
Managing Food and Beverage Operations


Management of food and beverage operations includes different types of activities that are related to buying of raw material, allotment of responsibilities to the staff members, preparation of food items, maintaining quality of food items etc. It is very important for all the companies who are operating business under hospitality industry to provide such services to their customers so that they can be retained (Arendt and Zannini, 2013).

If it is not possible for the organisations to operate business appropriately than it will result negatively and affect the profitability as well as productivity. This project report is mainly based on food and beverage sector in which different topics have been discussed such as exploration of food and beverage industry including different styles of food and beverage service outlets, rating system and current trends in the industry.

Demonstration of professional food and beverage service standard in a real working environment, comparison of the ways in which different food and beverage organisations using technology to improve their efficiency and information of customer behaviour and motivation and they way in which service industry use this data to maximise business success have also been discussed under this assignment.

Task 1

P1 Different types of businesses in food and beverage industry

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An employee of a career advisory service have been appointed by a large private school to provide appropriate career guidance to the students so that they can choose ideal career path and job (Bovay and Alston, 2018). Hired consultant have chosen a simplest way in which a table has been formulated to guide the pupil. The table is as follows:

S. No.





Example Employer



Hotels are mainly concerned with the lodging services and provide accommodation services to the guests.

Now a days the business of hotels is running successfully as  pay scale in hotels is very good.

Working hours in hotels is very high and employees have to work more than 12 hours.

Inter- continental is the biggest hotel group in UK and operating its business successfully there. Website:


Theme Park Restaurants

Theme parks are the prefect destination in weekends and holidays and they also provide food and beverage services.

Profitability of theme parks is very high as  they have promotion opportunities (Davis and, 2018).

There is lack of career advancement in theme parks.

Alton Towers is one of the leading theme park in UK. Website:


Hospital Catering Services

The companies who supply food to hospitals and set their menu according to the patients. Currently such organisations are generating good profits as number of hospitals are increasing and they require hygienic food for their patients.

As Hospital Catering Services are provided to the patients hence it is a good option for learning and development because individuals get chance of meeting different people.

Individuals in this sector may have to work in rotational shifts.

OCS Group is an organization who is successfully operating its business and set up by Frederick William GoodLife.


Fast food

These are the organisations who serves fast food to the public and attain higher profitability.

Main advantage of fast food business is that it attracts youth and pay scale in such type of organisations is very high.

Employees are treated as valuable part in such type of organisations.

Wimpy is a fast food outlet in UK who is successfully operating business there. Its founders are J. Lyons and Edward Gold.


Contract Catering

The organisations who supply food and beverage items on contract basis are considered as the part of contract catering.

There is a opportunity in contract catering to broaden the career (Espiñeira and Santaclara, 2016).

It requires higher amount of funds and more involvement single mistake can harm the business.

Eden caterers is the catering contract company who is operating business in UK. Its founder is Paul Milanovic.


Culture and Heritage Food Services

The food outlets under this sector offer traditional food of a particular country.

Opening such type of food outlet can help to enhance profits as it provides prestige to the business entities.

Working in such type of organisations is not beneficial for the individuals as there is lack of career advancement.

Aqua Japanese is an organisation who is executing business under culture and heritage food service sector. Founder of this organisation is Amano Takeshi.


Casual Dining

Such type of sector serve food and beverage items in casual atmosphere.

 As it is mainly focused with family and friends outing hence there is social able working hours for employees.

Pay scale in such type of organisations is very low(Ferreira, Maier and Johanson, 2012).

Ruby Tuesday is a restaurant who is providing casual dining services in UK. Founder and owner of this organisation is Samuel E. Beall.

Task 2

P2 Different types of rating system used for food and beverage industry

A class room activity is being conducted by the career consultant who has been hired by the school to guide students. This activity is conducted to discuss different types of grading and rating systems in food and beverage sector. The rating and grading system help the customers to choose the best place. Some of the grading methods are as follows:

Score on the doors: 

It is a promotional program that provide scores to the business who have achieved a good standard for their food items. If an organisation receives good rating from than this helps to attract large number of customers as they only want to be at such place who serves excellent beverage and food (Hill and Hill, 2017).

AA Rosettes: 

It is a type of grading system in which grades are provided to the hotels or restaurants by an AA inspector who visit the hotel or restaurant. Various things are being analysed by food investigator that includes testing entire meal, analysing delivery system and the ingredients that are used by the restaurant to cook food. Five different types of rosette are provided by the food critiques. These are one, two, three, four, five rosette. All of provided according to the quality standards and the method of cooking food.

Michelin stars:

It is a grading system in which restaurants are graded according to their quality of food. One, two and three star rating is used under this rating system. In which one star dictates a good restaurant, two stars are the sign of excellent cooking and three stars are the symbol of exceptional cuisine.

Hotel stars: Five different types of stars are provided to the hotels in which customers analyse that hotel is a good place to stay or not. Following are the stars that are provided to the hotels:

  • One star:The hotels with one star for their pathetic services and bad food quality that reduce interest of customers (Mellentin and Heasman, 2014).
  • Two stars:If a hotel get two stars it means that it does not maintain the standard of food quality and not performing good in market.
  • Three stars:The hotel who is offering good quality food and maintain level of standard of food quality will be provided three stars.
  • Four stars:The very good performing hotel will be rated by four stars and such type of hotels always be focused with food safety.
  • Five stars:The hotel with excellent food and services are provided five stars and the standards of such hotels is very high.

Task 3

P4 Professional food and beverage management skills

In all the organisations who are working under food and beverage sector it is very important to manage the restaurant or hotel appropriately so that it can result in higher profits and enhanced productivity. Following are the skills that are required to manage this appropriately:

  • Skills to deal with sudden problems that ,may take place and affect businesses. These problems are high number of customers, insufficient ingredients and conflicts among staff members.
  • Good communication skills of the manager and other higher authorities so that they can directly communicate with customers and listen their issues in order to resolve them effectively.
  • Proper management in all the departments of the organisation.
  • Allotment of appropriate funds and responsibilities to the different divisions of the hotel or restaurant so that all the activities can be executed.
  • Keeping track record of all the tasks that are performed by staff members so that it can be assured that it has been accomplished successfully.
  • Determining customer's needs and demands and offer them such food items that they are willing to buy.
  • Making modifications in the food items so that it can fit to the taste of customers.

All the above described skills are required for all the business entities so that they can fulfil all the legal requirements and follow the regulatory standards.

P5 Legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service outlets comply with

There are various type of legal requirements and regulatory standards that are required to be followed by the organisation who are operating business under food and beverage sector. For all the hotels and restaurants it is very important to follow all of them as it can help to execute the business successfully. Following are the legal requirements and regulatory standards:

  • Food safety act 1990: This act is guiding all the food outlets who are executing their business in market. It directs hotels and restaurants to prepare food safely and always focus on hygienic factor. For all the food outlets it is very important to assure the food quality as it can help to increase the number of customers.
  • Food hygiene regulations 2006: According to this act all the organisation who are concerned with food delivery or preparation activities should make sure that they conduct all of them in hygienic way. If a hotel is not working according to this act than legal bodies can take strict action against them.
  • Food safety act 2013: It is the modified version of food act 1990 and it has increased the strictness of the food safety as most of the hotels were not taking the old act seriously. According to this act the restaurants should focus on consumer health and provide them such facilities that are highly safe and wont harm their health. Main goal of this act is to reduce the cases of food poising.
  • HACCP: It is Hazard analysis and critical control point which is a law and a systematic approach toward food safety. It was imposed by legal food authorities of UK in which hotels and restaurants are guided to cook food with higher level of safety (HACCP, 2010).

All the above described acts and laws are required to be followed by all the organisations who are operating business under food and beverage sector.

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P6 Comparison and contrast of different operational and marketing technology

Most of the organisations are currently using different types of operational and marketing techniques in order to enhance their profits a comparison and contrast of both the techniques are as follows:


Operational techniques

Marketing techniques


Meaning: Operational techniques are related to the business execution in which all the operational activities are performed by the employees.

Meaning: All the promotional activities are considered as the part of marketing techniques in which new and innovative ways are used to market products or services.

Hotels and restaurants

Payment technology: All the hotels and restaurants may adopt new and innovative payment methods for the purpose of reducing work load of staff members. It is very beneficial or customers also as their time for making payment will also get reduced.

Social media: It is the simplest and cost saving method for conducting marketing activities because organisations only have to make a page online and than make regular posts regarding the services. It will help to reach large number of people in order to promote business (Wood, 2018).


Personnel records: The managers can keep record of each person who is working in the cafe so that their performance can be measured in order to provide them benefits.

Websites: Most of the large cafes promote them self on their own websites. Customers may get detailed information about the company on the web sites.


P7 Factors that influence consumer's decisions

There are various factors that are used by an organisation in order to influence the decision of customers on the food and beverage items. The factors are recorded in below mentioned table:

Influencing factors



Core by Clare Smyth

Chewton Glen Hotel

Picture of establishment:

Taking a selfie in front of the hotel or restaurant in which its name can be captured in the frame.

All of the three food outlets can be considered for picture of establishment.




Tariff Board/ Menus

Do the food outlets are having full menu at the entrance or on the counter?

Yeas all of them are having detailed menu for the visitors.




EPOS System:

1. Do the businesses having EPOS system?

2. Name of the manufacturer appears on the terminal.

3. The system is easy for the staff or not?



Bleep UK plc




















Card reader:

1. Do the businesses are having card reader system?

2. If yes, than does it allow contact less payment?

3. Does the system is accepting payments from google pay, apple pay or other?






















Product Display:

1. Do the food items of the outlets are displayed in an appropriate manner?

2. Does they are displayed in an attractive manner?

3. Do the food and beverage items look delicious

























Purchase Boosts:

1. What are the major steps taken by the food outlets to attract customers?

2. All the food items are prices individually or not?

3. Are there any motivational purchase components?

4. Do staff members take initiative increase sales?


All the food outlets are providing discounts and other benefits to their customers (Valta and, 2015).

























P8 Strategies that are used in a range of food and beverage outlets

Food and beverage sector use different types of strategies to increase their profits and sales and build loyal customers so that they can be retained. All the strategies are recorded in below table:




Core by Clare Smyth

Chewton Glen Hotel

Poster and advertisement:

1. Do the food outlets are using poster and advertisement strategy?

2.  What does they actually promote?

3. Do they appeal and likely to succeed?


Brand Name.




















1. Some typical items that reflects their prices

2. Do the prices are reflecting good value for money?

3. Do they provide any special offers?

Coffee (50£), Pizza (90£), Room (500£), Burger (80£)

No, because the prices are very high.























Repeat business:

1. What steps are taken by the business to encourage customers to return?

2. Do they provide loyalty cards?

3. Do the staff members are encouraging customers to return?

4. Is there any advertisement is forthcoming or soon to be launched by food outlets?

They are providing discounts coupons, special meal offers etc.


Yes, they interact with customers appropriately (Subramaniam and Wareing, 2016).

Yes, they are going to use new marketing campaign to enhance sales.





























Other observation:

What have been notices by you while visiting the outlets?

They are providing food according to the requirement of customers and focusing on their preference.




Website/ advertising:

1. Do the website is informative and professional?

2. Is it providing all the appropriate information to the customers which is required by them?

3. Are they advertising in any other way?



Yes, by using social media.























From the above project report it has been concluded that it is very important to manage the businesses in food and beverage sector as it requires higher involvement of the staff members. If the managers are not able to handle all the activities than it can harm the operational efficiency. While an organisation is willing to attain success than it is vital to be aware of market conditions so that appropriate strategies can be used for operational and marketing activities.


  • Arendt, E. K. and Zannini, E., 2013. Cereal grains for the food and beverage industries. Elsevier.
  • Bovay, J. and Alston, J. M., 2018. GMO food labels in the United States: Economic implications of the new law. Food Policy.
  • Davis, B. and, 2018. Food and beverage management. Routledge.
  • Espiñeira, M. and Santaclara, F. J. Eds., 2016. Advances in food traceability techniques and technologies: improving quality throughout the food chain. Woodhead Publishing.
  • Ferreira, R. R., Maier, T. A. and Johanson, M. M., 2012. Food and beverage levels during the 2008-2010 economic downturn in clubs. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management . 24(4). pp.614-627.
  • Hill, A. and Hill, T., 2017. Essential operations management. Macmillan International Higher Education.
  • Mellentin, J. and Heasman, M., 2014. The functional foods revolution: healthy people, healthy profits. Routledge.
  • Subramaniam, P. and Wareing, P. eds., 2016. The stability and shelf life of food. Woodhead Publishing.
  • Valta, K. and, 2015. Overview of water usage and wastewater management in the food and beverage industry. Desalination and Water Treatment. 53(12). pp.3335-3347.
  • Wood, R. C., 2018. Strategic questions in food and beverage management. Routledge.


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