
Marketing Essentials of ALDI


As per current scenario, each and every business organization wants to enhance their brand image at market. For this, marketing consider as a vital role which provide support firm to promote their goods and services to target customers for fulfilling their requirements. This will leads in attaining their satisfaction level. Mainly, it consider various activities such as advertisement, promotion, public relation, demand and supply of customers and many more (Marketing essentials, 2016). All these are important factors through which firm create values with the purpose of capturing consumers attention. Along with this, it also consider as an important components through which company build positive relation with number of customers. It directly put their positive impact in increasing profitability and market share as well.

Current report discussed about ALDI, which is leading super market chain as they operate their number of outlets in various countries. Various roles and responsibilities of marketing function are also mentioned in this report as it helps in enhancing brand image of the company. In addition of this, marketing mix is discussed here with the purpose of evaluating actual performance of the company. At the last of the project, marketing plan of ALDI is also present here.

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P1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function

Marketing is a procedure through which firm create customers base by understanding their needs and wants about company products. Mainly, one of the main aim of implementing marketing activities is to meet consumers requirement in order to attain their satisfaction level. In addition of this, it also provide competitive advantage to company by creating strong customers base. In context of this, marketing department also play crucial role in promoting company mission at market place. For attaining the same, firm should deliver quality products and services to its target customers by identifying their wants. This will contribute in creating positive brand image at market place as compare to its its competitors. In business organization, number of roles and responsibilities are perform by marketing function as it assist in establishing predetermine objectives with the purpose of accomplishing competitive place in market (Berkowitz, 2016). As there are some roles of marketing function in ALDI which contribute in promoting as well as delivering values and at the same time also building positive relation with their customers. All these are as follows:

  • Defining and managing brand image: It is one of the important role of marketing function to determine their brand image and product as well. Along with this, it also helps in determining customers experience towards ALDI products and services. For attaining success in market, company have to interact with their service users to understand their views and opinion about products and services in order to provide them accordingly.
  • Conducting management campaign for marketing initiatives: It is important for marketing department to determine quality products and services in front of customers (Campbell and Martin, 2015). Along with this, firm also communicate with their customers with the purpose of understanding their perception in order to satisfy their target customers by providing the better services.
  • Producing marketing and promotional materials: ALDI marketing department create as well as produce products and services to satisfy their requirement. For attaining, positive response from customers, firm should make quality and up to date items and products to maintain their brand values in market place. With the help of this, company enhance their productivity level as compare to its competitors.
  • Creating content providing (Search engine optimization): It is another role of marketing function in which company make their own websites in which they provide all the information about products so that customers can easily identify products as per their needs. This will helps in inviting large number of customers and at the same time also build their trust in relation to firm.
  • Monitoring and managing social media: One of the main and important role of marketing function is to managing as well as monitoring social media pages of company. Along with this, ALDI posted about products to invite number of customers. For attaining better response manager should manage all the online accounts on daily basis. Through which customers easily get necessary information of the products in order to fulfil their requirements.
  • Producing internal communications: For attaining success at market place, it is vital for workers of ALDI to effectively understand company culture, values, vision and priorities as well. By this they easily communicate with their customers and understand their needs also (Ebert and Griffin, 2015). Along with this, marketing department of ALDI is also responsible for establishing proper communication with workers by using newsletter and another internet tools. It directly contribute in building positive relation with customers and workers.
  • Serving as media liaison: As ALDI serve their products in online platform as well. In this they marketing department consider as a spokesperson as they provide guidance to customers for resolving their quires about products and firm as well (Gummesson, 2011). This will invite larger number of customers.
  • Conducting customer and market research: It is main responsibility of marketing function to determine the target market. In this research play vital role in company through which marketing manager easily understand customers needs and wants towards specific good and services. One of the main advantage of this is to capture customers attention.
  • Overseeing outside vendors and agencies: Under this role, marketing is highly relate with the selecting and managing all the agencies in order to maintain the relationship with target customers and another providers. Along with this it also provide support to ALDI in which they can produce quality materials with the purpose of attaining success at market. As it also consider public relation, web providers, print vendors and many more.

Hence, all these are major roles of marketing functions through which ALDI easily promote their products in front of customers. With the help of this, they can enhance their productivity level at market place and at the same time also capture larger market share.

P2 How roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider organisational

For catering customers demand, marketing is one of the effective concept for every single business organization whether small or big. Thus, it is vital for manager to implement all the roles and responsibilities of marketing within their company. As it will helps in capturing customers attention by delivering values in market. One of the main function of marketing is to create customers base by promoting and advertising features of the services. It directly contribute in accomplishing set goals and objectives in an appropriate time frame. Along with this, all the marketing function are relate with organizational context as it contribute in implementing all the activities of marketing through which firm make their positive brand image at market place (Hagan, 2011). Furthermore, marketing also influence the customers to buy and consume company products with the aim of satisfy their requirement. It assist in capturing customers attention towards its services. As there are some roles of marketing which is relate with ALDI functions and department are as follows:

  • Marketing with research and development department: One of the main role of marketing is to determine customers needs and wants in relation of company products and services. In this research and development is consider as an vital activity in which they understand an effective research to evaluate the market trends and taste as well. With the help of this, marketing manager can serve their quality products and services according to the customers requirements (Judge and Robbins, 2015). Along with this, for attaining positive response, they should keep as well as maintain up to date information about company products and customers taste as well. In context of this, ALDI can identify those customers who are switching another company who serve their products at cheap cost. So that, ALDI easily make their policies accordingly and offer their quality products at affordable cost. As this will aid in inviting larger number of customers and at the same time also enhance their profitability level.
  • Human resource department with marketing function: For executing business activities, every department of the company required skill and capable workers so that they can perform all the task effectively. This will aid in maximizing sales and profitability level of the company. As it is important duty of human resource manager to recruit capable and talented employees who have ability to handle customers. For this, marketing manager provide support to HR department to find right and eligible candidates who easily make as well as develop marketing policies to improve their performance level at market place. With the help of this, company easily provide quality services to its customers by understanding their needs. This will enhance the productivity level of the company as compare to its competitors. As both are contribute in establishing positive brand mage.
  • Production and operation department with marketing functions: It is one of the important role of marketing through which company maintain their quality products within their store so that they can easily deliver to their customers according to their requirements. In context of ALDI, they buy raw material form suppliers in bulk manner in which they make their quality of products is appropriate way (Koontz, 2010). As marketing manager also determine customers taste and preferences before producing products. With the help of this, ALDI easily attain desirable growth at market place by delivering better services in most effective manner. In addition of this, both marketing and production department are interrelate with each other as they helps in increasing positive brand image.
  • Marketing with finance department: For attaining set goals and objectives, it is important for marketing manager to keep adequate funds. Thus, they have to make day to day activities for identifying the financial requirement. This will helps in managing it effectively. In this context, ALDI set finance department with the purpose of performing all the activities in systematic manner (Malhotra, Birks and Wills, 2013). It directly contribute in creating positive image of the company at market place. As both marketing and financial department are relate with each other because it contribute in reducing the chances of arising any kind of issues.
  • Customers services department with marketing functions: One of the important role of marketing is to provide better customers services. In this marketing manager communicate with their services users to evaluate as well as understand needs and wants. As it consider as an important activity through which they easily make quality products according to its customers requirements. This will leads in improving the brand image of the company at market place. Along with this, marketing department also take views and feedback from them to modify necessary changes within their services. With the help of this, customers get satisfy their needs and wants in effective manner.

Therefore, all these are highly relate with the organization department as it helps in improving the performance level of the company at market. Along with this, it is vital for firm to effectively manage all the duties and responsibilities to make their process smooth and appropriate. By this ALDI capture customers attention and market share as well to enhance their goodwill. In addition of this, as per current trends marketing department implement various policies and procedures to take right decision towards the marketing activities. All these will helps in meeting current market needs in an appropriate way.


P3 Comparison of marketing mix with two organization

Marketing mix refer to various tools which used by the company with the purpose of attaining set objectives. Along with this, it is an effective combination of different factors which helps in encouraging as well as influencing customers to buy company products to satisfy their requirements (Mihart, 2012). Along with this, it is key element of marketing which implement by the company at the time of preparing market plan. It is tool, strategy and tactics to promote company products and services in front of market. This will helps in capturing customers attention towards its services. With the assistance of this company easily cater customers demand. In addition of this, one of the main advantage of using marketing mix is to aware customers about quality products. A marketing mix may help company to take strategic decision at the time of launching new products at market place. For effectively understand the all the factors of marketing mix, comparison of marketing mix of two companies are as follows:





ALDI is retail company as they offer household products to customers as per low cost. In this they also buy raw material from suppliers in bulk in which they produce quality products and services according to customers requirements (Nguyen and Simkin, 2012)

LIDL operate their business in retail market as they also produce household products in market with the purpose of satisfy customers needs and wants. This will enhance market share from its rivals.


Under this, ALDI use various pricing strategies in which they offer their products as per customers demand. In addition of this, they use best pricing strategies to set product cost affordable as every kind of customers easily consume company products. For attaining success in market place, ALDI should implement competitive pricing strategy by which they offer quality services at minimum cost. This will aid in creating strong customer base.

LIDL set their product cost affordable as every type of customer consume its services and satisfy their needs. With the help of this company easily enhance their profitability level.


ALDI operate more than 8000 stores in various countries. In this they cover all most areas by delivering good services to number of customers in market place. In addition of this, they also use online platform to reach various customers and meet with demand so that consumers are easily buy company products. With the help of this company capture larger market share.

LIDL includes various stores various stores in UK. As they also use various distribution channels for selling quality products to right customers at right place (Ormrod, 2014).


For increasing public awareness, ALDI use various tools and factors such as magazines, radio, TV, newspaper and many more to provide information to customers so that they easily fulfil their requirements. In addition of this, they also social media to offer their services and at the same time also make their brand image popular.

LIDL serve their products at low cost as they easily invite as well as capture customers attention towards its products and services. This will helps in making brand image popular.


Workers of ALDI is talented as they easily perform their activities. Along with this, they easily handle their target customers for providing them better services. This will leads in improving brand image of the company at market place.

LIDL provide training and development programs to their workers to make them capable to handle their customers effectively. This will helps in enhancing profitability level.


For delivering quality services, ALDI make their production process more effective with the purpose of producing quality services. Along with this, they having barcodes in which customers are easily understand their needs and wants (Peter and Donnelly, 2012).

Under this, company sold their products to customers directly by understanding their needs and wants. With the help of this company creating string customer base.

Physical evidence

It refer to the company outlets in which they make their stores attractive which may helps in inviting larger number of cust0omers towards its products.

LIDL, having traditional outlets in which customers are consume its services. This will aid in inviting larger number of customers.


P4 Marketing plan for an organization

Marketing plan refer to a blueprint which define outlines of the advertising and marketing activities for future aspects. As it also determine the company mission, objectives, goals and many more to attain set marketing goals and objectives in an appropriate way. With the help of this, marketing manager easily develop as well as produce quality products to meet customers needs with the purpose of attaining their satisfaction level. Along with this, marketing plan also provide guidelines to firm to attain set goals and objectives. It helps in evaluating actual performance of the company at market place (Pike, 2015). One of the main advantage of preparing marketing plan is to accomplishing positive brand image of the firm so that number of customers get attracted and consume its services. It leads in increasing strong customers and at the same time also enhance profitability level. For understanding marketing plan of ALDI, there are some major points are as follows:

Overview of company:ALDI is famous super market chain which serve grocery products to larger number of customers as per their needs and wants. AS company operate their stores in various countries with the purpose of attaining profitability level. Along with this, it also start in 1913 to operate their stores for grabbing customers attention towards company products and services.

Vision of ALDI: The main vision statement of ALDI is to be a leading company at international market by providing high quality products.

Mission of ALDI: To provide values and quality grocery products to target customers at low cost is main mission of ALDI.

SWOT analysis:



  • ALDI is discount store as they offer quality products as per low cost.
  • Strong ecosystem is also a strong factor for ALDI in market.
  • High level of customers support also helps in increasing profitability level (Puddle, 2015).
  • Low margins is one of the big weakness.
  • Low employee satisfactions reduce the quality products of the company.



  • Taste for customers may helps in increasing profitability level because customers are willing to pay premium price for the product.
  • Company also tries to expand their business activities in another location by offering new product categories in market.
  • High competition in retail market is threat for ALDI.
  • ALDI fails in looking for complete shopping experience.

STP approach:

  • Segmentation:As a famous brand, ALDI looking for those customers who buy grocery products and services on daily basis.
  • Targeting: Under this, company serve their products to various customers in market place. As they target household products to cater customers demand in effective way.
  • Positioning:ALDI offer their services from their private labels as they placed in Germany in which they serve their quality products and services at international market as well.

Marketing mix of ALDI:

  • Product:ALDI serve grocery products to number of customers at affordable cost for fulfilling their needs and wants (Raj, Walters and Rashid, 2012).
  • Price:As company set their product price competitive which may helps in inviting larger number of customers towards its products and services.
  • Place:ALDI operate their stores more than 20 countries in which they make they outlets more attractive and convenient for customers. This may leads in increasing profitability level at market place.
  • Promotion:ALDI spend less funds for promoting their products because they use pricing strategies to set their product cost competitive which may contribute in capturing customers attention.

Marketing strategy:For attaining success it is also vital for ALDI to use effective marketing strategy to make their image popular at market place. In this context company use relationship strategy through which they build positive and healthy relation with target customers by delivering them quality services.

Marketing budget:IT is one of the important activity for business organization to determine all the income and expenditure. This will aid in identifying actual profit and loss of the firm at market place. As it is consider as a vital part of entire plan which may helps in attaining set goals and objectives.

Marketing budget


1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

Initial money















Marketing expenditures







Sales promotion





Direct marketing










Available balance





Monitoring: Under this step of marketing plan, manager should implement as well as determining all the activities. Through which manager of the firm easily measure the chances of attaining set objectives in limited time frame (Rother, 2010).

Controlling: It is last step of marketing plan in which manager tries to minimize the risk factors and at the same time maximise the profitability level at market place. With the help of this company can invite larger number of customers towards its products and services.

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As per above mentioned report, it can be concluded that marketing play essential role in company to enhance public awareness. For grabbing customers attention, marketing helps in providing them information of the products which offer by the comp[any with the purpose of attaining desirable goals and objectives. As it directly contribute in establishing brand image at market place. As it provide support company to capture larger market share form its rivals. In addition of this, roles and responsibilities of marketing function also put their positive impact on business organization which helps in attaining predetermine goals and objectives. All these will contribute in overall success of the company at market place.


  • Berkowitz, E.N., 2016. Essentials of health care marketing. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Campbell, R and Martin, C., 2015. Media essentials: A brief introduction. Macmillan Higher Education.
  • Ebert, R.J and Griffin, R.W., 2015. Business essentials.
  • Gummesson, E., 2011.Total relationship marketing. Routledge.
  • Hagan, F.E., 2011. Essentials of research methods in criminal justice and criminology. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Judge, T.A and Robbins, S.P., 2015. Essentials of organizational behavior. Pearson.
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