
Enterprise Desktop Application for Management


1. The problem

In travel and tourism of existing systems there is not a proper well managed management for maintaining the clients and their issues (Mei, and 2016). In travel and tourism, it is very difficult to know the customer’s bookings, journeys because of not a proper management in old or traditional systems. Customers query regarding to travelling cannot get in proper well managed way.

2. The concept and solution

Using this desktop application is well managed for managing and maintaining the management of travel and tourism application (Sullivan, and 2014). This application helps a proper connections and connectivity to the clients. This application will easier for customers and for staff because it will provide the detailed and proper information of customer and queries of customer becomes get much easier.

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3. Key features of the Desktop Application

The feature of using this desktop application is that it provides proper connectivity with clients and gives detailed information of customers (Horvath, and 2014). Queries of customers will be get easier to manage for staff. Staff can get information very easily and immediately.

4. Business case

This desktop application for travel and tourism is well managed. This will save the staffs and everyone time because of using just one click and detailed information will be get by the staff (Fitzpatrick and 2014). This will reduce the traditional bookings issues and give a proper information.

5. Target audience

The target audience are the customers who uses the holiday packages and travelling. Like Audience can be target area wise, people’s income and post wise. For targeting audience firm’s employees can give advertisement, send quotations, mass mailing and via callings (Lerida and 2013). These peoples can be anyone and they can be get from social sites and other sites and things via using these digital marketing.

6. Strategic alignment within the organization's business and IT strategies

This desktop application is well managed so this is compatible with many organizations. In the field of IT using this application is very properly managed so organizations staff can use it very easily and clients also (Khan and 2016). Develop a team for give training that how desktop application is operating and accessing. Provide the services like user queries to the customer using organizations staff. Promotes individual groups of teams and provide a very supporting environment to the staff.

7. Value proposition and other benefits

This desktop application very effective and innovative (Bui 2015). Using this desktop application user will satisfy it they have any query by providing the services and responses Cox & Kings. This is maintaining the organizations management and keep data in a specific and systematic.

8. Infrastructure requirements including

This requires a team for developing and giving trainings to other staff. This requires supportive culture. This requires digital marketing to the peoples.

8.1. Development platforms

This desktop application must be run on different Operating systems Unix, mac and windows. Like ubuntu, windows, kali etc (Hudaib and 2017).

8.2. Coding languages and tools

This desktop application can be coded by using php, html, CSS, JavaScript, using some tools like notepad++, Mozilla Firefox browser.

8.3. Use of cloud services

For these desktop application organization can use hadoop for storing big amounts of data and big-data (Galster and Avgeriou, 2015). Cloud services allows peoples to access applications and get the data from the server of cloud.

9. Software design, development and testing strategies

For software design can be used of html and CSS for make interactive and different designs (Gil, Kim and Lee, 2014). The two kinds of testing must be used after developing the desktop application one is company side testing and testing have to be done by the customer side.

10. Internationalization for a global market.

Internationalization for a global market can be done by the use of digital marketing like mass mailings, advertisements, quotations etc. (Fain, Rasputnis, Tartakovsky and Gamov, 2014).

11. Social media integration strategies

Make a plan for social media objectives, aims. Create an account for social media and always try to update it whenever it requires (He and Da Xu, 2014).

12. Risk management - privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues etc.

Risk can be managed by identifying the problems of risk using past history and current information. For reducing the risk always make privacy in accounts with passwords. Security can be maintained by the granting and denizening from the accesses. For solving ethical issues, it requires a well-planned person who can figure out the problem and solution.

13. Deployment and integration strategies

Developer testes the code in their department, and then server will update the data of that application. If this is going to good, then the data will deploy by the developer (Medverd and 2013). Then this data is via server is updating all the old data's so this will integrate.

14. User acceptance and change management

For success this application is must be accepted by the clients and this can be only when the customer is satisfying with services of its application (Buschle, 2014). For user acceptance this application must be attractive and satisfy the customer. It can be use customer queries.

15. Legacy systems

This application must be work properly (Zheng and Yao, 2016). This application does its work in a desirable way. This application must be easy in operates for clients.

15.1. Database integration

The database integration requires schema so that all applications information will stored into people’s account.

15.2. Enterprise data integration

Enterprises data integration is combining the business information from several different sources and then compile them into one place.

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16. Maintenance

For maintaining this desktop application organization must maintain the maintenance like firm must purchase server, hardware, software's and maintain it.

17. Future opportunities and enhancements

Using this desktop application, it will interact the customers and save the organizations time. It will make more new customers (Al-Balushi and 2015). It means it create the opportunity for business via making new customers. It will increase the popularity and profitability if new customer will connect with this. This have been innovative for the mobile users. If this application is getting popularity, then it will interact many more national and international customers.

18. Recommendations and conclusion

This report is emphasized on norms that the desktop application will give the well managed proper managements of tourism customers. It will create the proper well managed management and it will provide the detailed information of customers to the employees. Using this desktop application, the user queries can be solved and handle easily. It will improve the services and employees will get the proper connection with the clients.

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  • Al-Balushi and 2015. A conceptual framework for the implementation process of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) in Government.ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 10(23). pp.17871-17880.
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  • Fitzpatrick and 2014. Sustainable life cycle engineering of an integrated desktop PC; a small to medium enterprise perspective.Journal of Cleaner Production. 74. pp.155-160.
  • Galster, M. and Avgeriou, P., 2015. An industrial case study on variability handling in large enterprise software systems.Information and Software Technology. 60. pp.16-31.
  • Gil and 2014. Task scheduling scheme based on resource clustering in desktop grids.International Journal of Communication Systems. 27(6). pp.918-930.
  • He, W. and Da Xu, L., 2014. Integration of distributed enterprise applications: A survey.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 10(1). pp.35-42.
  • Horvath and 2014. Modular design, application architecture, and usage of a self-service model for enterprise data delivery: The Duke Enterprise Data Unified Content Explorer (DEDUCE). Journal of biomedical informatics. 52. pp.231-242.
  • Hudaib and 2017. A Survey about Self-Healing Systems (Desktop and Web Application).
  • Khan and 2016. A group based fault tolerant scheduling mechanism to improve the application turnaround time on desktop grids.Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 13(2). pp.274-280.
  • Lerida, and 2013. State-based predictions with self-correction on Enterprise Desktop Grid environments.Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 73(6). pp.777-789.
  • Medverd and 2013. Advanced medical imaging protocol workflow—a flexible electronic solution to optimize process efficiency, care quality and patient safety in the National VA Enterprise.Journal of digital imaging. 26(4). pp.643-650.
  • Mei and 2016. Application of Desktop Cloud in Processing of Petroleum Exploration Data.DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science, (emass).
  • Sarker, M.I.H., 2014. JMVC: A Java Framework for Rapidly Developing Desktop Application Software Based on MVC.Smart CR. 4(4). pp.256-261.
  • Sullivan, B.L., Aycrigg, J.L., Barry, J.H., Bonney, R.E., Bruns, N., Cooper, C.B., Damoulas, T., Dhondt and 2014. The eBird enterprise: an integrated approach to development and application of citizen science.Biological Conservation. 169. pp.31-40.
  • Zheng, L. and Yao, J., 2016. The Construction of Power Cloud Integrated with Heterogeneous Application Service Systems.
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