
Assignment on Organisational Change

Introduction to Organisational Change

Change management is all about proper management of transforming actions which can lead business to impressive success. In other aspect, it can be said that there are number of change management tools which are beneficial for effective transformation of employees skills and organisational process in order to meet organisational goals and desired targets (Baum, 2003). It mainly focuses on the control process which provides better support to transformation needs for sustainable development. It is also considered as one of well designed and planned action which ensure about effective application of actions in order to attain long lasting benefits.

Change Management

Change management is also known as action in which organisation focuses on controlled identification and application of desired change within operations in order to have better development and compete effectively with other business organisation (Blake, 2008). In other aspect, it can be said that it is necessary for management of Jaguar to focus on actions which can minimize the risk of change by having proper involvement of key players as well as stakeholders.

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In this support, it Claire (2010) has said that in order to have better application of change it is necessary for management of Jaguar to focus on effective management of human resource. It has been identified that any significant transformation within organisation may create number of issues so it is necessary for management to understand the needs of employee’s and then have effective implementation of change management actions (Claire, 2010). It is necessary for leaders of Jaguar to ensure that all employees are well known of their roles and responsibilities in order to meet the needs of change.

Change management have great impact of behavioural aspect so it is necessary for management of Jaguar to have proper evaluation of employees behaviour towards change. As per the view of Galvin (2003) with an improved level of information regarding employees behaviour the business organisation can easily design change actions which can provide various benefits in form of operational advancement (Galvin, 2003). It also facilitates in effective accomplishment of organisational objectives by focusing on diverse improvement methods. Change management process has direct positive impact on the overall organisational performance which also enhances the success level (Carr, 2001). There are number of change management approaches which can be adopted by management of Jaguar to enhance effectiveness and productivity

Moreover, Rowley (2000) has said that management also need to focus on effective identification of environmental conditions because it also has some direct impacts on the workplace conditions. Management of Jaguar must focus on market research to identify the needs in order to design better change management actions (Rowley, 2000). Other than this, change management approaches is also beneficial for advancement in motivation level of employees as it facilitates in effective acceptance of change actions and reduce cost of operations.

Dunphy, 2007 has asserted that change actions must be designed as per employees needs and perception, this clearly indicates that social perception is having significant involvement in change management process. In some conditions it is also possible that improper identification of employee needs may create some issues for management of Jaguar (Dunphy, 2007). For example, employee’s may resist to accept change as it does not provide benefits as per their needs and perception. It means it can be considered as critical issue which influences organisational development and change management.

Employees perception is also differ due to differences in cultural aspects so in order to reduce the negative impact of diversification on change, it is necessary for management of Jaguar to maintain balance among all cultural and organisational aspects (Green, 2007). Lack of information regarding change actions and tools can also influence the success ratio of change management. It means employees must have proper knowledge about change management actions in order to have effective application and development.

Models and methods of change management.

Lewin's change management model is one of most appropriate method of change management as it provides better way to manage change actions. In this support, it can be said that the change can be managed by focusing on various structural steps (Carr, 2013). Stages of Lewin's model can be classified as unfreeze, change and refreeze.

Unfreeze is change phase in which managers of Jaguar ensure about the actions which can facilitate in accepting changes within work culture. Management get involved in preparing actions to reduce negative impact of existing conditions by steeping towards change. Managers must focus on identification of key areas which requires change. Blake (2008) has also said with a improved focus on change needs the managers can ensure about all queries which can influence change. It also facilitates in effective application of change activities as per organisational needs.

Other than this, it is also necessary for management to concentrate on various actions which can provide effective development. Carnall (2007) has asserted that number of implications need to be considered for better flow information regarding change and create awareness regarding change at diverse levels of business. Motivation tools also need to be used for employee empowerment (Carnall, 2007). In the last phase the manager of aguar need to focus on refreeze factor in order to attain effective development and meeting the needs of change management. Moreover, number of alternative actions and ways also need to considered as significant aspect in order to meet sustainable change needs (Claire, 2010).

In the support of above statement Fitsimmons (2009) has said that the management must focus on training and development program to improve the employees skills and awareness regarding change needs. The success of change management process depends on understanding of employee’s needs and perception so manager need to focus on various research activities and sources for effective execution of change management procedure (Fitsimmons, 2009). Training and communication programs can be arranged to ensure that staff members are attaining proper information regarding change process. It will create better awareness among members and facilitates in better acceptance of change actions in order to meet change needs. Other than this, Normandin(2012) has identified that number of employees does not accept change due to lack of motivation so it is necessary for management to use motivation tools to influence employees perception in the support of change (Normandin, 2012).

Moreover, the organisation can also focus on nt Help Australiamonetary and non-monetary rewards to enhance the motivation level among employees as it will provide better opportunities. Employees perception can be influenced by effective use of leadership style so it is also necessary for management to focus on participative leadership (Fitsimmons, 2009). With an assistance of participative leadership the management of Jaguar can easily understand the employees needs which is beneficial for effective application of change management process.

In the support of this, author has critically stated that the management can also focus on emergent change for effective management. In this the change will take placed as per the assumptions. It consider open ended and unpredictable process for better allotment and management of actions. The management can easily manage change in effective manner by using realigning management. On the other side, perspective change means the management focuses on the sensible way of judging diverse actions. In other aspect, it can be said that the management can judge all conditions in better way and then design the actions for effective handing of change management. With an assistance of perspective management of Jaguar can easily identify the employees needs which is beneficial for effective application of change management process. Moreover, the estimated approach provides better preparation of actions as per future goals which is beneficial to reduce negative impact of existing conditions by steeping towards change.


Change management process plays a key role in success of every organisation so it is necessary for business firm to focus on each and every aspect which can influence the process (Carnall, 2007). As per the structured study, it can be asserted that the management of Jaguar can face number of issues during the application of change management actions so it is necessary for management to focus on these barriers.

Carr (2013) has said that one of critical issue during the change management is regarding improper allocation of resources. It has been identified that the business organisation faces issues in change management process due to lack of resources available so management need to overcome this issue in appropriate manner (Carr, 2013). Change management actions requires high level of investment in order to have effective application of process. If organisation is not having proper amount of funds then it may impact the overall process and organisational productivity. In this it is necessary for management of Jaguar to focus on various internal and external sources to overcome the issue in appropriate manner and lead business to impressive success (Dunphy, 2007).

Another issue is regarding lack of knowledge among employees so it is also necessary for management to focus on effective development of workforce. Lack of information regarding change management impacts effectiveness of overall process (Carr, 2001). In this aspect, the management of Jaguar must focus on training and development program to create awareness among employee’s. With an improved focus on employability skills management can overcome this kind of issue in appropriate manner.

Furthermore, Dunphy (2007) has also argued that the rapid changes in needs and economic conditions is also one of critical aspect and it can also impact the change management process in negative manner (Dunphy, 2007). It means it is essential for management of Jaguar to realize employees needs and economic conditions in most suitable manner. With an improved focus on economic conditions identification the management can easily manage change management actions.

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As per the above study it can be concluded that the change management is one of significant aspect in organisational process. It is considered as a action in which management focuses on transformation of structure, planning, management, etc in order to attain impressive success and effective accomplishment of goals. It has been spotted that there are number of change management models which facilitate the management of Jaguar in effective accomplishment of change management needs. Other than this, management can also focus on other managerial tools to amend the success ratio of change management process. The classification of managerial actions can be as training and development program, motivation skills, leadership style, etc. These methods also facilitate in effective development of awareness and skills which is beneficial for effective change management process.


  • Baum, R. J., 2003. Strategic Decision Speed and Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal.
  • Blake, I., 2008. Project Managing Change: Practical Tools and Techniques to Make Change Happen. Prentice Hall.
  • Carr, A., 2001. The psychodynamics of organizational change management: An overview. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
  • Claire, V., 2010. Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities. Library Management.
  • Dunphy, D., 2007. Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability Routledge.
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