
Concepts of Internet marketing

Introduction to Marketing Concepts

Marketing is an imperative way to promote goods and services of organization. It enables the management of firm to attract large number of buyers and boost productivity to a great extent. Present report is about Burberry that provides luxurious products to large number of buyers and caters their need in an effective way. Further, study lays emphasis on internet marketing tools and internet marketing mix that contribute towards increasing awareness of customers and enables them to purchase the same. Moreover, interactive order processing is also explained in increasing efficiency and effectiveness of corporation.

There are numerous marketing elements by which effective marketing plan take place  which support organization to determine upward direction. These are as follows-

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Pay per click-It is the most effective way to find detailed information that is related to products and services offered by Burberry. By making use of pay per click, organization places advertisement on basic search engine page that leads to increase the sales turnover of firm. Here, relevant key word matches with the advertisement and detail of product is displayed on the web page thereby customer can be able to get information about products of Burberry (Baghdadi,  2013.). It contributes towards retaining the existing buyers and attracting the new one.  Examples of pay per click are sponsored link and sponsored ads.

Search Engine Optimization-It is another imperative way to promote services as well as products of Burberry. By the help of Search Engine Optimization, advertisers prepared attractive website that can address need of ultimate buyers. It enables buyers to search for the images of products and video as well as local search for the same (Danaher and Rossiter,  2011).

Social media marketing-It is the most updated technique to promote goods as well as services. There are several ways such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn by which Burberry gain attention of buyers. It assists the management of firm to address need of young as well as professional buyers who are directly attracted towards luxury products.

E-mail marketing- It is an important way to approach customer directly and enables them to purchase products of Burberry (Ifinedo, 2011). Here, marketing manager of firm send messages to group of people via electronic means. Here, direct mails are send to buyers that facilitates them so that they can be motivated for taking purchase decision.

Marketing mix

Marketing mix is the prominent aspect for increasing sales turnover and delivering good quality of services to large number of buyers. electronic product, price, place and promotion are the marketing mix of internet marketing. Here, first and foremost marketing mix is e-product by which marketing manager of Burberry displays the product over internet. Along with that, features and characteristics of products are also described clearly that includes durability, multiple use, size as well as availability of colors (Miles,  2013). It creates awareness among buyers that are related to those luxury products which are best suited with their needs. E-price is the another main component that facilitate buyers to take final decision for purchase. It consists of discount, net prices and other changers such as tax as well as delivery. In addition to this, specific offer and detail about sales is also mentioned so as to increase the sales turnover of firm. E-place is the most important element of internet marketing mix (Pitta,  Franzak and Fowler,  2006). Here, customer can directly contact the manufacturers in order to cut additional cost. Owing to this, online location should be selected with taking into account several factors such as accessibility. The last element of marketing mix is e-promotion in which marketing manager of Burberry make efforts in relation to promote the products as well as services. This helps corporation in meeting requirement of customers and create competitive edge of the firm. For promoting products, web public relation is the most important way in which news worth stories related to products are described over the internet that facilitates to increase the attention of buyers. Along with that, e-leaflets is also imperative for providing detailed information for new as well as prevailing products and services of Burberry.

Several Internet Marketing Tools

There are Several Internet Marketing Tools that facilitate to boost the productivity as well as profitability of Burberry. It facilitates the organization to increase number of buyers and enables them to make purchase decision. In order to attract number of young as well as professional buyers, social media is the imperative way (Singh, Gordon and Purchase,  2007). People access to social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on a very frequent basis that enables them to get details regarding latest offer as well as newly launched products of the same. It is the one latest way to attract customers and it also creates awareness among them so as to boost the productivity as well as profitability of corporation. Burberry produces variety of luxury products such as sunglasses, trench coat and others that attracts the professional as well as young women to a great extent. They can get information regarding the same via professional site such as LinkedIn. On the other hand, e-mail marketing is also imperative by which management of Burberry can directly approach its ultimate buyers (Soliman  and Youssef,   2003). It assists the professionals to do online shopping and utilize their limited time in the most efficient way. Further, search engine optimization enables Burberry to attract buyers by updating its site in an appropriate way. It serves as a tool to provide all kind of information such as location, latest offers and other relevant data (Webb and Schlemmer,  2008). On the contrary, pay per click facilitates to cater need of all types of people who are situated at different geographical areas. It assists customers to search via images, videos and local search so as to increase the productivity as well as profitability of Burberry. It increases number of buyers and also creates a competitive edge of firm in the marketplace. Hence, social media is the broad concept that approaches number of buyers whereas e-mail marketing is the narrow concept.

Apart from this, use of mobile apps is also the effective method through which an organization can boosts sales turnover. Here, employees or customer can be provided detail information regarding  products and services. For example, now a days smart phones has changed the scenario to a great extent which prove to be effective for Burberry to introduce new product with special offer. This in turn customer base can be increased. This facilitates to be more convenient to access images, advertisement and other information related to products and services of Burberry.

Order processing plays a vital role that enables buyers to make purchase decision. With the help of interactive ordering process company can interact with customer and provide them convenient options for online shopping-

Find products-At the initial stage, buyer search for the product as per requirement or any other product on the basis of his/her specification. Owing to this, video, image or local search can take place that facilitates to know about features such as color, durability and quality of products. Further, style number and name of product can also be referred to find product (Cegarra-Navarro  and Martínez-Conesa, 2007).

Add to shopping cart-The next process for buying product is added to shopping cart thereby buyers give details about selected quantity, quality as well as size of the products. Along with that, the overall details are added to cart so as to keep record of proposed buying material.

Checkout-It is the most imperative feature that aids to give higher level of satisfaction among buyers. At this stage, customer can add or remove the products that are  not matched with the requirements. It ensures flexible purchasing process and order for the desired goods and services (Koh and Padmore,  2007).

Delivery and payment-It is the last step of ordering process by which customer selects desired location as well as payment mode such as credit and debit card. Along with that, offline bank transfer is also a attractive payment mode for some users. The provision of extra benefits in form of gift vouchers and promo card is also there to satisfy buyers.  (Ramsey  and Mccole, 2005). At the end, when selection is completed, order is placed and details of the same are sent to customers via e-mail.  It results in successful completion of ordering process and leads to have indirect interaction among seller and buyers.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is the imperative way to increase attention of large number of buyers towards product and services of Burberry. It assists the management of firm to place advertisement on Google page by which matching key word, customer can easily link to exact online shopping location. It aids to corporation to devote the valuable time in other important activities of business. It is also flexible enough by which organization can be able to rewrite the content on website. Further, Search Engine Mechanism makes it possible to increase the ranking of search engine result page. It also creates sense of achievement among different types of stakeholders so as to improve the productivity as well as profitability of Burberry (Vives and Svejenova,  2011). The search engine is the form of robot program that makes it possible to ensure connectivity with each page. It facilitates to collect detailed information and provide the same in front of buyers in an effective manner. This aspect of Burberry proves to be effective in creasing unique identity and increasing the customer base. Robot program assists Burberry to update index and upload latest content so as to keep customer updated with latest information regarding products and services (Radhamani and Rao,  2012). Therefore, periodic review is also done by robot program and cache is used in order to store text section of content. It leads to provide necessary details for buyers and make them able to take quick purchase decision (Search Engine Mechanics, 2007). Therefore, Search Engine Marketing provides immense support in accpraching customers and provide them services in accordance with their preferences.

E-Mail Marketing

The concept of opt-e-Mail Marketing newsletter is the important way to boost productivity and build good relationship with stakeholders. Opt-e-mail is the way to receive bulk messages that are sort of advertisement, newsletter and mailing list. Here, marketing manager of Burberry takes prior approval from the respondents and then send detail to them regarding products and services.  This helps customer to find their suitable products and services along with detail information for the same.  It is an effective way to ensure optimum utilization of limited resources because marketing manager directly approach to ultimate buyers who can contribute towards increasing sales turnover of Burberry (Baloglu and Pekcan, 2006). It assists the buyers to know about detailed information for the product and can access service without any kind of barriers. Following, opt-e-mail newsletter is prepared that aims to increase awareness among customer regarding opening of new outlet. The new outlet provides variety of trend coats for all segments such as kids, men and women. Along with that, 50% off is given for customer that leads to ensure successful opening of new outlet. It contributes towards increasing sales turnover and overall rate of return of Burberry (Lin and Huang, 2006). The main advantage of opt-e-mail newsletter is to create a competitive edge of company and enables the customers to make quick purchase decision.

Online public relation is an effective form of maintaining good relationship potential buyers and addressing their issues effectively. (Hanson and Kalyanam, 2007). It helps organization to cope up with changing scenario. In order to promote best practice for public relation, offline support can also be helpful by which management of firm make effort in relation to increasing sales turnover. With the help of offline support, it becomes convenient to establish contact with suppliers, customer and partners who are directly or indirectly related to Burberry. Such kind of effective strategies contribute towards determining long run growth of corporation with increased rate of return. Along with that, online partnership is the cost effective way thereby firm can be able to promote goods and services. Here, both corporation support each other and contribute towards maximizing sales turnover in order to increase overall rate of return of Burberry. Further, blog monitoring is another approach to address the issues of customers and provide response for the same accordingly (Charlesworth, 2009). It assist them to build good relationship among corporation and stakeholders and improve its online presence. By analyzing views of buyers, firm can be able to interact with customer and enables them to become loyal towards Burberry. Further, best press clipping is another way that create positive feeling potential buyer in order to make purchase Delicious. Here, winning online presentation with IVT is also appropriate way to strengthen public relation. It assist company to expand business over the globe and achieve its long as well as short term objectives within stipulated time span.

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New digital media communities refer to set of updated technologies that aid to promote products and services. It assists buyers to go for online shopping 24*7 and get higher level of satisfaction. It gives cost as well as time benefit that create sense of achievement among customers. News digital media communities includes Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. These are the common social media that are being used by mass population. In such situation, it is very Continent for Burberry to place advertisement on social site and make customer able to take quick purchase decision (Schibrowsky,  Peltier  and Nill, 2007). It contribute towards getting plenty of feedback form buyers within one hours and ensure higher productivity of organization. Mostly youth of world operates Facebook very frequently that is profitability for Burberry to increase sales of luxury products. Instant message is also important way to inform buyers regarding special offer and discount so as to increase sales of firm. It facilitate to create competitive edge of company and give higher level of satisfaction among consumers. Chat rooms is the attractive way by which management of firm can come to know about problems that are being faced by buyers and make efforts in relation to resolve the same. It assist buyers to have indirect interaction with sellers and let them know regarding issues faced by them. This in turn makes it possible for management to revise the marketing strategies or internal environment of business. It also help to retain  existing buyers and attract new one towards good quality of luxury products of firm. On the other hand, you tube facilitate to show detailed information regarding products and give full specification of the same with visual effect.


The Burberry is the renowned brand of UK that caters need of high class of people. Sales of the organization have increased by 14% from previous years. Here, comparable store sales was 10% in 2014 and which indicates good performance of corporation. It facilitates to boost productivity as well as overall rate of return of company. However, sales of the second quarter for the financial year 2014 were very low. It is because of changes in the external environment such as changes in buying perception or political as well as governmental changes (Internet marketing, 2015). Along with that, organization also planned to close its 15 stores that are operating in lower-tier locations. It because of lower sales turnover and increasing demand of products and services in China as well as Latin America. At present organization is focusing on Shanghai and New York where menswear, kids-wear and other relevant material are sold to a great extent. It facilitate to boost productivity and create competitive edge of the firm in the marketplace. Further, Asian consumers spend highly that resulted in greater profitability for Burberry that leads  management of corporation to concentrate on long term growth (Burberry Group, 2015). It can be critically evaluated that, unfavorable external environment can baldly impact overall performance of Burberry. Owing to this, handbag market of corporation may have lower return and increasing competition due to new rivalries in the marketplace. This in turn affect the performance of corporation to a great extent (Share analysis, 2015). Due to unfavorable external environment corporation can fail to implement its new strategy that create issues in the successful running of business.

Questionnaire for online survey is prepared to get the customer feedback. Under this, sample of 50 respondents will be taken to conduct the online survey. However, 50 respondents will be selected on the basis of simple random sampling. It leads to assess the issues which are being faced by customers of Burberry so that management of company can bring improvement in its business accordingly. Here, list of relevant questions is prepared and the same is rotated among large number of buyers who can contribute towards bringing improvement n the quality of services. It enables organization to make changes as per the feedback that derives from online survey. Therefore, online survey assist management of Burberry to boost productivity as well as portability by delivering services to buyers as per their specification (Singh, Gordon and Purchase, 2007). It provides assurance of long run survival of firm and the ability to generate and higher profitability so can business can enhance operations.  This questionnaire is rotated over the internet and can also be mailed to buyers. It increases changes to get reply soon and facilitate to cater their need in an effective way.

Electronic Customer Relationship Marketing

Electronic Customer Relationship Marketing (eCRM) prove to be effective fro increasing rate of return as well as existence of firm. It assist organization to maintain good relation with buyers and enables them to keep in touch with firm for creating competitive edge in the marketplace. Here, database of buyers are prepared on the basis of electronic means that facilitate to stay in touch with different types of stakeholders and address their need appropriately (Webb  and Schlemmer,  2008).  There are several way to build relationship with customer such as collaborative filtering, web analytic and  data mining that facilitate to cater need of prospective buyers and retain them for long span of time. Segmentation of customer by values and loyalty is also the imperative by which management of Burberry can interact with such as type of buyers and enables them to access services of the same. Further, vendor relationship management is the prominent aspect by which organization can ensure about timely delivery of products to customer and also provide assurance of flow of production. It gives improved satisfaction among them and create competitive edge of the firm in the marketplace (Cegarra-Navarro and Martínez-Conesa,  2007). It facilitate to keep database of customer and help Burberry to approach new buyers. It can contribute towards reducing impact of adverse external environment and increase sales turnover of company. On the other hand, opt-e-mail marketing assist company to contact with customer and inform them special event as well as any other offer of firm. It create sense of achievement among them. It enables management of Burberry for business expansion over the globe and facilitate to fulfill need of internal and external stakeholders. It is also helpful for company to create distinctive image.

Planing For Internet Marketing

Planing For Internet Marketing is the imperative task that facilitate to management of Burberry to enhance productivity as well as profitability to a great extent. In order to plan for internet marketing, following factors need to be taken into account. Outline for present marketing plan is described as follows-

Environmental analysis- It is the most prominent by which organization come to know about external as well as internal factors of firm. Here, external factor includes political, social, economical and legal. It has direct impact on the performance of organization. For example, at present, Burberry is suffering from adverse external environment and profitability of firm is going down in second quarter (Koh  and Padmore,  2007).  Due to change in economical policies, buying power of customer may decreases that affect performance of Burberry.  Along with legal and social changes set limit for company to expand business and increase overall rate of return. It because, customer preferences and demand are keep on changing that may outdate the prevailing product of company. So, it is mandatory to focus on all imperative factor while planning for internet marketing. Here, internal environment such as policies and weaknesses and competent personnel can aid to increase achieving long as well as short term objectives within stipulated time span. With the help of market analysis corporation can come to know about the constraint related to resources such as physical, financial and human. It enables organization to cope up with changing scenario and deliver good quality of services to large number of buyers with appropriate marketing plan. Thus, analysis of environment could makes it possible for management adopt effective strategies to use opportunities and overcome barriers which hamper performance of Burberry.

Competitor’s analysis-It is another important factor that need be given proper consideration. Here, management of Burberry analyses strategies as well as other marketing activities of competitors in order to create competitive edge in the marketplace. It facilitate to increase large number of buyers and achieve long as well as short term objectives of buyers (Ramsey and Mccole,  2005). On the basis of this analysis, corporation divides its market plan accordingly. Here, Burberry will identify the potential issue where it lacking and competitors are taking advantages of the same. This proves to be effective to select the right marketing strategy so as to determine long run growth with increased rate of return.

Pay per click

Pay per click is a tactic to promote goods and strategies in the marketplace.  In order to give advertisement for its new product, following points are considered-

Pre-planning and goals- It is the first step where organization set goal such as increasing rate of return or creating awareness among customers. After that planning is made for ways to promote products.

Anticipating expenses-Here, management of firm make estimation for proposed expenses so they can be able to manage their financial activities in an effectual way.

Determining key words-It is the most important process where organization determine key workers on the basis of target audience (Vives  and Svejenova,  2011).

Promotion campaign- After deciding about preliminary activities, marketing department make decision for promoting product. Here, attractive ad campaign is made that can address specific need of buyers so as to fulfill goals of organization.

Unique landing page-At the last step, overall detail such as features, quality, color, visual effect and other related data are incorporated int eh campaign that facilitate to cater need of buyers and aid to attract them towards the same (Baloglu and Pekcan, 2006).

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The report concluded that, online marketing is the imperative way to promote products and services of organization. Through making use of internet marketing tools, company can achieve organizational goals. Search Engine Optimization and Pay per click are the best way to highlight new product and increase attention of buyers towards the same.  In addition to this, online survey is the imperative process to know the perception of buyers towards prevailing policies as well as services of company so as to make necessary changes.

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