Human resource department (HRD) is an approach which helps individuals in an enterprise to develop their skills, abilities and knowledge. It plays an important role in providing training and development program. This report presents different learning styles, theories, role of learning curve and importance of transferring to actual workplace. This human resource management report also represents various training needs and methods used by Sun Court Ltd. to improve its working efficiency. People R Us is a small consultancy firm which advises Sun Court Ltd. on various issues regarding HR department (Fee, 2014). Through this study learner will be able to understand process of development of training and evaluation to know its effectiveness. It will also describe the role of UK government in various training and development events of Sun Court Ltd.
Task 1
1.1 Different learning styles
Learning means acquiring and modifying skills, knowledge, attitude, behavior, preferences and values. Learning styles are such methods through which above things are gained by human beings. Different styles are used by different companies to educate their staff or employees to achieve their targets. These are as follows:
Kolb’s learning styles
There are four styles which are suggested by David Kolb i.e. converging, diverging, assimilating and accommodating. These are discussed as under:
Converging: This learning style does not focus on people but use the abstract concepts, practical and experimental ideas.
Diverging: Under this people first observe things rather than implementing them in real. This focuses more on people instead of practicing it.
Assimilating: Here, human beings gain a logical knowledge of doing work effectively at workplace. It is used for those individuals who are engaged in research and inventions.the drover's wife by Henry Lawson summary.
Accommodating: It is totally different from all above styles because in this learners learn things by looking and observing other persons (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). This learning style does not required any practical, experimental and logical explanation.
llustration 1: Kolb learning style
(Source: David A. Kolb on experiential learning. 2013)
Honey and Mumford’s styles
They also suggested four different learning styles such as activists, reflector, theorist and pragmatist which are explained as under:
Activists: This style is used to educate those persons who want to practice new things and are ready to face any consequences or issues involved in that.
Reflector: It is generally used by many organizations because it includes learning things not only collecting data from their own but also from different opinions of other individuals.
Illustration 2: Honey Mumford learning style
(Source: Learning styles. 2017)
Theorist: Persons who want to formulate their own theories by their observations and experiments follow this style of learning. It is quite similar to assimilating learning style because here also people think logically.
Pragmatics: Here, new ideas, thoughts and theories are experimented and implemented. Solutions are made to overcome from various difficulties and problems.
1.2 Role of the learning curve and its importance
Learning curve has a significant impact on the process of learning which reflect performance of learners. It is very important to transfer learning in real world or workplace to know its effectiveness.
Role of learning curve
Learning curve is a graphical presentation which shows decrease and increase of performance and experience of person (Sparrow and, 2016). It is an important technique through which impact of learning program may be analyzed. Through this graphical representation, relationship between time spent in learning activities and competency level of individuals are shown. Therefore, this curve represents progress of people or learners. This curve is used by management of Sun Court Ltd. (SCL) to overlook at performance level of their employees.
Importance of transferring learning to workplace
Every enterprise facilitates training and development program to train their employees to perform their job efficiently. SCL also provides these learning sessions for their workforce therefore, it is necessary to transfer this to workplace to know its effectiveness. There are following importance of this transferring:
Optimum utilization of funds: Providing training is not so easy task for every firm because an effective learning program requires lots of funding. If learning is not transferred to the workplace then all spending on it will go in vain so it is very important to move it to business operations of Sun