
Human Resources Development McDonald's


Training and learning programs are important for every organization. They assist employees in improving their skills and ensure long term growth to the entity. Present report is based on McDonald’s which is the biggest fast food and restaurant chain (Gatewood and, 2015). This present report make analyse for different types of learning styles which is used by human resource management in workforce planning and role of learning curve in measuring employees performances. This report make comparison of training needs in between different employees of organization and advantages and disadvantage of training methods which is used by McDonald for trained its workers. At last this report make analyse on training initiative which are taken by UK governments for developing human resources.


1.1 Learning styles in human resource management

There are various types of learning styles which is applied by McDonald's in human resource management. Some of them are discussed as below:

Kolb's learning styles

As per this model, there are four main stages i.e. concrete experience in which learner or workers actively experience an activity, reflectively observation is when learner consciously reflects back on that experience, abstract conceptualization a theory or model of model where learner attempts to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed and an active experimentation is where learner trying to plan how to test a model of theory (Kehoe and Wright, 2013.). As per this model. These kind of people use information and imagination for solving their problems.

Honey and Mumford

This theory have four maain satges pragmatist, theorist, activists and reflector which assist to company for enhancing its performances and improves employees skills. Activists are employees who involve themselves for learning new experiences. Theorists are those employees who always analyse data before making logics. Pragmatists are employees who like to take challenges and new opportunities as well as reflectors are those employees who do not take initiatives and focuses more on making logical decisions (Kotler, 2015.).

VARK learning style

There are four learning styles, that is, visual, auditory, read and kinaesthetic. Visual are fast talkers and impatient employees they like to learners new thinks from maps or graphic to understand information. Auditory providing learning by listening and speaking such as group discussion and lectures. Employees who have strong reading and learning are translates abstracts concepts into words and essays writing help (Liebowitz and Frank, 2016.). Kinaesthetic learners understand information through tactile representation.

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For designing the training needs, organization can use various types of learning styles such as Kolb's learning approach and Honey and Mumford. Kolb's learning approach defines several stages of learning process through which entity can make evaluation of individual’s performances. On the other hand, Honey and Mumford assists employees for enhancing employee’s experience at the workplace. For McDonald’s, learning styles given by Honey and Mumford are more appropriate which provide in depth knowledge about individual performances along with the practical knowledge.

1.2 Role of learning curve and importance of transferring learning at the workplace

Role of learning curve:

The learning curve is a continuous improvement process which is gained through experience. Major role of this learning curve is to assist employees for developing new skills, adding value and set career path. By using this curve, McDonald's set new business strategy and core values (Mello, 2014). With the help of this curve, company is able to identify their employee’s capabilities and the extent to which they are efficient for performing tasks. Through this model, employees also faced new challenge at the workplace. Workers of entity provided practical experience, performance review and personal coaching to identify their expertise and realistic career path (Nickson, 2013). The curve also helps employees to adjust their technical skills and business competencies with standard level.

Transferring learning at workplace:

Transferring learning is an essential activity through which organization can achieve its objectives. With the help of this, employees would also perform different roles and responsibilities in an effective manner. It is observed that through transferring learning, entity can bring innovative ideas and make workplace more comprehensives. By this, workers will be able to contribute well in McDonald’s (Myers, 2013). For this, line managers of company conduct training programs for developing new skills in subordinates. This will support in enhancing the competencies that will be beneficial in developing standards of organization to gain competitive advantages.

1.3 Contribution of learning styles and theories in planning of learning event

Every employee who is working in company has different learning capabilities as it is important to provide them training so that they can develop their skills and ensure long term relation with the firm. Human resource manager of McDonald’s is incorporated the best leaning theory and style for improving abilities of its workers (Oke, 2016). No single learning styles is suitable for every individual. All employees have different capabilities and according to their requirement, learning styles have to be adopted. Effective learning styles is that which directly tagetes objectives of entity.

There are various types of learning styles which are used by McDonald’s for learning events. For example: Peter Honey and Alan Mumford incudes four stages that has such as pragmatist, theorist, activist and reflector learning styles. These styles assist company in enhancing experience of workers at workplace and provide them proper guidelines along with the practical knowledge (Schippmann, 2013). This approach assists company in attaining their business objectives. Other theory also has a significant impact of learning event such as Behavioural approach, cognitive concept and social leaning theory that supports the firm in improving efficiency of individuals at the workplace.

Kolb's learning cycle defines the learning capabilities of employees in several stages which includes Concrete experience, Reflective observation, Abstract conceptualization and Active experimentation (Salvendy, 2012). With the help of this, entity can judge individual’s performance and give proper guidelines for improving their skills by using different techniques. All these learning theories assist McDonald’s designing their learning event.


2.1 Compare the training needs for the restaurant manager, shift floor manager, and customer service assistant

Training aim to improves workers skill and performance. It is crucial method which apply to all departments within organization. McDonald is running its operation at large level so it is important for its to provide training to its employees so they can make good customer interaction and provide batter services (Ulrich,2013.). Needs of training is varies from each level so it is essentials for identity requirement of training for each level.
Restaurant manager

By providing training to managerial level company is trying to develop better manager kills. Providing training to restaurant managers company is improving their present skills, develop team work and decision making capabilities of managers. For providing training to managers McDonald use various techniques such as off job training and on the job training programs. It also makes their communication more effective so they develop healthy relations with its employees.

Shift floor manager

The primary objective of shit floor manager is to monitor operational activities which are performed in McDonald (Yamao, and Sekiguchi, 2015). By providing training shift floor managers company is trying to improve operational activates which directly impact on productivity. Through shift floor manager is enabled to adopt different operation techniques such as lean production or six sigmas. By receiving training manager is able to make contribution of each employees.

Customer service assistant

Providing training to customer service assistant entity able to attend their customers in more effective way (Weekley and Ployhart, 2013). Assistant are able to manage to customers in more effective way. This training programs includes provide expert solutions to assistant to work efficiently and find different way to assist customers demands.

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2.2 advantages and disadvantage of different training methods

There are various types of training programs which is used by McDonald for improving skill of its employees. Through these training programs entity is able to develop better customers relations and ensure long term growth. However, all training programs can not meet the need of organization there are some disadvantage are as well. Following are training methods which is used by company.

On the job training

This method is used by organization for providing training to its employee at workplace. Through this approach entity provided training under a supervisor who provide training to workers. With help of this organization make aware to its employees about industry's work. This approach includes coaching, mentoring, and job rotation (Vida, and Ali, 2015). With help of these employees gets real life work experiences at workplace and understand strategic which is adopted entity.


  • The main advantage of this method is that it is cost effective for McDonald's. Managers do not invest much time providing training to its employees.
  • By receiving actual work life environment workers directly deal with equipments and gives more productivity.
  • It is very easy and simple approach (Ulrich, 2013). Trainers do not need to explain everything.


  • Major disadvantage of this approach is that trainee do not have much knowledge regrading equipments which may causes many risks such as safety issues.

Off the job training

  • Under this approach entity provide training to it employees through training institution. In these training institutions employees get knowledge about company and make aware about their future role and responsibilities.


  • people are trained outside of entity so fewer chances of error occurred
  • Through this training programs employees received proper guidelines


  • This approach leads to operational cost for company
  • Employees gets only theoretical knowledge thus there is lack of feedback.

The aim of training programs is to improve skills and knowledge of employee's towards industry (Swart, Mann, and Price, 2012.). McDonald's uses various training programs such as on the job training and off the job training. On the job training employees get experience about industry and its working environment. Its is also most economical method of organization. However, it may also create some issue such as employee's safety issues. On the other hand off the job training entity provides training through training institutions (Meager, 2008). It gives more knowledge to workers. However,. Through this approach does provide only theoretical knowledge.

The best approach which can use by McDonald is on the job training. The company run its operations at Global level so through this approach workers gets proper and also aware about their actual duties and responsibilities.

2.3 Training and development plan

Training and developments programs can assist to enhancement of abilities of individuals and make them aware about job profile. Training and development plan is develop after identifying need of various departments and its employees. Planning and development plan of McDonald's is as follows.

Employees Aim of training Time frame
Restaurant manager To develop decision making abilities 2 weeks
Shift floor manager Enhances knowledge about operational activities 4 weeks
Customers services assistant Enhances knowledge about customer and improve customers services 3 weeks

With help of the above training and developments plan entity provides training to its employees and make ensures that they can assist to company for maintain long term growth (Spellman,, 2010). Through this developing plan manager can improves its managerial activities, floor manager improves its operational knowledge and customers services assistant enhances better customers services.

Training aims to improve employees presents skills and make ready to them for futures responsibility. Through this training programs McDonald is also ensured long term growth. Main objective of entity is to provide the best fast food to its customers along with quality. It also has objective to maintain long term growth with its employees.

Through training and developments programs entity enhances its customers services. In restaurant customers interaction is generally done by employees so its essentials to providing training to its employees (Threeton and Walter, 2009). It's also assist to company for developing decision making process so company can take rights decisions and ensures its long term growth.


3.1 Techniques for evaluating training program

There are number of training technique which is used by McDonald. The company can use various aspects to evaluate the training efficiency.

Customer's feedback

This most appropriate method which is used by McDonald to evaluating training techniques. Customer are key persons in food industry (About us . 2017). It is very important to satisfy to them. Company receives feedback from its customers and ask suggestions for further improvements. Through this method company develop healthy customer's relation along and also make further improvements in their training programs.

Trainers and Trainee feedback:

Human resource mangers take feedback form trainers and trainees. Their review can help in knowing the actual worthiness of the grooming programs. Through this feedback company is able to identity strengths and weakness of every individual in organization (Weekley, and Ployhart, 2013). Through these employees can improves its performances by rectify its mistakes.


For evaluating training effectiveness McDonald also use continuous audit. With help of this company try to evaluate training impacts on its financial statements. Through this approach organization able to identify its weak area and improves its current training programs.

Recognition and Achievements

If overall performances and profitability of company is improved then it can be said that training event become successful but if it is not then it is failed. Buy this technique McDonald make complete evaluation of its training program's and try to improve employees performances and their morals (Ulrich, 2013). It helps to them for provide better work at company. It provides optimistic results to entity and they ensure its long term growth.

There are various types of formal and informal techniques which is used by McDonald for evaluating training programs such as measuring after job performance, taking direct feed back from customers and taking feedback from trainers and trainees. All these methods assist to company for measuring performances of its learning and development programs (Vida and Ali 2015.). The most appropriate techniques which is used by entity is receiving feedback form customers. Through this technique firm can directly make interaction with its customers and enhances its customers services along quality.

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3.2 Review the success of the evaluation methods

Training programs are monitor by top management of company and it is important to make evaluate these training programs for enhancing performances. With the help of effective technique they evaluate their training programs and give better knowledge to workers and serve better services to its customers (Mello, 2014). To evaluating training programs McDonald's uses various types of technique. Customer's feedback is one of then in which organization make direct interaction with its customers and ask opinions about its service. If consumers give positive feedback then it is assumed that training programs successful and also through this approach organization is able to make further improvements in its training programs.

Another technique which is used by McDonald is receiving direct feedback form trainers and trainees. This is considered the most effective way to evaluate training. Under this method HR manager make direct interaction with trainers and trainees and try to evaluating actual strengths and weakness individual (Liebowitz and Frank, 2016.). Through this method entity get strengths and weakness of individuals. Auditing is another traditional method which is used by company.

Under this method company is trying to make evaluating effectiveness of training by checking its impacts on financial positions. If entity's overall probability is enhances then it is considered that training programs have positive impact on organization. This technique is known as achievements and recognition (Passmore and Velez, 2014). Through this technique McDonald's try to improve its employees performances and their morals. It provides optimistic results to entity.

3.3 Evaluation models

There are various types of models which is used by models for evaluations effectiveness of training. For evaluating training McDonald's use following models.

Kirkpatrick model

This model is used by worldwide for evaluating the effectiveness of training (Ulrich, 2013). This models have four considers four levels for evaluations i.e. reactions, learning, Behaviour and results. Through this model organization is able to evaluated their training programs and make further improvement in their trainings. There are four levels in this model which are discussed as follows.


The degree to which participates find training favourable, engaging and relevant of their jobs. In this company ask opinions regrading training and by asking opinions they make further improvements in training programs.


In which learners acquire knowledge, skills, attitude and confidence towards their jobs. McDonald take different types of test which tests their knowledges and skills and on the basis on the training evaluation has been done (Weekley and Ployhart, 2013. ).


In which learners apply their theoretical knowledge on their jobs. Changes observed in behaviour. Employees after receiving training programs and evaluates how their theoretical knowledge helps to them in job.


In which company focuses on outcomes which occur after training. Positive improvements in the performances of staff members after traing programs will be assessed for evaluating effectiveness of training programs.
Another evaluation method which is used by entity is CIRO model. Under this model there are four stage which includes Context, input, reaction and outcome (Liebowitz and Frank, 2016.). Four stage are discussed as below.


In company identifying training needs and objectives and according to that they develop training programs. McDonald use this technique for making their training programs more effective.


At this stage company design and delivering training to its employees (Kotler, 2015). Under this stage company is trying to develop training programs as per requirement of employees so they can enhance their abilities and skills.


In this stage the fast food company check quality of its training methods. If quality is workers is not upto standards of entity then further improvements make in training programs (Kehoe .and Wright, 2013).


At this stage organization gather information about results of training and make evaluation how effective this training programs helps to company for achieving its business objectives.

McDonald expanded it business activities at global level by giving franchises. The company use evaluation model in its franchises for providing training to its employees. The first model which is used company is Kirkpatrick model. This is considered the most effective model for evaluating training programs in its franchises business. This technique is more suitable for providing on the job training to its employees. However, it is also considered to be very expensive and time consuming process.

Another method which is used by organization is CIRO model which is similar to Kirkpatrick model (Liebowitz and Frank, 2016.). Under this model entity first evaluate need of training and design training schedules according to their employees need. However, this process does not provide accurate results so for the McDonald most appropriate model is Kirkpatrick which they can use for training programs across its franchises.


McDonald is leading fast food company which operate its operation at worldwide. Management of company brings different technique for improving performances of its employees which assist to them for stay and fight in highly competitive business environment. From the above report it is concluded that McDonald has friendly environment that aids workforces to feel more comfortable at workplace. It is also concluded that the food company is providing all facilities which enhances its employees performances. However, entity need to give more focus to identify critical area within organization and effective apply all theories and practices.

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  • Gatewood, R and, 2015. Human resource selection. Nelson Education.Humanika.
  • Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Journal of management.
  • Kotler, P., 2015.Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU.
  • Liebowitz, J. and Frank, M., 2016. Knowledge management and e-learning. CRC press.
  • Mello, J. A., 2014. Strategic human resource management. Nelson Education.
  • Myers, M.D., 2013. Qualitative research in business and management. Sage.
  • Nickson, D., 2013. Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge.
  • Oke, L., 2016. Human Resources Management. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926.
  • Passmore, J. and Velez, M.J., 2014. Training evaluation. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement.
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