

University: N/A

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2251
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 769
Organization Selected : TU DUBLIN
Question :

There are following questions which needs to be analysed by the students ae given below:

  • What is social care?
  • Explain the partners involved in practice placement.
  • Analyse the practice of educator placement, documentation and assessment process.
  • Analyse the supervision and guidelines of assessment.
  • Analyse the practice placement policy and procedures.
Answer :


Social care refers to an effective plan to provide care for welfare of vulnerable individuals and groups of overall experiencing marginalisation, disadvantage and special requirements. It includes the criteria of considering legal and ethical rules in terms of delivering better services to people for their well-being (Knott and Scragg, 2016). In context of given portfolio, it is based on the scenario of working as a social care practitioner in TU DUBLIN Tallaght Campus to provide facilities for needy individuals. This assignment will focus on type of services and theoretical context along with legal boundaries of practising. It will also include the code of professional conduct and ethics as well as communications methods.


Illustration on the type of service, funding, client group, access to the service and services offered

Social care workers provide a number of services in order to fulfilling the requirements of individuals, communities and families. Social care worker work with a large range of individuals such as children, families, patients and so on. Agencies like TU DUBLIN Tallaght Campus also provide social care services such as offering services to communities, residential care, poor children, hospitals and so on. Social work is a challenging profession as it requires range of personal qualities such as understanding individuals, patience, resilience and tolerance.

Funding for such social care organisations are provided by different government agencies. Local councils and adults social care in UK invest a large amount for providing funds to the individuals. There are some volunteers also who tends to provide funds for the needy people and families that need financial support. Respective organisation gets its funds from local government (Baldwin, 2016).

Services offered by respective organization is supply by involving a range of social workers. They help poor families and families with disabled children. They provide support to vulnerable individuals mostly in the community. They offer free services to all citizens of the country including all necessary facilities such as support and proper care and providing medications and stuffs.

Place your agency within a theoretical context/model of practice

Models of practice in social care discuss about how social care workers can implement theories. It provide with a blue print of how to help others and provide necessary support. It helps in to create some kind of change in the services if required. Some of the theories in social care practice are discussed below.

Systems theory: It basically describe human behaviour in terms of complex systems. It is based on the idea that effective system can be achieved on the basis of individuals needs, rewards, attributes and expectations. This theory can be implemented in TU DUBLIN Tallaght Campus in order to educate students of social acre practice to teach them about all the basic information about needs and requirements of individual

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