writing and project management. These development programmes also offers a variety of seminars that helps in to develop their technology skills.
  • record and analysed : this is the last stage in developing professional programmes. In this stage, Members should be ensure about the all activities. Make sure to record progressive data towards the objectives and goal, observation of skills and knowledge or observation where it could be applied.

This development plan starts when a new member joins the team. It is necessary to reviewed continuously. This planing is made with the employees too. It includes the goal, skills and development programmes. It is created by top level manager work closely with the employees to find out the necessary skills, talents and resources to achieve the business's needs and objectives.

Professional development plan for Jane Cambridge in her HR Officer role.:

· Basis

· Normal

· Good

· Excellence

· Poor/ No experience.

· Time frame

· Skills of communication


· Incentives and commission management

· *




· 4 weeks

· Worker remunerations obstacles


· *



· 1 weeks

· Contact with employees



· *


· 6weeks

· IT skills


· Friendly with Microsoft word

· *




· 3 weeks

· HR software



· *


· 2 weeks

· Report making


· *



· 5 weeks

· Spread sheet




· *

· 1 week

· Managerial skills


· Leadership skills


· *



· 4 weeks

· Conflicts resolution



· *


· 3 weeks

· Stress management



· *


· 7 weeks

Difference between training and development programme is as follows :

Training : it is an activity by which employees learn how to develop the skills and knowledge to achieve the success and meet the job requirements(Tessem, 2014). It is a short term programme in an organisation and job oriented as well. It helps in increasing the performance level and efforts of the employees. It focuses on the present requirements of an organisation.

Development : it is an activity by which employees can educate themselves through different development programmes. It is a long term process and determine the future requirements of an organisation. Training is job oriented while development is career oriented technique. It helps in to develop the knowledge and skills to meet the future challenges. 

LO 2

P3 Difference between individual and organisational learning, training and development of appendix A : 



It deals with personal development.

It copes up with organisational needs and learnings.

It is generally used to improve the performance level.

It is based on limited resources with specific timetable.

It is combined of thinking and attitude of a person learns from his experience or surrounding.

It refers to change in organisational behaviour and organisational performance.

It is a continuous process.


It is process of learning by itself. Employees can not take help of others

This process is of learning through employees and their co partners.

It is for a particular time period

It is group project in which overall organisation will be involved.

Individuals learn by new attending workshops

It is fully based on hr activities.

Efficiency of each employee affect the whole productivity

Efficiency of productivity will be increased due to togetherness.

It includes only internal factors

It includes all the factors of environment such as internal or external.

It can not change the structure of entire organisation

It can affect the structure of an organisation.

It is a narrow structured organisation.

It is a broad structured organisation.

P4 Evaluate the needs of learning and professional development

With continuing the learning programme in an industry is essential for achieve success. It helps in productivity and increasing the higher retention rates. By learning and professional development programmes it gives benefits to the organisation such as it increase the morale value of the human resources, it raises the better relationship between heads and subordinates, it promotes and develop promotional activities, it helps the employees in find out the goals and visions of an organisation. It also helps in to increase the productivity and work efficiency. It also reduces the overall cost and eliminate the external cost causes. Rather than the organisation it provides benefits to the workforce such as it helps in problem solving regarding to the task, increase the level of confidence, help in getting better communications skills and ascertain the position and development. It removes all the fears and inefficiency. It provides better relationship between internal and external factors. It assists the direction of new employees, it provides better environment, by making feasible policies and create higher quality of learning environment. When a company want to identify the needs of learning and development programme in an organisation then these tools are helpful in find out the requirements.

  • Job description
  • competency standards
  • performance reviews
  • development sessions
  • observing the team work force
  • by discussing with each team member
  • assessment of workplace skills
  • self evaluation

By all these above methods, company can get the requirements of learning and development programmes. Job description is a written statement in which all the details and requirements are given related to the job. It also defines the qualities and experience which must be wanted to regard this job. It helps in to establish the job's roles, duties and responsibilities of a specific person. Career planning may involved the meetings which should e conducted with the team members. The objective of a meeting may be to discuss the long term and short term goals of learning requirements. Observing the members of a team is one of the best method to find out the requirement of learning and development needs(Tessem, 2014). Learning gaps can be identified through watching all the activities of individual and preparing process of material. Measuring performance of individuals who are working at the firm or platform is one kind of backbone for any of the organisation. Basic reason behind this is that, it helps to determine and analyse efficiency of workforce and select that which kinds of trainings they need to boost up existing efficiencies. To manage performance of them there are wide range of systems and methods included which will support to HR manager of Whirlpool enterprise. Further, basic approaches which are generally used by companies are explained above.

LO 3

P5 Evaluation of how high performance working contribute to competitive advantage and employee engagement

High performance working is an approach which provide help the human resource manager to manage the performing activities. It involves the employee involvement and commitment to achieve the success of an organisation. This involvement can be achieved through transparency and trust between the employees of different departments. High performance working helps the management to maintain a healthy environment where all the employees are involved in decision making process. If all the employees will be involved in decision making process then they will be know about what activities should be done to achieve success. Through this company can get the higher amount of work efficiency and motivated employees. As all employees are involved, there will be definitely development of individual, team and organisation. It contributes to competitive advantage and employee engagement which can be explained through :

  • Employee involvement : through high performance working, all the employees are engaged in decision making process. By this involvement, efficiency of productivity is increased and growth in profitability margin. All the employees are intercommunicated, by this all complexities are solved on time(Tessem, 2014).
  • HR practices : it is necessary to inform all the employees about HR practices. Because if all the employees do not have any knowledge about these practices then they can not follow legal practices. It will help them to grow and develop themselves.
  • Rewards : if company will give the reward to their employees as they are engaged in the decision making process and in all the activities then performance level will be high. Employees will be motivated through these rewards and commitment level will also be increase.

LO 4

P6 Different approaches of performance management

Measuring performance is the backbone of any organisation. Business owners usually measure employee performance on the basis of their discipline, working habit and how much contribution did he did for the company's growth. Employee performance depend on many factors some of them are as follows:-

  • conducive work environment
  • work profile
  • compensation
  • bonus system
  • job satisfaction

Now let us discuss some approaches, there are 5 major approaches lets brief them :

  1. Comparative Approach for measuring performances :

Comparative approach involve ranking of an individual from highest to lowest and compare an individual from other group. There are several techniques in comparative approach such as force distribution techniques, Paired comparison, and graphic rating scale.

  1. Attribute Approach for measuring performance :-

In this system, different parameters are used to rate the employee performance such as problem solving skills, teamwork, communication, judgement, creativity and innovation and many more. This is the best method used to judge the best and worst performance of an employee.

  1. Behavioural approach for measuring performances :-

This is one of the oldest approach for measuring performance. This can be done using BARS (Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale) technique and BOS( Behavioural Observation Scale ) techniques. The BARS technique having five to ten vertical scale which based on parameters and decided consensually from the employees.

  1. Result Approach for measuring performances :-

this approach is simple and straight forward method and its mainly focus on four perspective i.e. Financial, Internal & operation, costumers, learning and growth(Tessem, 2014). The main advantage of result based approach is that it convert strategy into operations. It does not relay on financial indicator of job performances. The main disadvantage of this approach is that they are lack of focus of human resource aspect and absence of key of stakeholder.

  1. Quality Approach for measuring performances :-

The main aim of this approach is to satisfy consumers need and achieving continuous service improvisation. It includes assessment of both employee and system, problem solving through teamwork, multiple source to evaluate performances and last but not the least involvement of both external and internal factors.

Importance in HR :

Human resource team plays a vital role in designing and implementing the performance appraisal or we can say that HR team is a mediator between the functional head or reviewing authorities and the employees. The foremost requirement of HR team is to design the performance process and then the employee should need to be aware from the whole process of appraisal. The criteria of management are clear and transparent. The HR team also need to sit with the reviewing authorities to see the work is on time or not and if the work is not on time they even take a strict action as well. HR team need to know the duties and responsibility to each and every employee and can make change also by seeing the level of their performance. Thus, this is the importance of HR in the performance management.

Further, approaches which are used by... such as :

  • comparative approach
  • attribute approach
  • result approach
  • quality approach


From the above report, it can be concluded that an organisation will achieve success if all three elements such as individual, team and organisation will run together. For the achieve success there are some factors which are required for HR profession(Tessem, 2014). Without these factors, company can not achieve success. There are different strategies described which help in maintain the learning and development programmes. All companies are including this programme in their strategic process because it gives different types of advantages and benefits. In organisational learning activities, all employees are involved in each activity. High performance working is a tll to motivate the employees and increase the performance level. By the increasing level company will achieve the success with better outcomes. It is a set of guideline which help the organisation to get involvement of all the employees. It is cleared from the above report that for becoming a successful HR manager, a set of organisational behaviour is required. There are different factors which need to be consider while developing the performance plan. Furthermore, there are different models exist which support the performance culture and performance management as well. APENDIX A organisation need to use these high performance working in effective way. It also helps in improving the employee engagement and competitive advantage. Check out development related Q&A from here

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  • Anagnostopoulos, C., Byers, T. and Shilbury, D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility in professional team sport organisations: towards a theory of decision-making.European Sport Management Quarterly,14(3), pp.259-281.
  • Baldwin, M., 2016. Critical reflection: Opportunities and threats to professional learning and service development in social work organizations. InSocial work, critical reflection and the learning organization(pp. 51-66). Routledge.
  • Bolden, R., and, 2015.Developing and sustaining shared leadership in higher education. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
  • Landsberg, M., 2015.The Tao of coaching: Boost your effectiveness at work by inspiring and developing those around you. Profile Books.
  • Lawton, R., and, 2014. Positive deviance: a different approach to achieving patient safety.BMJ Qual Saf, pp.bmjqs-2014.
  • Miletzki, J. and Broten, N., 2017.Development as freedom. Macat Library.
  • Tessem, B., 2014. Individual empowerment of agile and non-agile software developers in small teams.Information and software technology,56(8), pp.873-889.
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