
Business plan of Food Truck


In relation with operating a business from food truck which is being operated in Germany to have brought the fast food services to the consumers throughout Mönchengladbach. The motive of business is for bringing healthy and costs efficient food to consumers in location. They have mainly targeted office people and students which are always in rush and did not have enough time for preparing meals. They also approach towards having the meals on regular basis on cheap prices which will be affordable for them as well as must be good in quality. “Drive Burger” is planning to have appropriate business operations which will be attractive to the consumers in terms of having healthy meals. Business has planned to bring a range of Burgers, Sandwiches, Spaghetti and various beverages which will be available to them at cheap rates.

In the following report there will be specific business plan which in turn will be helpful to business to have risen in income level. There will be installation of various new machinates and operational practices which will be effectiveness to have risen in income level of the firm. Similarly, the report comprises with all the activities which were has been planned by the researchers to have fruitful and profitable practices in market. It has been considered by the workers of “Drive Burger” is that they will going to make effective internal control over the hygienic food quality which comprises with consideration of all ethical regulations relevant with serving food in market. Consumers will be served with healthy food and drinks that will bring them positive experience relevant with each meal (Barringer, 2012). Researchers will cover all areas of study such as capital needs and sales tax. Employment services as well as insurance payable by them will be managed and administered in this plan. There will be discussion based on various competitors in the environment and access through opportunities which will be effective as well as beneficial in terms of building effective control over the market.


Motive of “Drive Burger” is to serve the healthy food and drinks that will bring them the positive experience relevant with each meal. Mainly, they have targeted office people and students which are always in rush and do not have enough time for preparing their meals. They also approach towards having the meals of regular basis on cheap costs which will be affordable for them as well as must be in good quality (Boiko, 2016). Consideration of all the legal terms, regulations as well as industrial needs which in turn will be helpful and satisfactory top bring suitable control over the quality, hygiene as well as cost of products (Fulker and, 2016). Quality of food will be served with proper emphasis on ingredients used in each preparation, use of healthy material and hygienic equipment and machines will be used to meet the proper health requirements on time.

It has been considered by researchers that students and job personnel were always in hurry and rush as well as they do not have enough time to prepare healthy food. Moreover, motive is to bring them cost efficiency and healthy food. On other side, in consideration with “Drive Burger” it can be said that there will be benefits associated with these business operations (Gabler and, 2017). Thus, rise in income will be effective and helpful to open more franchises in the market. Concept of food van which will be helpful in having appropriate control over costs as there is no need to make expenditures over accommodation facilities. Similarity, there will be fruitful development of operations which can be appropriate and suitable to have satisfactory revenue generations. It has been planned by researchers that they will go to make various meal packs which will be cost efficient and come under the budgets of consumers.


It has been planned by an operational team of “Drive Burger” that they will go to prepare several meals which in turn will be effective to business. There has been planning relevant with producing various meals such as Mini Packs, Hamburgers, Nuggets, Soft drinks, Cheeseburger, Chilli cheese burger, salad, shakes, sundae, spaghetti etc. with the proper consideration over quality and costs use in such preparations (Barringer, 2012). On other side, it can be said that there will be contact with various suppliers which were registered in business operations as well as bring effective control over the products and prices. Similarly, the process of using equipment, machineries as well as various tools that will be effective and beneficial in bringing promptness in work. The food will be served on the van or food truck which will be driven all over area in a scheduled routine.

Moreover, there has been plans relevant with the selection of appropriate staff members, suppliers, locations as well as marketing team. Stakeholders associated with this business will have appropriate administration of their work and deliver the best quality of food material in market. Determination of such tasks and operations which will be effective as per analysing the cost requirements as well as meeting the business objectives in the right time. All the dishes and rinks has been allocated with the effective prices over them which in turn will be profitable to generate the gains in through business operations. Decisions made by personnels is that they will mainly operate the food truck in Germany at “Mönchengladbach” which will be appropriate location for them in terms of making productive efforts. On the other side, the food truck does not have any particular location as well as doe not need to make cost decisions to obtain a plan and make accommodation expenses. Similarly, there will be fruitful gains and the operational needs of firm which insists the appropriate changes as well as revenue generations through promoting the business with its product line. Simplified techniques will be appropriate in terms of making the best quality of foods.

Mission and Vision

“Drive Burger” has planned various operations which in turn will be effective and helpful to have most effective growth in revenue as well as bring the cost efficient and good quality food among consumers. Moreover, consideration of various laws, regulations and food security acts which will have the appropriate determination of the work. The food will be served on the food van or food truck which will be driven all over location in a scheduled routine. Moreover, there has been plans relevant with the selection of appropriate staff members, suppliers, locations as well as marketing team (Fulker and, 2016). The stakeholders associated with this business will have appropriate administration of their work and deliver the best quality of food material in the market. Consideration of all the legal terms, regulations as well as industrial needs which in turn will be helpful and satisfactory top bring the suitable control over the quality, hygiene as well as cost of the products. In the coming period the business will have appropriate growth in and which has been planned by the professionals that they will go to operate few more food trucks in German market.

Aim and Objectives

Aim: “To access market needs and cost required for success of “Drive Burger” food truck”


  • To analyse fruitfulness of business idea in the market
  • To access available competition, suppliers as well as relevant resources for the business operations.
  • To access market as well as fetching requirements of consumers in respect with food truck.
  • To suggest suitable ways and techniques in developing the business in the broad terms.

Definitions and theoretical foundations

2.1 Concept of food truck

These are full-fledge restaurant which will be effective and helpful as per demonstrating the various operational predicates. Concept of operating a food truck will be enthusiastic for the professionals, employees as well as consumers in taking meals. Therefore, it is a newly implicated concept that will influence consumers in having meals at their convenient place. It is a mobile restaurant which builds with all necessary equipments, machineries as well as operational activities. Composition of a food truck based on analysing several factors which are needed to be considered by business professionals such as:

Space: It consists of limiting the resources and the availability of sources for operating a food truck. Moreover, this concept will be helpful; in meeting the business objectives as well as requirements in the right time. Small space will have scarcity of all material such as machineries, equipments and ingredients. The negative impacts is that business will serve on limited consumers daily. There will be rise in demands as if the business will have growth in operational practices as well as revenue generation. Moreover, the implication of such plans and policies which are needed to be accurate and sufficient for firm in terms of gaining good revenue. Installation of appropriate categories of equipments which will be effective and helpful in terms of preparing various kinds of recipes. The scarcity of the resources ahas negative impacts in terms of losing large number of buyers from business. To retaining buyers for longer period all necessary ingredients needed to be consumed by business. All operational tools are needed to be installed in truck in a Compaq manner that will be attractive and influencing to have availability of all resources as well as management of work.

Time: To remove the struggle in making profit there is needed to have appropriate schedule thus, the timing of operating foods truck needed to be communicated among consumers as well as it must be prompt. Timing will be effective and helpful in gathering the large number of buyers and if there is any loophole business will loss its consumers. Time consumes in respect with preparing meals needed to be short and appropriate as the business will have satisfactory gains in the coming time. If such time consumed by professionals in preparing is higher than they will not being able to make good earning trough this business. Moreover, in respect with this issue it can be said that there are needs to have effective control over timings of business operations. Proper management of operations and time will be effective as per having rise in income and operational practices of the firm.

Customer demand: launching a food truck business will bring the satisfactory gains and revenue in the coming period. Moreover, there will be rise in revenue as well as operational gains of firm. Varieties of dishes will be served among people with a motive to take positive response and their preferences for taste, prices and food quality. “Drive Burger” needed to have appropriate strategic market plan which will be helpful to them as pert communicating the business ideas among people. Therefore, it enables sale team in making appropriate forecast of sales demand that will be generated in the market. Determination of various demands and operations which in turn will be effective and helpful as per having informative rise in value and operational practices of firm. Analysing current market trend and preferences of consumers which indicates a suitable survey and observation over eating habit of people as well as prices payable by them in a restaurant. Ascertaining the general demand of consumers with a restaurant business is that they mainly comprise with having effective rise in revenue as well as performance of business. Consumer considers the best quantity with appropriate satisfaction from such services. In a restaurant business there are higher emphasise payable over improving the quality control as well as costs efficient meals which are needed to be offered by them. Tastes and quality of food will be attractive and helpful to the business as per improving the business needs as well as generating the fruitful ideas in market. It requires complete analysis over consumer needs and wants in a period as well as revenue generation of business as per improving the business growth. The analysis over their wants preferences as well ad costs conveniences that will be helpful to in terms of deciding prices over goods and services as well as management of operations.

Definition and special features:

Currently, many of the businesses has approaches towards operating entity in terms of facilitating the foods truck services to consumers. It is a mobile restaurant which brings the fresh food articles, meals and beverages to the consumers at various locations. Thus, the concept consists of providing appropriate quality of the food material in the market to have the satisfactory gains bring convenience experiences to the consumers. It comprises with the null accommodation costs which will be helpful as effective to have risen in the income as well as revenue generations of entity (Ab Wahab and, 2017). There will be few members such as two or more than two people were engaged in this business. It also comprises with the less investment as there is the only need to have a well-conditioned food truck which will be modified with various equipment and machineries used in preparing the meals (Food Truck Theme Ideas and Inspiration, 2017). The charges are mainly fuel, purchasing of raw material as well as salaries of the people.

However, in relation with the approaches which is takes into consideration by the professionals of “Drive Burger” is that there are capable of making the effective sale of such articles among the market to retaining the adequate gains and profits through such resources which will be effective and helpful to meet the business requirements in the appropriate time. However, the main advantages of operating a food truck is that there is not need to make excessive investment for developing the infrastructure fatalities or making the payment of taxes in respect with the accommodation facilities (Fischbach and Guerrero, 2017). Thus, there mobility brings the owners' ability to make the operations anywhere and serve the food everywhere the main motive of the business is to facilitate the food with the best quality or in a cost efficiency manner. Similarly, the purchase of raw material will be based on regular basis as there is not need to wait for the suppliers to bring the products at the premises.

It will be more helpful as well as profitable for “Drive Burger” as if they scheduled their time in visiting the particular location which will be in communication to the people or consumers and which in turn brings them suitable gains (Cook, Zane and Campbell, 2017). The convenience level of such type of business is very convenient and profitable for having the long term gains with lower implication of costs for the operations. Similarly, in relation with operating the business for the longer terms and the operational period there will be requirement meeting all the needs and operational wants of the local authorities such as proper licensing as well as consideration of the human rights laws (Godfrey, 2017). Other than this, there has been various plans for managing the financial requirement in the business. Therefore, there will be ned for keeping the books of records which in turn will be effective to analyse the costs requirement of the business for the longer period.

Feature of “Drive Burger”:

This business is comprises with selling the large varieties of burgers in the market which in turn will be helpful and effective to have risen in the operational gains and profitability of the firm's operations. However, there has been various concepts and feature of a food truck which are currently operating in the market such as severing the juices, fast food, pizzas, ice creams etc. These are the businesses which will be helpful as they have large number of consumers in comparison with the restaurant businesses (Concepts for food truck, 2017). Obtaining the appropriate attention of the consumers there is need to have effective menu card which is consisted of all the new and innovative dishes. Therefore, the best taste as well as quality of material used in preparing the meals will be very attractive to consumers for keeping their come backs for meal again and again. Determination of such tasks and operations which will be effective as per analysing the cost requirements as well as meeting the business objectives in the right time. All the dishes and rinks has been allocated with the effective prices over them which in turn will be profitable to generate the gains in through business operations. Decisions made by personnels is that they will mainly operate the food truck in Germany at “Mönchengladbach” which will be appropriate location for them in terms of making productive efforts. On the other side, the food truck does not have any particular location as well as doe not need to make cost decisions to obtain a plan and make accommodation expenses. Similarly, there will be fruitful gains and the operational needs of firm which insists the appropriate changes as well as revenue generations through promoting the business with its product line. Simplified techniques will be appropriate in terms of making the best quality of foods.

Moreover, in relation with preparing the meals as well as attracting the large number of consumers there is need to have effective control over the costs as well as brings the unique product line which will be interesting to the consumers at a particular diaspora. The concept of serving the varieties of burger there has been various other products which has been featured and decided by the professionals to sell them in consumers (Ab Wahab and, 2017). Therefore, the aim of business is that there will be services relevant with serving the all categories of food to the consumers as they do not need to headed towards new location and areas. Thus, there are various areas which has been considered by the professionals of “Drive Burger” such as:

  • There will be focus in payable over delivering the hygienic meals to the consumers with the respective of using organic as well as fresh ingredients in preparing the meals for the business.
  • The use of properly scheduled operating time will be helpful and beneficial to have satisfactory revenue generation as well as attracting the consumers at the right place on perfect time (Fischbach and Guerrero, 2017).
  • There will be preparation of meals on the basis of implicating the innovative techniques and sources of preparing the meals for the operations.
  • There will be selection of effective suppliers which brings the organic ingredients for the preparation of the meals and drinks.
  • The food will be comprises with all the legal terms and conditions such as obtaining a license from local authorities (Cook, Zane and Campbell, 2017).
  • There will be use of perfect European flavours and regional cuisine to have appropriate increment in the revenue and the operational practices in the market.

Application examples:

In accordance with developing the business on a large level as the large consumer and product chain will benefit the business to have risen in income, growth and operational efficiencies. Therefore, in accordance with having such gains there is needed to have a developed and specific plan which will be fruitful and beneficial to the firm as per having appropriate revenue generation for the period. Thus, the food truck “Drive Burger” needed to have satisfactory varieties of dishes which will be attractive and helpful to the business units to have risen in the economic level as well as profit generation of the firm. The professionals of this business has planned to launch various categories of burgers., fast food dishes and beverages like juices and soft drinks (Foodtruck Menu, 2018). Thus, it has been aimed at offering the fitful and profitable goods and services among the consumers as well as managing the operational practices for the long period. On the other side, the quality of food articles has been considered by the business professionals which will be healthy and beneficial for the consumers to have meals on regular purpose. They have mainly targeted office people and students which are always in rush and did not have enough time for preparing meals. They also approach towards having the meals on regular basis on cheap prices which will be affordable for them as well as must be good in quality. “Drive Burger” is planning to have appropriate business operations which will be attractive to the consumers in terms of having healthy meals (Scavarda and, 2017). Consumers will be served with healthy food and drinks that will bring them positive experience relevant with each meal. Consideration of all the legal terms, regulations as well as industrial needs which in turn will be helpful and satisfactory top bring suitable control over the quality, hygiene as well as cost of products. There has been planning relevant with producing various meals such as Mini Packs, Hamburgers, Nuggets, Soft drinks, Cheeseburger, Chilli cheese burger, salad, shakes, sundae, spaghetti etc. with the proper consideration over quality and costs use in such preparations. Therefore, there are various range of burgers and food articles which have been offered among consumers such as:

Dishes and Drinks:

Professionals at “Drive Burger” have planned the initial menu card and the products they have aimed at dealing it among the people. Therefore, there has been use of various categories of ingredients which will be rich in flavour and taste. Therefore, the motive of business is to satisfy the students and the working individuals with the bets quality of food. Therefore, in consideration with such impacts there has been selection of appropriate suppliers and the employees who will performer the tasks (Angerer and, 2017). On the other side it can be said that there is needed to have an appointment of qualified chef which will be able to prepare all the dishes and drinks with consideration of better quality control. Moreover, the products which have been offered by professionals at “Drive Burger” such as:

Classic Burger: This is the most cost effectiveness and healthy burger which have been offered by “Drive Burger” to the consumer. Therefore, it consists of various ingredients such as veggies and meat. Therefore, it consists of Angus beef which is from the Angus cattle the meat will be fresh and healthy as it has higher protein and carbohydrates which will be good for healthy diet. Moreover, the plan for using such an ingredient to bring the winning dishes among the consumers which will be best in quality as well as must have use of fresh material in preparing it (Proksch and, 2017). There will be use of machineries, grills, microwave oven as well as various equipment which has been used in preparing such food articles. Ion relation with developing the appropriate plans and operations there will be influences of various dishes and techniques to prepare the meal. Further this burger consists of various other ingredients such as Tomato, onion, lettuce and mayo which will be good agent in terms of facilitating the appropriate flavour and texture to the meal. Therefore, the motive of bring the healthy food among people will be effective as if the professionals must considers about dealing the goods in an appropriate quality.

Bacon cheddar: The other product or which have been offered to the consumers is the bacon cheddar burger which will be prepared with consideration of various ingredients such as Bacon, Lettuce, Angus Beef, Tomato, Onion, Pickle and Mayo. Thus, the use of two categories of meal elements which will be effective and helpful in uplifting the tastes and flavour of such meal. This will cost for 9.50 euros and which will be effective and helpful as it will be under the budgets of consumer. Bacon is the salted pork meat which have been constraint from the pork chest of belly (Licha and Brem, 2018). It comprises with lower fat and has the unique flavour of taste. Therefore, the use of such an ingredient in side supplement to the dishes as the thin layer of meat can be adjusted in the burger as well as in various other preparation. It comprises with the lower fat which will be helpful to the people who would have it on regular basis. Thus, there are various bacon lovers in market who would love to have the meal for their daily meal.

Mexi burger: This preparation will be most attractive to the consumers as per use of fresh quality ingredient such as Grilled Ham, Angus Beef, Lettuce, Avocado, Jalapenos, chipotle mayo and Queso fresco. Therefore, there has been use of various elements or ingredients in preparing this burger (Stein and, 2017). Therefore, in order to have all the fresh ingredient on the daily basis there is need to have strong communication and contacts with the external market. Thus, the selection of approbate suppliers, distributors as well as operational experts will have satisfactory increment in the revenue and the operational gains to this business.

Veggie Burger: Apart from meat preparations there has been specially designed or prepared burger which comprises with all the vegetable and ingredients that will be helpful to the health conscious as well as vegetarian people to have such meals. Therefore, there are various people which does not like to have meat in their meals to satisfy those consumers there has been preparation of various dishes which will be comprises with vegetables (Riis and, 2017). It consists of implicating various ingredients into it such as Red been and mushroom petty, mayo, pickle, onion and tomato. Thus, the use of fresh and best quality material will bring the dish a rich look and which will be tasty and healthy for consumers. Moreover, it will be compresses with the use of lower prices as students or other consumers will have them in the best ways as well as they will have to make payment of low expenses for the same.

Fire burger: These are the burger which are mainly prepared and implicated in the business menu as it consists of various ingredients which brings hotness into it. Therefore, there are various consumers which love to have spicy meal as it will be adventures to them to have the euphoric feelings through eating spicy stuff. There will be use of various kinds of peppers which will bring spicy texture and taste in it (Winterhalter and, 2017). Moreover, in includes the ingredients like chipotle mayo, Jalapenos peppers, Angus Beef, onion, Fire sauce, Lettuce, Serrano peppers and pepper jack cheese. Thus, this has been implicated by the professionals in the meals and the products they are offering in the market. Moreover, it will be a unique product which will attract the consumers to try this adventures food and experience the spices.

Mushroom burger:

Mushrooms are best known for the special features in it such as it is rich in vitamin B2, B6, it will be helpful in preparing the life threatening diseases as well as will be a good nutrition for making effective health benefits. However, there has been use of various ingredients which will bring good flavours such as Caramelized onions, Lettuce, Angus Beef, roasted mushrooms, garlic- herb mayo and smoked gouda cheese (Yang and Gabrielsson, 2017). The prices of this burger is said to be cheap in compared with other business and the competitors available in the market moreover, preparing this meal which consists of all the fresh and healthy ingredients moreover, this business ideas will bring the favourable impacts over the consumers in becoming health conscious as well as have the meal they like to have bust in healthy way.

Mini pack:

“Drive Burger” has decided to sale a pack of meal to consumers which consist of classic burger, fries and milkshake of choice. It has been aimed at providing all categories of meals in a single box as well as at cheapest rates. It will be cost efficient as well as satisfying in terms of hunger of consumer. The concept of launching a mini pack basically satisfy needs of a buyer in relation with having all food article in a single pack. It necessary to meet sanctification level of consumers in quality, quantity and prices of the food. Therefore, launching a mini-pack will be helpful and perfect strategy for “Drive Burger” in relation with improving sales of three goods at one time (Konstantynova and Lehmann, 2017). It will improve the sales of all three products instead of selling a particular unit. Psychologically, people like to have a large quantity of pack which will be cost effective. Thus, the quantity of products included in a mini pack does not bother them in terms of cost efficiency. In addition, the costs of this product will be set by the professionals with considering budgets. It has been believed here that to retain consumers for longer terms there is need to have effective control over product quality and quantity. The prices will have satisfactory impacts over increasing sales of food truck in a day.


These are the burger which are highly demanded in market as pee the size of these burgers are comparatively large than the ordinary burgers. It can be said that there are various demands and wants of the consumers in relation with improving the sales and operational activities of the business (Scavarda and, 2017). The recipe of this burger is comprises with involving various ingredients such as Ripe, tomato, lettuce, ground chuck and spices. Rates are comparatively set on cheapest rang which will be indicative and helpful as per developing the business sales growth. “Drive Burger” will have effective revenue gains as if the sale of each categories of burger will have effective terms and categories of preparations. Popularity of these burgers in market as for attaining the appropriate growth and revenue generation as to perform business practices.


In recent times Chicken nuggets has been a famous dish which is highly appropriate and liked by people. Moreover, these are prepared from skin less chicken breasts which is needed to be cut in short peace. That will be attractive as well as healthy to buyers in relation with having appropriate quality and quantity of food. Similarly, there are various rivalries in market which will have the negative impacts over the rise in the capital as well as management of operational work in environment. There will be use of breadcrumbs which brings it a crunchy texture as well as it will be fries in a deep fryer (Angerer and, 2017). Therefore, in relation with preparing such meals there is need to have appropriate inventory collection as well as stock of all the ingredients which were being used in preparing the meals. The nuggets are basically known as the main recipes of chicken meat. The main things which is needed to be consider by professionals is for keeping the fresh meat of use of refrigerator to prevent it from germs and other bacterial infections. Consideration of healthy deliveries is prime requirement of the business unit. It will be an effective dish which helps in improving the sales of business.


For health conscious people there will be demand of having appropriate plate of salad in lunch time. This is basically known as mixture of all vegetables and leaves. Preparation of salad is comprises with cutting veggies into small pieces and mixing them together in a bowl with the lemon juice, mint leaves and coriander leaves (Proksch and, 2017). Salad has effective flavours and unique texture as well as it does not contain any fat and unhealthy things such as preserved sauces. The implication of various varieties of vegetables in a single bowl will be good in taste and health benefits to consumers. Consciousness of consumers in relation with having appropriate health benefits that will have several benefits in terms of making effective control over revenue generation as well as profitable gains in business (Licha and Brem, 2018). Vegetables are best known for a bunch of various vitamins and nutrients which will be effective and helpful as per bringing the appropriate health benefits to individuals.


Noodles has been appreciated and loved by various individuals which is a quick preparation as well as contains all the necessary ingredients which in turn will be effective in giving higher texture and tastes to individual. “Drive Burger” has the variations in the recipe is that they will serve it with consideration of various ingredients such as Bacon meat, tomato, mint leaves, cheese, cream and Noodles. It has been aimed by the chef and business professional is that it will be a unique technique as well as terms in order to generate a specific needs of the business operations (Stein and, 2017). Moreover, it has been planned by the professionals that if the business has appropriate growth in the coming period than there will be in implication of various new recipes and ingredients that will be effective as per making new reform in spaghetti and other relevant food. Similarly, as per developing new dishes and operations there is need to have effective control over quality sued in preparing dishes as well as facilitating the most appropriate and adequate quality of food.


There are many people which are fries lovers and they would like to have variation in the fires. Therefore, there will be use of Potato and various spices which will make is spicy and tasty that will be consumed by buyers in the good and healthy way. Thus, “Drive Burger” is offering fries in a good manner as well as using the fresh potato (Riis and, 2017). The costs of these ingredients will be effective and under the budgetary scale of consumers.

Bacon parm fries:

This is the unique experiment which has been made with the fries offered by a firm. Therefore, to implicate the use of various kinds of fries which will be helpful in fetching the consumer attraction. It influenced with implicating various ingredients and material that will be useful and helpful to have successful implication of such resources into operation such as Bacon, fires, mayo and garlic aioli sauce (Winterhalter and, 2017). Therefore, the use of Garlic aioli sauce will be a good ingredient as it brings the unique garlic flavoured into the fires. Moreover, it will be attractive to the consumers to have the Bacon fries. Thus, it can be said that the consumers will have a satisfactory explosion of flavour in their mouth which will be sufficient as to meet the requirements of overcoming with their carving hunger.

Fried egg:

In order to serve the best and healthy breakfast to the students and various other consumers the use of eggs are quite a common thing which have been used as to have satisfactory meal. Therefore, eggs are known as the best food meal which in turn will be helpful and beneficial for improving the immunity as well as it is rich in terms of protein diet. Therefore, it will be the cheapest meal to the consumers which will be effective and helpful as it brings them the adequate health benefits (Yang and Gabrielsson, 2017). Similarly, in relations with having fresh ad good quality eggs there has been collaborations with the various suppliers in the market. It will be comprises with the all the concepts and the issues which are being arise such as diseases through eggs etc. thus, to prevent consumer from such diseases there will be need of having appropriate analysis over the quality in terms with use of fresh eggs.


Other than meals and the dishes there has been implementation of various drinks and shakes which will be effective as to complete the meal of consumers. Therefore, there will be use of such drinks like Coca-cola or soda bottle which will be effective to have the satisfactory cure from gastritis as well as issues occurs while having oily products. On the other side, the implication of various milk shakes such as Fruit and nut shake, chocolate shakes etc. theretofore, it will be healthy as well as good in the quality which in turn helps in improving health of consumers (Konstantynova and Lehmann, 2017). Moreover, there will be implication of various chocolates like kit-kat, Oreo biscuits as well as fruits like, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi and black current. Thus, this all comprises with using the appropriate quality and quantity which will be fresh and fruitful to the buyers. In addition, the professionals has ascertained the costs of such drinks in fruitful manner. Thus, the rates are comparatively cheap and appropriate to the drinks as it will be assistive in relation with meeting the production costs as well as retaining the profit over selling them among buyers.

Moreover, the concept of launching a food truck will be effective and beneficial in terms of identifying the operational criteria of business. Thus, time consumes in respect with preparing meals needed to be short and appropriate as the business will have satisfactory gains in the coming time. If such time consumed by professionals in preparing is higher than they will not being able to make good earning trough this business (Scavarda and, 2017). Moreover, in respect with this issue it can be said that there are needs to have effective control over timings of business operations. Proper management of operations and time will be effective as per having rise in income and operational practices of the firm. Implication of various techniques and operational wants of the business there is needed to have satisfactory rise in the revenue generation as well as profitable gains.

In addition, it can be said that the business personnel needed to analyse demands of consumers in the market. They are mainly targeting students and office worker which always in rush and hurry as they do not have specific time to take breakfast of lunch with them. Thus, the concept of Food truck will be beneficial as per meeting their desired level of expectation. They have mainly targeted office people and students which are always in rush and did not have enough time for preparing meals. They also approach towards having the meals on regular basis on cheap prices which will be affordable for them as well as must be good in quality. “Drive Burger” is planning to have appropriate business operations which will be attractive to the consumers in terms of having healthy meals (Angerer and, 2017). Consumers will be served with healthy food and drinks that will bring them positive experience relevant with each meal. Consideration of all the legal terms, regulations as well as industrial needs which in turn will be helpful and satisfactory top bring suitable control over the quality, hygiene as well as cost of products. There has been planning relevant with producing various meals such as Mini Packs, Hamburgers, Nuggets, , Soft drinks, Cheeseburger, Chilli cheese burger, salad, shakes, sundae, spaghetti etc. with the proper consideration over quality and costs use in such preparations. On the other side the sales of various articles will be effective and helpful to the business in terms of satisfying the large numbers of consumers (Proksch and, 2017). Moreover, the aim of a restaurant business is for developing various strategies and operational tasks that will bring them appropriate gains and resources in relation with making effective analysis over business activities.

Marketing plan

Developing brand image in market which comprises with making effective market plan that will be helpful and appropriate as per analysing the wants and needs of consumers. Promotional criteria of “Drive Burger” has been based on various operational practices as well as activities held in business. Planning and designing activities will be effective as per analysing consumers demands and then designing the operations accordingly. Developing a blue print of marketing plan will have several discussions and observation in the market (Licha and Brem, 2018). Plans are set to be flexible and must comprise with appropriate information regarding costs implicated in each promotional activities. Advertising business concept among market will be based on various techniques such as social media advertising, news broadcast, television advertising, radio communication, text messaging, newspaper adversing etc. these are various medium through with business will have effective rise in revenue as well as profitable gains in the coming time. Moreover, in relation with managing business operations it can be said that there will be a satisfactory rise in revenue as well as growth of business. Therefore, the marketing plan includes various techniques and tools which in turn will be effective and helpful in meeting the business requirements such as:

Market research: It comprises with collection of information and generating the effective data set which will be helpful in meting all the requirements of the entity in the required time period. Here the market researchers will become able to make effective control over industrial activities as well as management of work in respect with improving operational criteria of business. It will be very helpful technique in terms of analysing market dynamics, patterns as well as consumers behaviour. It will be a funnelling source which in turn makes increment in the revenue as well as profitable gains of the business (Stein and, 2017). There can be rise in revenue as well as operational gains of the business which will be effective and beneficial in terms of meeting the goals of business in right time. It enhances the productive, operational efficiencies as well as rise in the sales revenue of firm. Thus, the increment in various operational practices will be effective and helpful as per meeting the demands of the right time. Increasing sales volume are main desires of every business unit in market it mainly comprises with improving operational criteria of businesses. In relation with the operational practices of “Drive Burger” they have to make surveys as well as analysing market environment which in turn will be effective and helpful in meeting business objectives.

Competition: In relation with becoming a market leader there is need to have effective control over operational activities which will be assistive and effective in meeting targets of business. There are various food trucks which are currently operating in Germany which are needed to be ascertained by professionals. It consists of higher competition stated in market that is needed to have effective analysis over existing market rivals. There is need to analyse their products, services as well as operational area which will define appropriate control over business activities (Riis and, 2017). Demonstration of prices which are being offered by the competitors on the same product line. Thus, it will be suggested to the “Drive Burger” as per making effective control over productivity as well as revenue generation of business. To analyse such factors will be helpful to the organisation in terms of rising the revenue of firm as well as developing operational wants and needs at the right rime. It enables managerial professionals in strategic planning as well as implication reforms into food truck business. There will be a satisfactory rise in the revenue as well as gaols of business which will be indicative as per making rise in sales. They have mainly targeted office people and students which are always in rush and did not have enough time for preparing meals.

They also approach towards having the meals on regular basis on cheap prices which will be affordable for them as well as must be good in quality. “Drive Burger” is planning to have appropriate business operations which will be attractive to the consumers in terms of having healthy meals. Consumers will be served with healthy food and drinks that will bring them positive experience relevant with each meal. Consideration of all the legal terms, regulations as well as industrial needs which in turn will be helpful and satisfactory top bring suitable control over the quality, hygiene as well as cost of products (Winterhalter and, 2017). There are various plans for involving various material which will be effective and helpful as per attaining the qualified goals of business. Similarly, there are various food truck operators which are stated in Germany and they have covered the wide area of servicing the food market. It will be challenging for “Drive Burger” as they have to be more conscious about prices. Food quality as well as development of various food articles.

Marketing strategies: In order to make the satisfactory promotion of the business in relation with developing tactics that will make effective marketing of the business which in turn will be helpful in generating positive responses from consumers. There are various methods and techniques which are needed to be impacted. Helpfulness of marketing strategies in terms of developing the objective of firm which will be helpful and beneficial in terms of raising the profitable gains of firm. Determining consumer needs is the prime need of restaurant business on small scale. It will be effective technique which in turn will be effective as well as useful to bring the profitable increment in entity (Yang and Gabrielsson, 2017). To promote the business idea among consumers will be the best technique in terms of communicating operational activities of firm in relation with gaining the appropriate numbers of buyers. There will be various sources and medium through which “Drive Burger” advertise or promote business in Germany. It includes marketing through Social media, new paper advertising, articles, journals etc. therefore, it will be helpful technique as the consumers will have information regrading the offerings and prices levied over such offerings.

On the hand, advertising over delivering flies, publishing hoardings, graffiti etc. that will be helpful in terms of bring the general offer or advertisement among society. Mouth publicity will be very helpful and beneficial technique that in turn helps in generating the adequate revenues to the business in terms of improving its operational ability in the market. Therefore, there is needed to have implication of various techniques and operational activities which will be helpful to bring the satisfactory revenue generation in market (Konstantynova and Lehmann, 2017). Professionals as well as researchers are aimed at operating marketing campaign in relation with serving the sample dishes in the market to their first consumers as per taking their reviews and responses regrading the tastes and prices. Consumers will analyse and take interest in giving reviews on such dishes.

Marketing budgets: It must be planed by top managerial unit of business they will prepare a cost target and limit in accordance with analysing the market responses on their products and services. Drive Burger will have appropriately controlled over the costs and expending of business. It is necessary to have an appropriate budget which brings clear analysis over the costs incurred in the business operations as well as make suitable decision to reduce them. In accordance with making fruitful marketing in market this requires proper analysis over techniques of marketing which will be used by business in marketing the products as well as business concept in market (Scavarda and, 2017). Considering the costs in implicated in different level of products and services which are being required by the business professionals in terms of making effective control over spendings. Allocation of funds in various activities such as social media marketing, malvertising over various sites and operational units which will be attractive to the consumers in terms of bringing the rise ins revenue generation as well as profitable gains.

Goals: A market plan must comprise with a selected and preplanned goals of the business. Therefore, it can be said that Drive Burger must have effective objectives which will bring satisfaction in terms of delivering apportion knowledge and information regarding the dishes they are serving in market there are a various student and workers which does not have enough time in trends of preparing meals to satisfy thir hunger (Angerer and, 2017). Therefore, in relation with making effective analysis as well as assumption that will bring the suitable revenue collection to the business on which managers need to make plans. Main target of business is for delivering the healthy and tasty meal at various cost efficient rates to the students and worker in the market. Dedication in an operational aspect will lead the business in terms of achieving appropriate gains and probability in t

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