
Business Evaluation Through Different Management Approaches


Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the activity which the organization conducts for the betterment of society. There are several medium through which the firm give benefit to the society. Mulberry a luxury fashion organization has been considered in the report. It is renowned for its leather products and services. Being the large the logo of the company is a public domain as it is not original. This report will focus on the Mulberry human resource management and the benefits it provides to its employees. On the other hand, emphasis is laid on the supply chain management of Mulberry. Through these practices, the CSR activities conducted by the organization can be recognized.

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Mulberry Approach to Human Resource Management

Mulberry is the luxury organization of UK and it is famous for its leather goods. Corporate social responsibility in form of HRM is important for every organization whether it is small or large. The government had made compulsory for the firms to carry out some activities for the benefit of the employees (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). It is advantageous for the organization because it helps in establishing effective goodwill in the market. By serving the society, the organization can attract large number of individuals towards them which will help in increasing profitability of the organization.

The organization effectively carries out the corporate social responsibility by helping the employees in raising the standard of living. In case of Mulberry they have the simple approach towards the society, community, environment etc. they motivate the employees to effectively fulfil their responsibility towards the society (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). They have carried out the CSR activity in the form of conducting the training courses. In the training courses, they have provided employees with leather skills and the technical skills. Through this, it can be witnessed that it is significant for the company because through these training sessions, they educate as well as develop the individuals who are not able to get these types of knowledge regarding the skills (Okpara and Idowu, 2013). This way the organization support the development of society which aid in giving employment that is beneficial for the country. On the other hand, they have employed effective technology to enhance the communication as well as the productivity of the organization. This is helpful for human resource because they are being skilled by using the new technology in the organization (Human Resources, 2017).

According to these apprentices, it has been witnessed that the Mulberry has conducted around 90 programs for enhancing the skills and capabilities of the employees. Through these training sessions, the individuals have been working in the product development, planning and other activities of the organization (Barnea and Rubin, 2010). This not only benefits the employees but it is also beneficial for the organization because they get skilled workers for their organization. Besides this, through the CSR activity, community engagement can be achieved. Through this, the employees are providing benefit to the organization. On the other hand, by conducting these types of activities in the organization, the Mulberry takes the feedback from the workers regarding the activities (El Ghoul, Guedhami, Kwok and Mishra, 2011). Annually the feedbacks are taken so that they can effectively modify the initiatives which are taken by the company.

According to UK, it has made a modern slavery act 2015 in which the organization who have the turnover of £36m and more are complied to public a report in which they are required to mention the steps which the company has taken for reducing the slavery as well as human trafficking (Werther and Chandler, 2010). Due to this reason, the Mulberry has been vigilant in the practices which it conducts in the organization. Besides this, Mulberry provides the value added benefit to the employees working in the organization. In this, the firm provides health plans and diseases management. There are employees who are not able to get treatment because of the financial problem. So in this case, through plan, Mulberry is able to provide benefit to them (Peloza and Shang, 2011). So in this case, the government has also made certain steps so that they can protect the situation. It has been noticed that only government cannot help in eradicating the issues of the society. Through conducting activities and providing different types of benefits to the employees, the organization can help in sustainable development.

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Mulberry Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is an important concept for the organization. With the proper supply chain, the organization can help n satisfying the client as well as the customers. Besides this, the profit of the organization is decided through the supply chain which it has adopted for making its products available for its customers. Mulberry has vertical supply chain around 110 stores (Kim, Park and Wier, 2012). In this case, in the frequent time, the supply chain of the organization is changing effectively so that the organization can deliver growth plans and continue their excellence in the services. It has the effective supply chain.

The organization has recently adopted new technologies for their supply chain management. They have adopted the Manhattan supply chain so that they can render the goods effectively to the people. Further, due to the increasing demand they organization switched to paper based system to the technology system for the warehouse management. At the time of Christmas, the firm has to take the efficient warehouse in which they can stores their products (Karnani, 2010). On the other hand, they have recruited human resources so that Mulberry can fulfil the internet demand of the customers. Due to the new and the efficient warehouse, the stock of the warehouse arrives quarterly. As compare to the past situation and warehouse, the organization was suffering from stock problem, lack of visibility etc. but now adopting the new technology it is able to manage the stock effectively. Besides this, they have fully automated their system which can provide convenience as they can buy the bulk of product for their customers (Lai and, 2010). They have adopted the cloud based packages which help the Mulberry in reducing the products which are kept in the store. This will help in carrying out the effective deliveries as well as improvements.

Besides this, as it is the luxury fashion brand so it uses the skin of animals for producing its products. According to the different environmental acts, the forms are not aggressively allowed to use the skin of animals. In that case, due to the CSR activity they have maintained the direct supply chain with their suppliers (McWilliams and Siegel, 2011). Through this reason, the availability of materials can be trace easily. It is important for the organization to do so because the animals are harmed for making the products. Even the products are tagged through CITES so the government can track the original leather through which the product is made (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). These are some of the approaches which are adopted by the Mulberry organization to protect the environment and help in development of the society.

On the other hand, Mulberry is the member of the responsible ecosystem sourcing platform and they have been launching the projects in Italy, Mexico etc for tracing the availability of the material used in manufacturing the items. Further, they have been helping in sustainable development and focusing on the animal welfare for protecting the species of Python and crocodilian (Kim, Park and Wier, 2012). This is one of the effective initiatives which are taken by the Mulberry organization for safeguarding the environment. The organization can conduct the program for the society in which they can make the people aware regarding the issues prevailing in the country. Besides this, on the basic issues, Mulberry can support the society and provide charities to them (Mulberry bags Manhattan Associates for supply chain success, 2017). Mulberry has always been cautious for the supply chain and the materials which they use in the organization. Through making the supply chain transparent they are able to fulfil the CSR activities for the organization.

Further, Mulberry can further adopt different logistics as well as technology which can help in making their supply chain management project effective. It has been witnessed that with the help of supply chain, the organization can satisfy their customers as well as develops their cost advantage in the market (Lai and, 2010). This will further assist in developing competitive advantage. Through this reason focus should be laid on supply chain management.

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From the above report it can be concluded that, there are several initiatives which are taken by the Mulberry organization for the human resource management. They have made certain training programs for enhancing the skills of the individuals. This will help the workers in development. On the other hand, Mulberry has made the value added benefit program which help to attract as well as retain the employees. Besides this, CSR activity has been conducted by the organization through following different policies as well as rules which are made for the employee welfare. On the other hand, they have also focused on launching the tracing facility in the other countries. Through the supply chain management, the firm have co0nducted the CSR activity effectively.

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  • Lindgreen, A., & Swaen, V. (2010). Corporate social responsibility.International Journal of Management Reviews,12(1), 1-7.
  • Carroll, A. B., & Shabana, K. M. (2010). The business case for corporate social responsibility: A review of concepts, research and practice.International journal of management reviews,12(1), 85-105.
  • Okpara, J. O., & Idowu, S. O. (2013).Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Barnea, A., & Rubin, A. (2010). Corporate social responsibility as a conflict between shareholders.Journal of business ethics.97(1). 71-86.
  • El Ghoul, S., Guedhami, O., Kwok, C. C., & Mishra, D. R. (2011). Does corporate social responsibility affect the cost of capital?.Journal of Banking & Finance.35(9). 2388-2406.
  • Werther Jr, W. B., & Chandler, D. (2010).Strategic corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders in a global environment. Sage publications.
  • Peloza, J., & Shang, J. (2011). How can corporate social responsibility activities create value for stakeholders? A systematic review.Journal of the academy of Marketing Science.39(1). 117-135.
  • Kim, Y., Park, M. S., & Wier, B. (2012). Is earnings quality associated with corporate social responsibility?.The Accounting Review.87(3). 761-796.
  • Karnani, A. (2010). The case against corporate social responsibility.Wall Street Journal,23, 1-5.
  • Lai, C. S. and, (2010). The effects of corporate social responsibility on brand performance: The mediating effect of industrial brand equity and corporate reputation.Journal of business ethics.95(3). 457-469.
  • McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. S. (2011). Creating and capturing value: Strategic corporate social responsibility, resource-based theory, and sustainable competitive advantage.Journal of Management.37(5). 1480-1495.
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