
MNGT6275-Value and Contribution to Organisational

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  • Unit No: 36
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2738
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Organization Selected : Hotel Hilton
Question :

 Following are the questions which is considered by the student for the completion of the project.

  • Explain the importance of organisational design for the delivery of sustainable performance.
  • Analyse the requirement for developing, motivating the experienced and knowledgeable teams and individuals.
  • Use contemporary knowledge & research for support emerging HR developments.
Answer :


Organisational design refers to the alignment of various departments of organisation for achieving aims and objectives. There is requirement of complete and specific information through which structure of association will remain in specified format. With change in organisational design, there will change in operational efficiency as well. In order to understand and determine changes properly, it is important that managers have to understand changes properly and take actions to deal with it (Agrawal and Rahman, 2015). This investigation is based on Hotel Hilton which is big organisation and serving hospitality services to consumers. In this report, there will discussion about importance of organisational design theory, different techniques to attract consumers, evidence of HR developments and role of organisational design in change management.


P1 Importance of organisational design theory in context of organisational structure and assist in fulfilling organisational strategy

Organisational design is important for any association because with the help of it, there will ease in conducting operations and it will be easy for association to determine and understand changes properly. There is requirement of complete change in actions when there is change in organisational design. In Hotel Hilton, divisional organisational structure is used because in this there are many divisions such as marketing, sales, HR, logistics, etc. which assist in completing the task and performs activities in better manner. There are three organisational types of organisational structure i.e. classical, contingency, system theory (Theories About Organizational Structure, 2019).

Classical theory is one of the oldest theory in which there was completion of task with understanding management, administration and bureaucratic theory (Al-Haddad and Kotnour, 2015). In this theory, best people acquire at one place for completion of task and they have complete information about scrutinising of each activity. There is systematic division of work, so it will not be easy for people to understand and determine changes properly. In this theory, there will requirement of complete information about employees and they are motivated with economic rewards.

Neo- classical organisational theory led to get good working environment and it will be easy for people to determine and understand valuers and purpose. In this organisation, authority is provided to higher authority and it is not easy to complete the task for attaining changes in the organisation. This theory assist in maintaining equilibrium and there is important role of managerial authorities working in the association.

Contingency theory is best in current market because in this theory will ease in dealing with consumers and it is not easy for people to determine and understand ways to deal with it in order to deal with changes which are taking place in society such as change in demand of consumers, so it is easy to maintain and understand changes properly. When there is change in operations, then it provides equilibrium in getting through understanding external market and farming policies accordingly (Badewi, 2016).

With the help of these theories, it will be easy for managers of Hotel Hilton to understand ways to complete the task. In Hotel Hilton, there will use of contingency theory of organisational structure with divisional structure, so it will be easy for association to determine and evaluate changes properly. There is change in operations with change in market environment, hence with the help of contingency organisational theory because in this activities are divided among workers and it is not easy to determine and understand ways to deal with it. In case of change in activity, adapting change and considering changes which might affect actions, then it is not easy for people to determine and understand proper structure in the association.

Organisation design and structure and important because this is the best way through which operations are conducted in specified way and activities will be done for achieving targets. There are less possibilities that people have complete information about conducting operations, so here is less wastage of resources. Organisational design theory is important because this assist in getting complete information about completing the task. When operations are completed and evaluated properly, then it will be easy for managers of Hotel Hilton to determine who is responsible for what.

For instance: there is requirement of hiring 4 individuals in food and beverages services department, so with use of contingency organisational structure, there will use of iring of employees with understanding requirements (Bortolotti, Boscari and Danese, 2015). There is requirement of individuals with specific skills and knowledge, so it is easy for people to hire best candidates. In this organisational theory, there will proper understanding of activities and it is easy to get complete and specific information. With change in demand of marketing departments, it will easy to hire personnel because of proper strategic control. Hence with use of strategies in organisation, it will be easy for departments of Hotel Hilton to determine what strategies are fruitful for them. There are some aim and objectives for which managers of Hotel Hilton are working such as maintaining good brand image in industry, creating satisfaction among consumers, etc. This is possible with proper maintaining organisational structure. In order to maintain and change policies, it will be easy because organisational design of Hotel Hilton is divisional, hence it is easy to communicate with employees by divisional heads (Dajani, 2015).


P2 Different approaches and techniques for attracting, maintaining and developing human resource for creating skilled and dedicated workforce

Employees are the source with which organisation can excel and decline in the industry because they are the sources with which company is running. There is complete information to employees about working style and conducting operations properly. When there is change in activities, then it will be easy for managers of Hotel Hilton to determine ways to communicate properly. These days, there are some personal aims and objectives for which employees is working and if those targets are not satisfied,then they will not work in the association. There will ease in communicating and determining changes properly. There are many changes which are taking place in external market such as technological development, difference in preference of consumers regarding hospitality industry, business expansion, etc. due to these reasons, it is not possible for people to understand and evaluate changes (Gill, 2015). Hotel Hilton needs to perform their operations as per dynamic business environment because people are changing their activities properly. Hotel Hilton is operating in industry with wide scope of operations and at different geographical regions, it is possible because they have dedicated and skilled workforce.

It is important for Hotel Hilton to maintain god and positive relations with workers because this is the way through which to maintain good brand image and compete in industry. HR managers of Hotel Hilton to motivate and evaluate changes properly. When there is complete and specific information about employees, then it will be easy to keep them motivated, so they give their best. Managers of Hotel Hilton are using Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory to satisfy demand and goals of workers working in association (Gurr, 2015). There are five factors in this theory i.e. basic need, safety and security need, love and belongingness need, self esteem, self actualisation need. These are the basis which assist in determining and evaluating changes properly. There is requirement of proper and specific strategies with which it will be easy for managers of Hotel Hilton to retain workers for longer time in industry (13 Key Strategies to Attract and Retain Highly Talented People in 2016, 2019). Some techniques for maintaining long term relations and attracting workforce is as under-

Employees engagement- There must be employees engagement in conducting operations of Hotel Hilton. This makes them attracted towards understanding and evaluating changes properly. When workers are involved in decision making criteria, then they think they are important for association and give best to understand external market. There is requirement of many innovative approaches so it will be easy to maintain decorum because employee's new ideas are implemented at Hotel Hilton .

Decision making power- There is requirement of decision making powers to employees. With providing decision making powers to employees, it will be easy for mangers of Hotel Hilton to determine what can be possible. Decision making powers are provided but they are equally responsible for it. If there is any negative results from performed operations, then managers have to determine fault and ask for relatable personnel. With providing decision making powers to workers, they are satisfied that they are responsible and hence they will perform activities for getting positive outcome (Ji-fan Ren and et. al., 2017).

Fair policies- HR policies at Hotel Hilton must be fair and specific because when employees are not tarted properly, then it will not be easy to retain them. There are some laws and regulations such as equal remuneration act, discrimination act, etc. which makes easy for employees to be tarted equal. Policies must be fair, so employees are motivated to be part of Hotel Hilton for longer time. This assist in improving brand image and performance in the hospitality industry and consumer's also trust on them.

Creating mutual beneficial contracts- Employees have different goals and targets for which they are working. It is clear that change in required because of alterations in external market policies. Managers of Hotel Hilton must analyse personal aims and objectives and then contract with workers regarding it. This is the best approach because employees give best as they can satisfy their demand and Hotel Hilton is also performing well (Malbašić, Rey and Potočan, 2015). This attracts talented and skilled workforce and it will be easy to maintain long term relations with them. But this can be possible when HR manager regularly communicates with them.

Above mentioned strategies are important and fruitful because this assist in communicating with workers properly and it will be easy for people to understand and determine changes properly. With change in business environment, employees are ready to work in dynamic environment, hence organisational growth and development will be positive. But there are possibilities if powers are decentralised among workers, then they can not mis use it which leads to dissatisfaction among workers. In case of contracting with employees, there are possibilities that legal policies must not abide because it is not possible to customise contracts as per employees demand. There is complete and specific demand which people wants to ascertain and determine changes properly (North and Kumta, 2018).


P3 Research and use contemporary knowledge to support evidence for emerging HR developments

HR policies of an organisation is one of the most important and crucial factor because this is the way through which operations are conducted and performed properly. There are many changes which are taking place in external market and managers of association have to deal with it. There is specific and particular demand of consumers in hospitality sector such as requires customised demand, competitive environment, etc. due to which it is essential to communicate with employees properly. This makes ease in completing the task and providing better services to consumers. As compared to older days, there are some emerging trends which arise in society, hence it is essential and specific for people to determine and change activities properly. As there is use of internet sources for hiring and selecting individuals (Pedersen, Gwozdz and Hvass, 2018).

Hotel Hilton can select individuals through campus placement, employee contract, etc. so there are more options to select individuals (The 7 largest emerging HR trends for 2019, 2019). As managers of Hotel Hilton have to select individuals from crowd, so there will ease in understanding and determining changes which are specific and understood with external market.

Employee experience- As compared to past years, these days, there will more emphasise on experience of workers in the organisation. When person are working, then they can understand and evaluate their demand and expectations from organisation. While selecting and recruiting individuals, it is important that there must be complete and specific information among employees through which they can determine and understand changes properly. It is essential for managers of Hotel Hilton to determine and investigate about experience and then take actions for their satisfaction.

Use of Artificial intelligence- These days, there is use of artificial intelligence technology with use of internet sources. There is use of latest techniques such as use of computerised voice call messages which assist in proper satisfaction to consumers and they can communicated properly about services and products. As per change in working style, there will use of information which is complete and specific for employees. There are some sources of information such as official mails, business phones, wit which it is easy to communicate with workers are relevant and specific information can be communicated.

Autonomy to employees- There is more autonomy and decision among powers to employees which is not available in past years. There will completion of information which assist in determining and evaluating policies properly (Schwabenland, 2016). There is change in authority and division of work because this is the best way through which activities are complete and it is easy for people to determine changes properly. In current market, there is expansion of Hotel Hilton so it is not possible for managers to take each and every decision and this leads to creates dissatisfaction among consumers.

Remote staff- In initial years, there will investment in employees because they work for full time. There is complete and specific information with them regarding completing the task. With change in business operations, it will be easy for maintaining good image and satisfy consumer demand. But in current market, there is difference in demand of consumers which has to be fulfilled by Hotel Hilton. Hence HR manager of Hotel Hilton is taking assistance with short term employees who are skilled and have complete information about some specific areas. This makes changes in business activities and managers have to make strategies to come and join freelancers. This reduces cost of maintaining workers and consumer's can satisfy properly.

With change in business activities, there will change in working style as well because managers have to decide whether they can evaluate and determine consumer's preference properly or not. It is concluded that with change in external environment, change in HR policies is also required (Scott, DeLone and Golden, 2016). These days, employees wants to satisfy their demand as well. Hence managers have to make flexible motivational policies and implement as per demand of consumers. Emerging developments and trends in HR policies are specific and relevant as per current market so Hotel Hilton will be working as per external market.

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From the above provided information, it is clear that organisational design is also important and it assist in proper implementation of organisational structure. With completing and improving information properly, there will ease in completing task and maintain positive relations with consumers. With proper consumer deign, it will be easy to complete the task properly. In order to motivate and attract consumers, there must be use of Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory through which operations are conducted properly by work force. There are some strategies and approaches such as fair policies, decision making powers, etc. through which long and positive relations can be maintained in the association. Lastly, there will study of HR emerging policies in current market such as use of artificial intelligence, autonomy to workers, etc. which assist in completing task properly hence growth of company is possible.

(Agrawal and Rahman, 2015)(Al-Haddad and Kotnour, 2015)(Badewi, 2016)(Bortolotti, Boscari and Danese, 2015)(Dajani, 2015)(Gill, 2015)(Gurr, 2015)(Ji-fan Ren and et. al., 2017)(Malbašić, Rey and Potočan, 2015)(North and Kumta, 2018)(Pedersen, Gwozdz and Hvass, 2018)(Schwabenland, 2016)(Scott, DeLone and Golden, 2016)

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