
Report For Eco– Fone Company


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  • Level: High school
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Organization Selected : Eco– Fone Company
Question :

This assessment will provide certain questions which are like:

  • Provide an overview on mobile phone market through all the summary statics and activities from 2016-17 in Eco-Fone.
  • Make a line chart and Excel spreadsheet for Deloitte in UK in Eco-Fone.
  • Analyse and identify all the features through which the smartphones sales are managed.
Answer :


Technology play very essential role in the current market which provides the rapid growth in the current market (Anderson, 2012). These changes influence the smartphone market which generates the pressure on mobile companies to adopt these changes and modify their strategies accordingly. This report is based on Eco– Fone Company which deals in smartphones sector. It manufactures smartphones and related accessories which located in Putney and Richmond. Main purpose is to identify the growth in the UK's mobile phone market. It cover various topics such as challenges, opportunities, issues regarding product quality in Eco -Fone company and they need to discussed regarding customer satisfaction and how they maximise their product demand in the market. Along with this, they should evaluate that company able to expand their operations in the UK market and identify the possible opportunities as well as threats which can become barrier for the mobile phone company.

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1.1 Overview of UK's Mobile phone market

According to the Deloitte report 2017, which is based on consumer survey and it help the Eco-Fone company to identify the UK market in context of mobile sector. It represents the usages of smart phones will continuously grow. Sales of mobile phones increased by 1.5 million in 2016 to 2017 and most of the populations are adults who use smartphones around 58% which has chances to increase up to 90% by 2020. Use of mobile rapidly increases because they provide various mobile applications which help the consumers in their daily life. Along with this, mobile phone companies innovate new features attract new consumers or provide various facilities which make their personal as well as professional life more easy. According to this study, approx. 32 million people use mobile phone for their professional work. So this industry has huge demand in the future (Asgharzadeh, Bakouch and Esmaeili, 2013). They provide various facilities such as calling, email, calendar, documents, messaging, internet excess etc. It also provides the entertainment mobile applications such as Videos, Games, movie player etc. Smartphone companies are growing industry which captures the market through providing various attractive features which make individual more easily. In order to maximise phone demand in the market, manufacturers have to analyse market and identify the requirement of consumers which provide them great opportunity to grow.

Above mention graph represent market share price of smartphone vendors in the UK from the duration of 2010 to 2019. Apple is one of the fast growing company which is very popular in UK market. Introducing new features or range of variety will Samsung company to get huge success throughout the years. After 2011, RIM company face decline in market share which impact overall demand of goods, productivity or profitability. It is also observed that, Apple of Samsung companies will take over entire UK market share in mobile phone sector. 

1.2 Future prediction of use of Smartphone by UK adults 

Above mention scatter chart shows the trend of mobile phone usage is continuous increases during the period of 2012 to 2017. Mostly old age people are more addicted of smartphones. In current business market, around 91% individuals are using mobile phones and 3 % people claim that they use their cell phone more than 3 months ago. Remaining audience use smartphone one month ago.

As per the Deloitte report of 2017, there are around 17% of adult’s population using smartphones approx. 100 times in a day and they are related to the 16 to 75 years age group. In addition, 34% propel declared as addicted of using mobile phones and they are belongs to the age group of 16 to 75 and around 12% adult use more than 200 times mobile in a single day. This report also said that, those people who are addicted they use mobile phones everywhere such as at the time of studies, eating, social gathering etc.

Above chart shows that use of mobile phones increase from 2018 to 2019 but linear chart unable to represent the accurate information and comparison. After certain points, chart unable to show the difference between the usages of mobile phones.

1.3 Potential market for aged customers in the area of Smartphones

In the current market, use of mobile phones increases according to the age of people because older generation have capacity to adopt changes very fast. As per the survey of Deloitte 2017, it indicate that more than 71% people have their personal mobile and they are comes under the age of 55 to 75 years. Along with this, around 20% old people said that they check their mobile around 15 times in a day.

As per the study of Deloitte, people of 55 to 75 years age group who are wealthy they purchase premium class smartphones for their use which also indicate there status as well. Mostly people use mobile phones due to important applications which help the people to pay off their bill online without visit the office because online payment is time saver as well as simple process which can be done any time or anywhere (Battaglini and, 2012). Mostly older people take advantage because of their unique features. There are some unique features which generate the demand in the market are mentioned below:

  • Smartphones have large screen which is beneficial for old generation because they low eye sites and easy to operate phones.
  • With the help of mobile phones consumers can done various activities online such as pay their bills, recharge etc. It will save the time as well as efforts of people.
  • Phones also provide the security options such as face recognize on screen lock because ot is also used for office work as well.

1.4 Practicability of expanding business operations in Kingston by using Pros and Cons table

In order to expand their business operations in the international market is such as big as well as essential decision because company required to done intense research. Along with this, they required huge investment in order to perform their operational activities to make their product stable in the new market. Eco-Fone current operated in two locations such as Borough of Richmond or they wanted to expand in Kingston. On the basis of collected evidence, Eco-Fone is growing organization (Curado, Gazeau and Rodrigues, 2012). So they have opportunity to expand their product across the borders and they need to perform effectively in their operations which maximise the productivity as well as profit margin.

Eco-Fone select the UK for the expansion of the company and it include some pros & cons which identify by the company at the time of expansion which mentioned below:

According to the above table of pros and cons, Eco-Fone has strong opportunity to expand in Kingston which generate high revenue, create brand value, strong customer base, learn new culture etc. Expansion of the market provide opportunity but they also provide the challenges as well such as risk related to currency, cultural barriers, shortage of cash flow etc. On the other hand, pros are higher than cons so Eco-Fone can expand their product in the international market.

1.5 Calculate the costs of a New Building

(a) Calculate Equal Monthly Cost

Eco-Fone decided to expand their operations in the new market which required highly appropriate sites. Company paying their EMI reduce the financial burden and maintain flexibility as well as affordability which make the able to sustain in the market for longer period. Overall cost of new building mentioned in the appendix section of this report:

Loan amount of £ 350000 for next 15 years.

Loan value = £ 350000

Interest rate = 7 %

duration = 15 years

EMI of each month= £ 3127.65

Total payable interest = £ 212977

Total payment = £ 562977

Eco-Fone decided to purchase land in comparison to taking lease because cost of property is £ 4,00,000. So they decided to take mortgage loan where they get the nominal amount of £ 3,50,000. Which they have to re-pay in next fifteen years at the rate of 7% per annum. They decided to pay on Equal Monthly Installation (EMI) basis for next 180 months.

(b) There are some popular Mortgage lenders of the UK's market.

  • NatWest


  • Think business loan


  • Royal bank of Scotland


  • Alliance & Leicester PLC


  • Principality


  • Bank of Ireland


  • Together Commercial Mortgages


  • HSBC – UK Mortgage Lenders

1.6 Experiment the Manageable Difference in Net Takings of Two Shops

Eco-Fone has two stores in the location of Putney & Richmond location where daily net taking of the company should determine in order to identify that which shop is high revenue generated comparison to other (Understanding acceptance decisions and identity associated with Luen and Stark, 2012). Company offer various range of mobile phone and accessories for the monthly basis. Following information mentioned below in the tabular form:


First shop (Putney)

Second shop (Richmond)




Standard deviation



Coefficient of variation

= standard deviation / mean * 100

= 20 / 100 *100

= 20 %

= 40 / 90 *100

= 44.44 %

It is has been interpreted with the help of above mention table where total observation of Putney shop is 40 net taking and its average around 100 or standard deviation is 20. For another shop mean is 90 and standard deviation is 40 for the same sample size base. In concludes, net sales of Putney is higher than the Richmond (Faisal Ahammad and Glaister, 2018). Standard deviation of both shops are different so Richmond shop should increase their sales and they required to decrease variability which increases total sales as well as net taking of the business.

From the above calculation it has been concluded that, second shop that is Richmond selected for the expansion because it is highly efficient in comparison to Putney shop. Coefficient of variation of Putney is 20% and 44.44% of Richmond shop. Higher one is selected for the better results or comparison.

1.7 Consumer Satisfaction  

From the above questionnaire it is represented that Eco-Fone has strong customer base because they are highly satisfied and loyal regarding organizations. Company can provide long term commitments in the future for their customer which make them retain for longer duration. Eco-Fone gets the 4 star rating for the quality of their products which is very good. It represents the brilliance quality of their phones which satisfy their needs as well as requirement. They also satisfy their consumers through providing effective customer care service which improve the efficiency of their staff members as well. Customers also recommend their products to their friends or family which maximise the demand in the market (Goldie, 2017). Basically, if they produce quality product than it will satisfy the needs or demand of consumers which further help the organizations to achieve their goals & objectives.

1.8 Quality Procedures

Eco - Fone implement the various standards as well as quality procedures where accounts department sent 10,000 invoices on monthly basis and mean will generate errors. Procedures of quality assurance of the company required probability more than 3 invoices which returned in a month (Luen, and Stark, 2012). They also ensure that it will be less than 15 % which maximise the productivity as well as profitability (Global mobile consumer survey, 2017). Probability used for the large population and it called statistical distribution that is most suitable method for the Eco- Fone. In order to calculate the probability within specific time period they need to compare on the basis of happening or non – occurrences. Organization has prior knowledge which is beneficial for the Eco - Fone for the future anticipation by using applied mathematics techniques (Smartphone sales boom, 2019). In order to improve the prediction they have to follow poisson distribution process for the quality assurance. It is describe as certain events which occur in particular duration. Eco Fone sanded around 10,000 of involves but only 2 will return along with error.

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1.9 Conclusions and essential results

From the above discussion it has been concluded that, use of smart phones in the current environment is important because people are totally depended on this machine. It is beneficial for the old people and provides various facilities regarding their personal or professional work. Mobile companies provide various unique features which increase the demand on the market. As per the UK report, smartphones manufacturing company have huge growth because of adult age group people. They are the frequent users who use the various mobile applications in their daily life. According to Deloitte report 2017, it shows that high users of mobile phones are related to the 24 to 75 years age group. In addition, expansion of Eco- Fone across the border will provide various opportunities along with various challenges. So before expanding their business they need to evaluate each factor through intense market research. They also have to analyse the pros & cons in order to measure the profitability in the future. With the help of questionnaires, company also able to analyse the customer satisfaction and the improvement area. It further help the managers of the company to make effective decisions which helps in achieving organizational goals & objective which further maximise the profitability as well as productivity. Eco- Fone expanded their operations in Kingston where company should produce effective plan of action which further helps in increasing consumer loyalty, making strong consumer base as well as satisfied them.



Books & Journals 


1. Calculation of equally monthly cost ( EMI ) for the repayment of Mortgage Loan:

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