
Role of SME

How SME's can develop themselves as a brand in the international market?

It can be evident that surgical industry is aiming to expand its operations in the international market and thus enhance its functions and enter into international boundaries. SME is termed as a small business enterprise and does not have large size operations in the market as they possess a minimum number of employees working regarding attaining organisational goals. However, it is significant for workers working in SME to assess the role and importance of surgical instrument manufacturing sector, and thus suppliers can attain a competitive edge in the industry (Jenkins, 2013). However, it is essential for a firm to enhance its supplies and thus overcome the ineffectiveness regarding improving their business functions and enter into international market. Also, SME needs to identify the market where they are operating as well as assess the needs of surgical instruments so that proper delivery of products could be done to satisfy the needs of consumers. Further, through such way it provides a chance to firm that they can expand and enhance their business operations in the international market and attain global position (Bridge and O'Neill, 2012). Thus, for such objective Acumen Surgical Company has been selected which operates in Sialkot, Pakistan and deals in manufacturing surgical instruments. However, it is a small business enterprise and aims to expand its operations in the international market. Therefore, business needs to identify the needs and trends in the global market so that they can enhance their production capacity so that competitive edge can be gained. Also, firm aims to supply their products directly to the international market and thus enhance business performance. However, it is crucial for the company to work in the cluster and thus enhance existing resources so that they can obtain leveraging co-operation resources regarding enhancing sales and profitability of firm in the market (Denscombe, 2014).

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Moreover, it is considered that surgical industry is effectively operating in Sialkot Pakistan, and thus it aims to evaluate the international market to develop the company as a brand. With the help of this, it helps business to develop as a brand and thus improves manufacturing of the surgical product in the market and thus build competitive advantage so that business performance can be enhanced (Hopkins, 2012). However, it is also crucial for Acumen Surgical Company aims to manufacture efficient surgical instruments and assess the scope and demand of products in the international market so that it could be delivered to worldwide consumers. Thus, it would result in enhancing the brand image and use different resources that are present perhaps leveraging co-operation resources to obtain the best performance in the market. Also, it is significant for Acumen to provide the best training and development to its workforce so that they can enhance its functions and operations in a market and thus attain business performance. It also raises the brand image of the company through entering into the global market. Surgical manufacturing instruments aim to produce the best innovative products so that they can influence consumers from worldwide market and helps in improving business performance (Balassa, 2014). Through producing and supplying products directly to international market will lead to enter international market and expand its operations so that cluster could be formed using existing resources perhaps by leveraging co-operations resources. It also leads to enhancing business functions and thus improves surgical instruments market as demand for such goods is increasing in the international market.

Structure Of Surgical Industry In Sialkot Pakistan

Surgical instruments industry in Sialkot Pakistan consists of about 2500 small, large and medium-sized manufacturing businesses. However, depending upon the size of businesses it is essential for the industry to provide in-house facilities and enhance the business functions appropriately. It also provides employment to 50,000 employees who possess skills and semi-skilled qualities. Also, it is evident that production of the industry can be distinguished within two broad categories i.e. disposable instruments and reusable instruments so that market share of businesses can be enhanced (Goss, 2015). It also leads to improving efficiency of a firm in a market and thus leads to enhancing business performance and attain best results. Further, the majority of the reusable instruments manufactured within Sialkot are exported to the European Countries. Thus, it is essential for Acumen Surgical Company operating in Sialkot, Pakistan aims to enter the international market and thus improves it a business process so that they can deliver appropriately quality instruments and thus lead to enhance business functions (Ackermann and Audretsch, 2013).

Mainly surgical instruments manufactured within Sialkot Pakistan is being exported to different European Countries, and thus it increases the chances of manufacturing firms to expand its operations in the international market and thus leads to enhance sales and profitability of firm in the market. However, it would aim firm to improve its export/import policy so that they can improve business functions and thus result in enhancing efficiency so that surgical instruments' industry could expand its operations in the international market (Carraher and Paridon, 2015). Also, it would result in enhancing the efficiency of the firm in the market and improve its brand image within surgical instruments manufacturing. This sector is flourishing and thus improving the business performance in the market and thus leads to enhance the export trend of Sialkot Pakistan Surgical industry and leads to improve business expansion and lead to attaining organisational performance so that maximum resources can be utilised so that best results can be attained. The disposable instruments market for Pakistan's disposable instruments is the USA. Therefore, it is crucial for the enterprise to improve its business functions and thus aims to enhance the brand image and thus focuses upon entering into global expansion so that business efficiency can be attained (Dupas and Robinson, 2013).

Here, it is essential for the chamber of commerce functioning in Pakistan aims to encourage SME to improve their efficiency and thus lead to enhance business performance in the market. However, through such way it can lead to improving surgical instrument industry and thus enter into the international market so that brand image of the firm can be enhanced. Moreover, it is essential for surgical instrument industries operating in Sialkot, Pakistan to identify its manufacturing capacity and thus improves its business performance so that export of instruments can be enhanced in the international market. Thus, it increases sales and profitability of firm in the market that leads to attaining desired goals (Casson, 2013).

The structure of surgical instruments industry focuses upon developing appropriately imports and exports regarding go beyond national boundaries. However, it is significant for industries to operate in the international market and thus enhance its business functions so that efficiency can be enhanced up to a great extent (Forsgren and Johanson, 2014). Moreover, it is significant for surgical instrument business to enlarge its functions and thus operate in the global market so that they can deal in an effective and efficient way. Moreover, identifying the export of surgical instruments from Pakistan to the USA and European Countries leads to enhance its business operations and thus improves the global image in the market. Therefore, it is essential for various SME operating in Sialkot Pakistan aims to enlarge its business functions and thus leads to improve the business process so that set targets can be attained (Neubauer and Lank, 2016).  
 Moreover, the appropriate structure needs to be developed so that surgical instruments needs to be extended to the international market. Through enhancing business operations from SME to the global market, it leads to improving business performance and thus efficiency of the firm can be improved. Also, it is essential for SME to enhance its business functions and thus involve skilled workers so that they can improve business efficiency in the market and leads to attaining desired results. Hence, it is the best way through which business can enhance its performance in the international market. Acumen Surgical Company being an SME aims to develop themselves as a brand and enhances its operations in international market so that they can perform efficiently and improves work performance using cluster programming so that best results can be attained (Ahmed, 2010).

Nature Of Surgical Industry

The nature of surgical industry carries out effective manufacturing processes which result in exposure to using innovative machinery and equipment so that they can effectively drilling, grinding and carry out other activities so that it does not affect any human being. The nature of work involves carrying out no protection to workers and thus no finance or incentive to workers that affects their operations within the firm (Jenkins, 2013). However, providing occupational health as a high priority business and thus leads to improve business efficiency that would result into operating in the international market and enhance business performance in the market. SME needs to provide proper workplace environment to its employees so that they can be protected in order to overcome health issues and thus develop organisational performance. Therefore, it is crucial for SME to expand its business functions and thus improve business operations so that they can work efficiently in regard to overcoming efficiency and leads to enhance sales and profitability in the market (Bridge and O'Neill, 2012).

Moreover, nature of the surgical industry in Sialkot, Pakistan assesses that it involves various children into manufacturing business and thus it affects business functions. Therefore, it is essential for the company to involve skilled professionals so that they can avoid inefficiency and improve effectiveness so that manufacturing of surgical instruments can be improved. It also helps in avoiding illiterate families and children so that they can improve efficiency within manufacturing process and thus enhance business functions so that best results can be attained. Moreover, it is also significant for surgical instrument company to improve and enhance business effectiveness so that business operations can be enhanced (Denscom

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