
Management Styles

Compare different Management Styles

Management of the business is a major responsibility over the leader of the organization. Ryanair Air is using different management practices. A major management strategy used by Ryanair Air is democratic management. In this type of management, the leader of the company asks the employees of the organizations, before he takes any decisions (Cardinal, 2014). The leader of the organization takes decisions according to his management styles. There are professionals and confidences in this type of management. An important benefit of discussing the project with employees of the organization is that the issues will be indicated earlier, when the discussion is going on about the projects (Allen and Kussy, 2011). Communicating with staff before taking decisions helps in boosting the morale of the employees of the organization. Cons of this type of management are that decision making becomes very time consuming because of discussion, and it can impact many other projects due to giving short time.

This type of management, if compared to other management styles, is quite different. The point where both are different from each other is that in Bureaucratic management, the management of the organization implements rules and regulations on the employees and the employees must have to follow those rules and regulations. Autocratic management is considered as dictatorial management (Farkas, Arthur and Lois, 1989). In this type of management, the person who is leading the organization completely rules the organization. The leader of the organization is responsible for taking all the decisions regarding the operation of the organization. Moreover, they completely keep a check over the performance of the employees of the organization. Laissez-faire management is different from all the management styles. In this management style, the leader of the organization gives a free hand choice to the employees of the organization to use the strategies and policies of their choice to solve the problems related to operations (Van Emden and Becker, 2010). This thing is seen in case of democratic and bureaucratic leadership style.

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Ryanair is a world low cost airline that is headquartered in Swords and Dublin. In 2013 it was the largest European airline in terms of passenger numbers as well as scheduled passenger carry capacity. Management style that is adopted by the top managers plays a very important role in growth of the organization. The main reason behind the success of Ryanair is its low cost business model. But an organization can no longer grow by dissatisfying its important stakeholders.

Taylor scientific approach

As per Taylor scientific management managers must lay down stress on improving efficiency and boosting productivity in an organization. According to Taylor managers must develop a methods that helps them in determining accurate time that need to be taken for performing a task. Moreover, they must also devise a method that must be used for performing a specific task. Hence, by doing this managers can develop their managerial skills in an organization.

Henry Fayol approach

He state that a manager must clear a chain of authority and responsibility among employee’s. So that every one know that from whom he will receive an order. Along with this he also state that managers must treat their subordinates equally and must give them authority in balance with responsibility. So that no one can misuse its powers. He also state that managers must direct efforts of the employees in the specific direction. So that objectives get achieved on time. Briefly, we can say that he suggest the ways to the mangers by using which they can make best use of the available human resources in an organization.

Organizations also follow a various approaches like contingency approach that states that leader must change their leadership style as per change in situation. They must not stick to single leadership style. In this way they can give good leadership to their followers. Managers must also understand hierarchy of needs of their subordinates and must use their unsatisfying needs for motivating them. In order to maximize productivity from employees informal group must be promoted in an organization because in such group people share their knowledge with each other and learn lots of things.  In this way, good leadership can be given to the employee’s at the workplace.

Management style of Ryanair

Management of the Ryanair is following an autocratic style. Therefore, employees are not given an opportunity to participate in taking decisions related to the company business. Ryanair force its staff members to sign an agreement under which its employees cannot join a union in order to influence its business decisions. Moreover, many times it fires its employees from their job in order to protect its own interests.

Different types of management styles

Autocratic style- In this style management takes all the decisions alone it does not give its employees to participate in decision making process. As a result, a gap comes in existence between management and employee’s relations.

Democratic style- This style is inverse of autocratic management style. In this style management takes advice from the employees but final decisions are taken by the management. Firms that follow this style grow at fast pace because employees work at ground level so they are I position to give valuable suggestions to the management.

Paternalistic style- Like autocratic style they also believe in retaining control but they have caring attitude towards their employees.

Ryanair must follow democratic leadership style because its relations with the employees are very poor and this to large extent tarnish its image in media and among public. By following this style, it will receive cooperation of its employees in its operations and relation between both will become strong.

Discuss leadership characteristics

Leadership is an important aspect of any business. It acts as a facilitator who makes all the other elements to be united and work together. Where there is no leadership, there is no success of a business. Organization without leader is like an army force without generals. A leader is filled with several characteristics and attributes.  At Ryanair Air, it is necessary for the leadership of the airline to be skilled and experience, so that it is capable of dealing with any issues in emergency situation.

Effective communication is a major characteristic of any leadership. Ryanair Air believes that effective communication keeps the employees motivated and dedicated. It keeps the employees on the right track with right attitude. If the leader communicates with his employees regarding the expectation, they will work more hard to meet your expectations (Hackman and Lawler, 1971). Conviction is another characteristic of a leader which makes him different from the others. He has a clear vision about achieving the objectives of the organization. Ryanair Air is lucky enough that it has such a strong leadership which keeps the employees motivated to achieve the objectives and goals.

Leaders are flexible. All the problems cannot be solved by using the strategies and same ideas. Being flexible makes a leader to think about new ideas and strategies with open mind. A flexible leader always thinks three steps ahead to its employees. Ryanair Airlines solves the problems with unique attitude and keeping a strong focus toward the problem. Being organized is another important characteristic of the leadership. When you are leading a business, you can always receive call for meetings or presentations at any time. A good leader is always ready and confident about such sudden calls. He is always prepared and always ready to face such situations (Van Emden and Beck er, 2010).

Leadership plays a very important role in success of any organization. Due to leadership many small companies today becomes giant organization in their respective industry. As mentioned above Ryanair is following an autocratic style and its characteristics are as follows.

Follow fire approach in order to control employees- Ryanair in order to control its employees action fire them if they take any action that is against the agreement that is signed between employees and company. Consequently, relationship between management and employees are very poor. This fire approach to large extent affects morale and motivation level of the employees.

Dictatorship- Management of Ryanair act as dictator with its employees by imposing wrong provision in an agreement. As mentioned above if any employee breach these provision they are fire from the job. So Ryanair completely act as dictator for its employees.

Creating fear among employees- Ryanair is creating a fear among the employees by taking strong as well as unfair actions against them. As a result employees are feeling demotivated in an organization.

Motivation- Good leaders always motivate their subordinates and in this regard they use financial and non financial incentives. Hence, in Ryanair financial incentives are used at large scale to motivate employees at the workplace. Use of these techniques gives only fruitful results when requirements of the employees get satisfied. If person needed money and any gift is given to him then he will not value it and will not be motivated by same.

Performance- Good leaders utilize their followers in effective manner by motivating them to give maximum output. Motivation can be given by appreciating a work or giving more responsibilities. At the Ryanair managers time to time conduct a appreciation programs under which employees are given certification or trophies for their best performance in an organization. In this way, managers motivate their subordinates in an organization.

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Conflict resolution - Leaders at the Ryanair maintain beliefs in maintaining a solidarity in a group. Thus, they takes a steps that promote unity in a team and if any conflict arises among team members they interfere immediately and resolve a conflict. In this way, they maintain solidarity in a group.

Characteristics of good leadership

Flexible in nature- Leadership must be flexible in nature it must take actions according to demand of the situation. There are many firms that are not involving there employees in decision making process. But when they takes decision related to employee’s interest they give employees an opportunity to participate in decision making process. This helps them in maintaining good relations with the employees as well as improving their motivation level.

Confident- A good leadership is always confident about soundness of its decisions related to the business.

Open minded- Good leaders are open minded in nature and they play a key role in success of any organization.

Initiative- A leader works as motivator for its employees and he take many initiatives in order to motivate employees in an organization.

Evaluate communication processes in Ryanair Air and Emirates

Communication refers to the interaction between two participants. The communication process in two parties keeps changing and it is hard to explain. The purpose of this task is to evaluate the communication process between Ryanair Air and Emirates. The process of communication starts with understanding the perceptive of communication. When both of these companies would want to communicate with each other, they would need some source to start communication. After the source of communication is found, they will start interacting with each other about different issues and matter. Now they would need a channel through which their message will be conveyed to each other (Van Emden and Becker, 2010). For example, when we read or write, we need a channel to make it reach to the other people. Next, let’s suppose the company Emirates is the receiver of the message and it will receive the message through that particular channel used by both the companies. The company, Emirates will receive the message through the channel and it will interpret the message in two ways, intended and non-intended. It means that the company responded to the channel, whether intentionally or un-intentionally. This response is known as feedback. The environment and the contexts are also important in a communication process because environment matters a lot when you are sending a message. Context of the interaction or communication is also sufficient because it is about the expectations and background of the message (Manheim, 1983).

Both companies follow formal communication structure in which there is a chain of hierarchy and employees by following this hierarchy communicates with each other. This structure positively affects both companies because in this method of communication authority and responsibility of every employee is predetermined by the management. It also decides who will communicate with whom. As a result if any mistake occurs then management can easily make an employee responsible for the act he commits on his job. So this helps firms in performing controlling function of the management. In this structure both verbal and non-verbal mode of communication can be used by the employees for the communication between them. In a situation when fast decisions are needed, this structure act as barrier. So in order to remove this barrier this structure can be made flexible in which employees can directly contact with the top managers in such a scenario Management communication with employees is good at the Ryanair. But this mode of communication has some advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of this is that in this sort of communication relationship of managers with employee’s become strong. employee’s are in position to communicate their grievance to the top management easily. This helps managers in improving their management skills. The  main disadvantage of this mode of communication is that employees fell that management is relent by nature and they can force managers to fulfill their demands. Hence, this is major drawback of this mode of communication.

Justify Managerial Decisions Made To Support Achievement Of Agreed Goal Or Objective And Recommendations For Improvements

Decision making is an important factor that influences the growth of a business. As a manager, I need to analyze the factors and challenges that are stopping me to take decisions. It is necessary to analyze the problem which calls me for taking decision about the problem (Van Emden and Becker, 2010). It is necessary to start analyzing from the roots instead of the problem statement. Problems can never be solved unless they are analyzed from their roots (Taylor and Vest, 1992). As a manager of the Ryanair Air, I would like to take decisions about the services of the customer’s services center of the organization. Customers are very important and very precious for any organization. It is the responsibility of the management to take appropriate decisions to make changes in customer services center, for providing better experience to the customers. I will take decisions about developing the relationships of the employees within the organization. If the working environment of the organization is full of stress, the employees will never be able to show good performance. I wanted to take decision about changing the working environment, because i understand the importance of good working environment for employees. Group division will help the employees to interact with each other on personal level too instead of just communicating for project discussion purpose (Van Emden and Becker, 2010).

Product and service knowledge- Customers are life blood of every company. Therefore, main objective of every company is to create new customers and to retain old customers. For this purpose I will adopt such measures that helps in increasing product and service knowledge among customers. For this purpose advertisement can be given on internet, newspapers etc. through these measures we will be able to cover large number of customers. This will certainly help in increasing customer base for the company.

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Product development- Advertising existing product is not sufficient to increase number of customers. In order to create new customers at rapid rate it is imperative to create new schemes that attracts large number of customers towards the company. This will help in increasing company growth rate quickly.

There is a customer service theory which state that firms must identify needs of the customers and must satisfy same. By using certain schemes or lucrative offers firm must exceed the expectations of the customers. By doing this company can enhance its customer base at a rapid pace Hence, every firm,operating in service industry must follow this model in order to grow its business rapidly.


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