
Research Methodology and the effective results.

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Question :

This assessment will provide certain questions which are like:

  • Give the appropriate literature review in the topics and the administered areas.
  • Outline the research methodology and the effective results.
  • Elaborate on the research plan and the expanded areas.
Answer :


To analyse the significance of technology alteration in the development of business models for recruitment agencies in the UK and appropriate skills that are required in the future.


Overview of the Research

In today's modern business environment, the major motive of each business organisation is to attain higher growth and success in the marketplace. Technologies are referred to as the key aspect that is widely applied by organisations concerning enhancing their overall operations and functions (Stam and Scott, 2014). Human resource is considered as the most valuable aspect of an organisation, as in this modern era the major concern of each small as well as a large business organisation is to recruit well educated and talented people within the workplace in respect to developing the operations at the global level. Now a day's small as well as large business enterprises are hiring people through the help of recruitment agencies. The recruitment agencies are concerned with providing suitable candidates to the organisations as per their requirements. Technological alteration is effective for recruitment agencies as organisations are using more advance and high-tech technologies for developing business models for recruitment. The United Kingdom is a large city that is famous for its business industries and the country is providing opportunities to an individual or organisations to grow by appropriately implementing their business operations. Technological alteration affects more than productivity, employment, and income inequality. It also creates opportunities for changes like work itself. HRM is an effective process in which recruiting, selecting, inducting employees, providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the performance of workers, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety etc. are involved. proper and effective implementation of these practices helps achieve organisational desired goals and objectives in an appropriate manner (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The potential relationship between human resource management and business operations has been high in the context of many hospitality industries. In today's digital era, there is rapid change arising in the technology and business organisations need to adopt change concerning developing their business models for recruitment.

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Significance of the Research

The considered research is based on the significance of technology alteration in the development of business models for recruitment agencies in the UK and appropriate skills that are required in the future. Technologies play a vast role in the growth and development of an organisation as these are effective for each business firm especially recruitment agencies to hire skilled and talented people at the global level (Lovelock and Patterson, 2015). Recruitment agencies are widely concerned with implementing appropriate changes in their resources or technologies concerning developing the business model to attain higher growth and success within the marketplace. Recruitment agencies are using digital technologies like social media, mobile technology, internet facility, website etc. to recruit people around the globe. The UK has a wide range of opportunities for an individual or an organisation, as the country is famous for its wide range of industries. In the UK, organisations mainly hire people with the help of recruitment agencies and these agencies are effective in providing fresh and appropriate talents to the organisations to attain a higher competitive edge. Recruitment agencies are required to make alterations in their technologies in regards to implementing good relationships with people or organisations.

Research Gap

The existing exploration work is based on the analysis of the significance of technology alteration in the development of business models for recruitment agencies in the UK and appropriate skills that are required in the future (Ward, 2016). This technological alteration is the key aspect and organisations are widely concerned about making alterations in their technologies to develop a business model for recruitment agencies in the UK. The present area of study helps in overcoming the research issue through the accumulation of relevant or reliable information on the specified area of study.

Research Aim

The research aim is considered the most essential part of an investigation because the proper implementation of research activities is based on the aim of the research. This also refers to a predetermined statement in which the research issue is mentioned clearly or concisely. It is a common way to express research issues in the form of a statement (Cummings and Worley, 2014). This section of the research helps the researcher in moving forward in the right direction to address the research issue effectively. The significant aim of this particular research is "To analyse the significance of technology alteration in the development of a business model for recruitment agencies in the UK and appropriate skills that are required in the future".

Research Objectives

The significant objectives of this particular research are associated as under:

  • To understand the concept of technology alteration and its influence on business.
  • To identify the importance of the recruitment model and technology alteration for the business growth of recruitment agencies in the UK.
  • To determine the potential skills that are required for the future growth of recruitment agencies.
  • To evaluate the interrelationship between technology alteration and developing a business model for a recruitment agency.

Research Questions

The potential research questions are described below:

  • What is the concept of technology alteration and its influence on business?
  • What is the importance of the recruitment model and technology alteration for the business growth of recruitment agencies in the UK?
  • What potential skills are required for the future growth of recruitment agencies?
  • What is the interrelationship between technology alteration and developing a business model for a recruitment agency?

Literature Review

Literature Review is considered the most necessary part of the research work which is required to be used by the investigator to develop an effective or in-depth review of data which are generated by the secondary source of data collection (Paroutis, Bennett and Heracleous, 2014). It is essential to conduct an effective measure of past literature and data acquired with the help of secondary sources. In this section of the exploration, previous research helps in conducting new and most effective research to generate significant outcomes.

The concept of technology alteration and its influence on business.

The technological change mainly focuses on industrial processes, at least among economists. Alteration refers to a term that is used to describe a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound. As per the views expressed by Charles Baden-Fuller, and Stefan Haefliger, 2013, Business models are essentially interlinked with technological advancement or alteration, yet the organisational model construct is significantly separable from technology. Technology has altered the overall recruitment and job search process for the growth and development of recruitment agencies. Technological advancement or alteration helps the recruitment agencies or managers, it is easier than ever to search for candidates to suit niche skills or even sway candidates who might not be actively searching for a job. With the help of digital technologies like social media, websites, online applications, organisational sites, the internet etc. job seekers can easily find out jobs and even reach out directly to employers or develop an online profile to attract recruiters and apply for jobs with the click of a single button (Djelassi and Decoopman, 2013). In today's modern world, humans life is very much based on digital tools and technologies, thus this is the reason small as well as large business organisations are concerned with making appropriate changes in their business model with the help of making alterations in technologies in respect to providing benefits to their clients or customers. In the UK most business organisations are based on digital tools and technologies and organisations are taking potential help from recruitment agencies in respect to developing the manpower through hiring suitable people with appropriate skills or talent.

The importance of recruitment model and technology alteration for the business growth of recruitment agencies in the UK.

According to the views expressed by Mahr, 2017, Human resources is considered the most essential aspect of an organisation as the major concern of an organisation is to hire well-skilled or talented people within the workplace. Each business has its own hiring needs which depend on the level of engagement, exclusivity, long-term prospects and other aspects, many recruitment models are used by organisations in which some are described as under:

Contingency Hiring: This model works based on a few agreed terms & conditions with clients & offering employees on a required basis to the organisation. It incorporates an ongoing recruitment & placement action to the client company (Schaltegger, Lüdeke-Freund and Hansen, 2012).

Retained Search: This is also an effective recruitment model in which a retained recruiter works based on a contractual relationship with the clients or employers for strategic search projects or assignments.

Exclusive Recruitments: It is a key aspect of the recruitment model in which employees or workers are based on an agreement of some exclusive requirements among recruiter or clients. This employer assures their clients to fill the position within a period of exclusivity and significant date.

As a successful country UK has various opportunities in its industry and provides a chance to domestic as well as international people to grow and attain benefits. However, organisations in the UK hire people with the help of recruitment agencies as these agencies are effective in fulfilling the requirement of clients suitably. Organisations are concerned about making alterations in the technologies as per the new advancement so that appropriate facilities can be provided to the employee or organisation. Technology like web applications, online sites, social media etc. are the best tools that are effective in implementing collaboration with people or organisations and better services can be offered to the client companies in the form of skilled employees.

Potential skills are required for the future growth of recruitment agencies.

According to the views expressed by Ankit Sindhi, 2018, Recruitment agencies are the key consideration of each business organisation as these are effective in building an appropriate man-force for the development of business. In today's business world recruitment agencies and experts noted that in the future aspects, technology will automate almost all monotonous, manual elements of recruitment, technically making human efforts away from the recruitment efforts. Recruitment aspects such as sourcing, curated talent pools, communication delivery, timeline management, organizing, etc. will all be automated and will require negligible to zero human intervention. Growth and success are considered to be the key aspect of each business organisation and in the UK the overall requirement process within small as well as large business organisations are based on recruitment agencies, so the recruitment firms need to make appropriate changes in their technologies so that better opportunities can be offered to the people or organisations (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012). Various skills are required for the future growth of recruitment agencies which some are described below:

Become a digital Native: A digital native refers to an individual who is open to learning and quickly adapting technologies and platforms which are mainly offered by digital suites.

This would involve, but not be limited to, significantly applying social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter, applicant tracking systems, sourcing platforms and the entire gamut of recruitment technology that is being brought by the booming start-up ecosystem.

Become a networker: The human capital sector is created by man-forces. The agency needs to build good relationships with colleagues, peers, candidates, influencers, vendors or clients. Recruiters through a constituted network in their areas of specialization are assets for any firm or team.

The interrelationship between technology alteration and developing a business model for a recruitment agency.

Now a day's more and more business organisations understand the value of human resource management and its impact on the successful operations of a firm. It is not a secret that various corporations pay a lot of attention to the recruiting process and well-being of their employees, as people are the major key asset in the business for the execution of organisational operations in an effective manner (Kovács, Tatham and Larson, 2012). Even though an organisation has an appropriate strategy and sustainable funds, thus it will not reach success without loyal and well-trained human capital. In this modern business era, technological advancement plays a vast role in improvising the operations of the firm in an effective manner. In the modern business environment, there is rapid change arises in technology, so it is also essential for recruitment agencies to adopt changes in their technologies concerning providing effective facilities to their clients. Technological alteration and developing a business model for recruitment agency has a positive interconnection as with the help of technological advancement agencies can provide facilities to their client organisation, Thus this will helps in developing the business models that create value in the attainment of high growth and success within the market place. 

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Research Methodology

Research Methodology is a crucial part of the research project as it helps the investigator in providing appropriate direction to implement all activities appropriately. The existing exploration work is based on analysing the significance of technology alteration in the development of business models for recruitment agencies in the UK and appropriate skills that are required in the future. The major obligation of an investigator is to select the most suitable methodology that supports the overall investigation work in the right manner (Cavalcante, Kesting and Ulhøi, 2011). Research is either qualitative or quantitative and the selection of the research type of based on the data that are accumulated by the researcher. The existing exploration work is based on qualitative research as it is based on theoretical aspects. This descriptive research,, design is being selected by the investigator as it is the most suitable tool for qualitative research and also provides a descriptive analysis of the qualitative research issue. Along with this inductive research, the approach is efficient for determining various aspects of the issue with proper facts and figures. furthermore, interpretivism philosophy has been applied for gathering information with the guidance of authors and writers. In a research work data collection tool, primary and secondary sources play a vast role in the accumulation of relevant or reliable information to reach the potential outcome. In this present proposal,, work data has been gathered through the secondary source of data collection as it is effective for conducting an appropriate theoretical framework with the supportive evidence of f author's point of view. 

From the above-stated context, the research method is important in recruitment agencies for hiring. Due to rapid changes in the structure students often face problems when it comes to writing on Human Resource Management. Instant Assignment Help Australia provides the best quality assistance for Human Resource Essay Help.

Expected Results

From the above-given analysis, it has been concluded that technological transformation plays an effective role in the growth and development of recruitment agencies wiconcerningiring people with more easy and comfortable methods. Digital tools and technologies like social media sites, online applications, and mobile phones help make collaboration among clients or firm and also plays an effective role in building a good relationship with their clients. In the modern business world, the potential motive of each business organisation is to attain higher growth and success within the commercial centre. The UK is famous for its business industries and also provides opportunities to people or organisations to expand their business operations for attaining higher growth or success. Numerous ethnographic studies have shown how a variety of new technologies have altered the way work is performed, the roles that workers play in a firm’s division of labour, and the way these changing roles alter the structure of organizations.

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