
International Marketing of Nokia Mobiles

Introduction About Sample Case Study on Nokia

Marketing is one of the key practices for any of the organizations as it essentially supports in attracting large set of audiences on their side and it also aids in gaining high amount of efficiency. However, when organization operates in international market, then it requires to develop more effective and customized marketing strategy so that they can gain high return form every operational market and certainly able to attain an edge over their rivals. In this regard, this report is prepared in order to gain deep insight of the marketing of a company in a global context. It is being viewed that international market possess both opportunities and threats and hence it is required by company to manage their operations effectively so as to gain high mount of benefits from it (Smith and Chaffey, 2007). For this purpose, Nokia is taken into account in order to throw light upon their marketing mix and Internationalizations Process Theory which aids in gaining better understanding of their international marketing practice.

Marketing Mix Of Nokia

Marketing mix can be understands as a set of actions and practices that are being incorporated by organization in order to promote their products and services in the market place. In this regard, it majorly involves 4 basic elements i.e. product, price, place and promotion. This is the elements that essentially supports organization in catering large set of audiences on their side and hence aids in boosting their sales volume and profit margin. However, it is required to involve sound meriting mix practice by considering the target customer so that better results can be attained in relatively shorter time span (Tsai, 2009). In this regard, Nokia is considered which is a Finnish communication and information technology multinational corporation. Company is well known for their mobile phones and other telecommunication network equipments. It is ranked 19th in the list of top 100 brand of the world by Interbrand in year 2012 which slips to 57th rank in the very next year (Interbrand, 2014). Underneath is the discussion of the marketing mix of Nokia:

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Nokia is into telecommunication products and is prominently known for their mobile phone. They offer wide range of mobile phones to their customer starting form very economical and basic cell phones to high end smartphone. Company was gaining high amount of market share when they were offering their Symbian based mobile phone and hence enjoying high profit margin throughout the globe (Mulhern and Schultz, n.d.). But this scenario certainly changed with the introduction of Android phone in the market as this hampered the overall sales volume of Nokia. In order to manage this scenario, Nokia entered into Window’s and launched their Lumia series of phone is in order to regain the market share and profit margin. This supported organizations but they were not able to retain their earlier position with this also. In the year 2008, they brand value were at highest point of 35, 942$ million and it gradually declined afterwards due to various substitute of it (Interbrand, 2014). With this discussion, it can be state that product set of Jokai is not that effective in present situation and hence they certainly losing their market share gradually (Smith, 2012). Nokia restricted them to enter into Android market and this decision of company certainly destroyed their brand in the market place. However they still possess market for lower end devices but it doesn’t contributing much to company. Recently, Nokia launched their economical android devices in order to boost their sale, but still they not getting much respond from target customer as it is not an operation for smartphone which is one of the most demanded in market.


As far as price of Nokia product is concerned, they have a diverse portfolio in this regard. They essentially catered the interest from every set of customer that is being bifurcated in the basis of income level. Company offers cheapest, basic and black and white model to customer in order to gain attention from low income class people. Moreover, they also offers average and high end devices so that they able to settle the needs and wants of their every customer in best possible manner. In this regard, they utilizes skimming price strategy in their operations so that they able to maintain their presence in the market (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005). Moreover they also offer cash allowances so that better attracting of the target customer can be done. With this pricing strategy, Nokia able to become a choice for every set of customers while making a purchase. This high price variability essentially supported company in boosting their market share and helping them to survive in the market place.


Another crucial factor of marketing mix is place that replicates the point at which products are being available to customers so that they can buy it with ease. In this regard they Nokia follow different set of distribution strategy so that they can make their products available to customer with in their convenient reach only. For this, company uses Nokia gallery and dealership system so that better offering of the products can be done and with this, they able to boost their market share and sales volume in a considerable way (Rathmann, 2011). Moreover, they also incorporated online distribution in their place so that high amount of convenience to customers can be offered. They also entered into dealership with different malls and shopping center throughout the globe for better practices. This essentially aids them in gaining efficiency in their operations. With this, it can be state that they sound possess strategy with regards to place from which they able to gain high amount of efficiency in their operations.


For creating awareness among target customers about the products and services of the organizations, it is required to entail sound promotional strategy. In this regard, Nokia also involve different types of promotional technique from which they able to communicate with their target customer regarding their new and existing products. They incorporated a healthy portfolio for this purpose and take supports from different promotion techniques. They highly indulged into advertising of different form such as television, social media, bill boards, e-shopping sites, sign boards, websites, newspaper, radio, magazines, broachers, display stands, poster dummies and various other related (Alexander and Silva, 2002). This essentially support in conducting better brand awareness practice. Moreover, they also involve personal selling in their promotion by appointing dedicates personnel at stores so that better presentation to the customers can be done about the products and their features. Sales promotion in next dominant practice that are being involved by them. Under this, they offer gifts of different sort such as Yamaha Bike, Mitsubishi split AC, Philips TV, watches and digital diary and several other in order to boost their sale drastically. They also conduct various online promotions such as and football crazy in order to gain high amount of attention from their side (Gay, 2007). This essentially supported them in boosting their brand awareness throughout the globe in much effective manner.

Apart from this, company made different sort of informal contact within different countries from suppliers, distributors and customers in order to boost their sale. With this scenario, it can be state that Nokia also followed network theory in their operation for the purpose of expanding their business in every country (Smith, 2012). They developed healthy relations with retailers and dealers by offering high margin so that they can convince customer for buying Nokia devices. From this, they able to gain high amount of edge over their rivals and also able to enhance their sales in an effective manner (Gay, 2007). Hence, it can be state with this that both network and location internationalization process theory can be applied within the context of Nokia.With this discussion it can be conclude that Nokia possess certain loophole in their marketing mix and is not appropriate by considering the present market trends. One of the major setbacks that Nokia possessing now is in their product as it is not that popular among customer as compared to android and IOS. With the introduction of android mobile in the global market, whole operations of Nokia got hampered and they not able to meet out with this changing market trends in a proper manner (Fifield, 2012). Further, Window’s mobile essentially supported Nokia in sustaining in the market but still not able to recover much with it. Hence, it is required to entail certain amount of crucial steps under product elements so that they can retain their share in much effective manner.
Apart from this, they possess wide range of price option in their portfolio for which they able to gain high amount of attention from diverse customer. This practice essentially supported them in gaining high profit margin and capture over larger market share over a period of time by 2008. It is of the most suitable strategy from which they able to sustain for longer even after losing of their share after 2009 (Rhodes, Alexander and Myers, 2011). From their current promotion strategy, the able to gain high amount of attention for potential customer and this essentially assisted them in boosting their sales volume.

Additionally, places which they involve in the operations for the purpose of selling products to customer is well organized and competent enough and this supported them in gaining more of sales than other brands like Samsung, Apple, Sony, etc. Hence, Nokia by managing their loopholes can regain three lost efficiency and share (Dumeresque, 2013). Also by offering competent products with Android OS can aid in this regard and assist them in boosting their sale significantly.

Internationalization Process Theory

Internationalization can be understands as a process of booting the involvement of business unit in global market so that they can conduct their operation in an effective manner and also able to achieve their set goals in desired manner and time frame. In this regard there are different types of internationalization process theory which can be utilized by company in order to manage their global operations. As far as Nokia is concerned, location theory best suits with them. Under location theory, company enters into certain specific location for the purpose of offering their product in that region so that better results can be gained out of it. Nokia followed this so that they can boost their sale in different region (Sheldrake, 2011). In this regard, they highly focused into developing countries so that they able to gain high amount of attention against their economical products. They focus on countries like India, China, African countries and other related in order to gain high sales volume for their economical phones. Apart from this, they focused of developed countries majorly for high end devices so that better growth can be archived and hence overall sales of the company in every market rise. It is being found that, Nokia emphasis on Northern Asian countries by the year 2000 for the purpose of selling their low cost phone due to factors like high rural pollution, low per capita income, low growth in GDP, poverty and other related (Ferrell and Hartline, 2010). They avoided launching many of their smartphone in this region. Hence, this theory best suit with Nokia and by applying it, they able to gain high market share and it also supported them in gaining high amount of attention from target customers.

Apart from this, company made different sort of informal contact within different countries from suppliers, distributors and customers in order to boost their sale. With this scenario, it can be state that Nokia also followed network theory in their operation for the purpose of expanding their business in every country (Smith, 2012) They developed healthy relations with retailers and dealers by offering high margin so that they can convince customer for buying Nokia devices. From this, they able to gain high amount of edge over their rivals and also able to enhance their sales in an effective manner (Gay, 2007). Hence, it can be state with this that both network and location internationalization process theory can be applied within the context of Nokia.


With this discussion, it can be conclude that international marketing is one of the key practices for any prominent brands as with this only they able to attain their corporate objectives and also able to gain more of business. Nokia possess loopholes in their products element from which their market share drastically degraded after the year 2008. However, other elements of marketing mix are effective for Nokia and this essentially supporting them in sustaining in the market. Further, network and location based process theory also aids organization in emerging their customer base. Company can gain edge by rectifying loopholes of their products and by offering products that best meet the demand of target customers.

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  • Alexander, N. and Silva, L. M., 2002. Emerging markets and the internationalisation of retailing: the Brazilian experience. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 30(6).
  • Dumeresque, D., 2013. The corporate digital footprint: exactly who owns and controls it? The emergence of the digital director. Strategic Direction.
  • Ferrell, C. O. and Hartline, M., 2010. Marketing Strategy. Cengage Learning.
  • Fifield, P., 2012. Marketing Strategy. Routledge.
  • Gay, R., 2007. Online Marketing: a Customer-Led Approach. Oxford: OUP
  • Rhodes, M. Alexander, N. and Myers, H., 2011. A gravitational model of international retail market selection. International Marketing Review.
  • Sheldrake, P., 2011. The Business of Influence: Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age. John Wiley & Sons.
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