
Advertisement and Promotions


Advertisement and promotion is effective techniques which used by the company to enhance their operations and outcomes. These are very essential elements for compare products and services with another enterprise (Gholami, Roushanghias and Karimiankakolaki, 2016). Present study is based on M&S which is an extended retail products to attract various customer towards the business. For gaining insight knowledge of the company present report covers communication process which applied in advertisement and promotions, furthermore, it includes current trends in advertisement and promotion which impact of ICT.

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1.1 Communication process which can be applies to advertisement and promotion

Communication is very important element that convey essential message to large part of audience. In M&S it can be done in the following steps:


Sender is a person who send message as information in audience.


In this step, sender encode message in symbol, sign for keep secrecy in information. Message is contains accurate information for each receiver (Rasool, Rafique and Hannan, 2012).


Message can be placed as verbal, written, oral and symbolic way. This is because, it contains all relevant information which take importance place in the chosen enterprise.


After determines message, medium is chosen by M&S in which they are categories distribution channel. In this aspect, sender use electronic media which create effective impact on the company and its operations.


In this step, transforming of sender message come back into thought. In this aspect, self reference criteria is highly determines to influence people for purchasing products and services (Yin, Zhang and Zong, 2012).


Receiver is the target audience in which the company send information as message. Receiver can take message in different term such as reading, hearing and many other aspects.


After receiving message, to make effective communication process M&S take feedback from their customer regarding products and services.

1.2 Explains the organisation of the advertisement and promotions industry

Advertisement and promotions of the business is working as centralization system. In this aspect, innovation and creativity take place within the cited firm. Thus, the organisation will easily attract potential customer towards the business operations. In addition to this, M&S hire advisor who provide guidance at workplace to enhance profitability and market share at workplace. The chosen firm is the largest retailer business in UK so that it is essential to create effective brand image of company (Gholami, Roushanghias and Karimiankakolaki, 2016). This is because, it attracts potential customer through provide them high quality products and services. The company is dealing in different types of fashionable products, at different price so that they can easily attract each customer at workplace.

1.3 Assess how promotion is regulated

Regulation of promotional strategy is based on risk that affect to the chosen firm and their operations. This is because, in UK M&S has higher risk to demonstrate changes quickly for future responses. In addition to this, formal enforcement action is a tool which describes for regulating promotion within a nation. Beside this, it also helpful to make brand image in front of customer. Further, this tools are also applied to control the flow of promotional activities. There are different types of laws made in UK parliament which assist to regulate advertisement across the nation. These acts are proactive to take actions against misleading and harmful advertisements.

Bar standard board is established that run for regulatory functions of promotional strategy. It demonstrates effective quality and reliability from advertisement and information for promotional activities. It creates different advertisement codes at workplace through advertisement standard authority.

1.4 Current trends in advertising and promotion

Due to changing environment of technology, M&S need to keep effective role for accomplish their goals and objectives. In this aspect, the organisation is emphasized on new and advance technology apart from traditional elements. They are continuously trying to enhance techniques for development of operations and outcomes. In this way, ICT is information and communication technology to make high promotional activities. As results, advertisement of the chosen enterprise is depends on technology aspects. In addition to this, to maintain competitive advantages, M&S have to concentrate on modern technology to enhance positive outcomes and performances of the enterprise. This is because, ICT is work with internet, e-mail and many other elements of electronic media. Thus, they can easily expand their operations and outcomes to access details information.

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2.1 Review the creative aspects of advertisement

Creativity is the essential element which demonstrate advertisement of particular product and services within M&S. It determines effective outcomes at workplace for proper attention and outcomes for enhance operations. With the help of creative advertisement, people are inspire and buy products and services from the chosen organisation (Rasool, Rafique and Hannan, 2012). With the help of effective advertisement and promotional campaign, operations and outcomes are develops which attract potential customer within the enterprise. It creates positive results and performances to attracts various people at workplace.

2.2 Ways of working with advertisement agency

In respect to enhance productivity, M&S can lead with different advertisement agencies which assist to enhance products and services at workplace. Below are different ways in which the organisation can work with advertisement agency:

  • Technical assistance: With the help of effective technical system, M&S rely on desire and goals with advertisement agency. In this way, the organisation need to know about their customer for enhance market share and profitability. Thus, they will easily achieve goals and objectives at workplace (Yin, Zhang and Zong, 2012).
  • Flexible system: In order to meet with customer requirement, the chosen firm need to make their rules and regulation flexible so that they can easily attract various customer within the business enterprise.
  • Know about customer: With the help of customer perception, M&S need to consider market research in which they can easily meet with customer requirement.

2.3 Role of advertisement in integrated promotional strategy

Advertisement plays a vital role in success of the business and its operations. This is because, it promotes goods and services to make successful operations. With the help of effective advertisement, the chosen company can integrated promotional strategy. It assists to enhance profits ad revenue of M&S. In order to perform functions and operations, there are various ways which can promote to global brand of the company (Giddens, 2015). They are as follows:

  • Focus on traditional advertisement such as radio and television.
  • Sports events organise
  • Online promotions
  • Local promotion within the market with the help of retailer

There are different types of integrated promotional strategy which assist to promote products and services. It integrates for enhance products and services for achieve more profits and revenue at workplace of M&S. This strategy includes promotion of products and services with the help of social media, word of mouth and many other elements.

2.4 Branding which used to strengthen the chosen enterprise

Branding is core value of company which assist to make trust and loyalty towards the business products and services. It concerned about different products and services which enhance productivity of the company and its operations (Ford, MacKintosh and Hastings, 2016). Customer attracts through ideas and opinion of the cited firm which enhance new product within the market. In addition to this, branding also encourages build trust, goodwill and value for enhance demand and outcomes of M&S operations.

In addition to this, the company is also attracts customer through effective symbol, sign and logo. It attracts customer through unique image of products and services at workplace. It also maintains permanent customer through demonstrate overall performance of M&S. It increases brand value of the enterprise to increase more competition within the business environment through attracts various customer. It also gives opportunity to make value and effective system of the enterprise so that positive results can be enhance (Schudson, 2013).

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3.1 Primary techniques of below the line promotional

Below the line can b determined as a type of promotional technique in which promotion is make with the help of newspapers, radio, television, etc. With this respect, there are different set of strategies that can be followed by Mark & Spencer and they are as follows:

Coupons:This is a type of strategy in which individuals are provided with discount offer. These are generally provided to customers who are regular to make purchases (Yin, Zhang and Zong, 2012). This is helpful enough to make regular customers to loyal once.

Door to door selling:This strategy provides the opportunity to have direct interaction with customers. Services users can clarify their doubts that they have related with the product. Further, it also enables to develop strong relationship with customers.

Promotional pricing:In this strategy, firm provide their products and services at low price. This is helpful enough to make sure that products are delivered to customers effectively and efficiently (Street, Gold and Manning, 2013).

3.2 Other techniques of below the line

There are other set of strategies that can be applied by Mark & Spence in order to promote their products with the help of below-the-line:

Designing and packaging:With time, there are many changes that take place within the taste and preference of customers. There are organizations that deliver similar products and services (Rasool, Rafique and Hannan, 2012). Market research need to be conducted as it will help to understand the requirement of customers and accordingly product can be designed. Innovation made in products and services are helpful enough to attract customers.

Free samples:There are conditions in which people do not prefer to make use of services or product. This is because, they do not have trust or confidence over it. In order to over this type of issue, Mark & Spencer can be deliver their customers with sample. This way people will make use if the product and develop positive perception over it. It will enable to promote the product and to develop strong customer base.

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4.1 Process for formulate of budget for integrated promotional strategy

Budget plan is demonstrate promotional strategy to perform effective functions and operations at workplace. In this aspect, financial plan is prepare for particular period to carry various activities in effective manner. In this way, goals and objectives can be ascertain at workplace through determines effective results and performances. It ascertains various steps which are as follows:

Determines objectives and goals of M&S with specific time frame.

Collect information that require for performing different operations with sources ad money at workplace.

Demonstrate future challenges which faces by the company (Shi, 2016).

Budget program implementation with effective business plan of the chosen enterprise

Evaluating outcomes of the company with assessing budget element within the company

4.2 Development of a promotional plan for the organisation

Promotional is the effective plan which demonstrate sales and promotion for development of the organisation. It includes following steps:


It is the very popular communication channel which describes about feature of products and services in various part of the world. It assists to the company to enhance their revenue and profits through target various people (Spotts, Weinberger and Weinberger, 2015).

Sales promotion

With the help of short term incentives programs, sales promotion is made which encourages to customer to buy products and services through targeting customer towards M&S.

Public relationship

Public relationship assists to make sustainable efforts for establish and maintains mutual understanding among organisation and their products. It assists to create true and fair picture of the company in front of people.

4.3 Integrate plan with promotional activities

Promotional techniques is used to attract various people from different market. In this way, M&S design a way which assist to make effective promotional activities. It also assists to spread brand in different areas with the help of different promotional strategies. It includes seminar, conferences and many other elements which assist to generate positive results through perform different activities (Johnson, Singh and Ma, 2015). It also involves general community to assess business environment and maintains profitability at workplace.

4.4 Appropriate techniques for measuring campaign effectiveness

For measuring the effectiveness of campaign, cited firm can make use of different type of techniques. In this context, few of the techniques are as follows:

Sales level:The sales that is made by the organization for each of their product will enable to provide understanding about the benefits that management get through the promotion made. If the promotion is effective, then the rate of sales will be high.

Increase in demand:Production of product is done as per the demand of customers towards the product (Edelman, Mandle and Kudzma, 2013). When the production increases, then it can be stated that the firm is able to get benefited from the promotional campaign that is made.

Conducting survey:The product form which promotional campaign is made, management can conduct survey. This will enable to understand the perception that individuals have over the product. Accordingly, improvements can be made.


In order to make solution for business issues, M&S need to concentrate on effective communication. It makes effective results and performances for the company. In this way, the chosen firm can focus on interaction among various people so that they can achieve their goals and objectives easily. It also creates positivity with sharing ideas and opinion with different people (Gholami, Roushanghias and Karimiankakolaki, 2016).


There are different types of methods which can be used by the cited firm to enhance their profits and revenue. In this aspect, public relation is the best method which assist to encourage various customer towards the enterprise. As results, M&S can make direct and face to face contact with each person within the business environment.


With the help of communication, it has been found that the company has chance to enhance their profits and revenue in different areas with enhancing revenue and profits. This is because, it makes interaction among various people for accomplish desire outcomes.


As per the view of Kumar and Raju, (2013), advertisement and promotional technique assist to create effective brand and company reputation. In this aspect, M&S will easily achieve high growth in their business environment through introducing new products and services. Beside this, it also attracts potential customer towards the company who take part to use products and services of company (Kumar and Raju, 2013).


In order to assess business environment, manager of the chosen organisation has responsibility to determines effective results and performance (Green and Peloza, 2014). In this way, they have to target different types of customer through various activities. It also managing business activities' ad goals for making effective results and performances at workplace. Manager of M&S is responsible to provide effective products and services to each customer through using right raw material at workplace.


Divergent thinking is creative element which demonstrate challenges identify possible drivers at workplace. In this aspect, creativity is assist to find new way to solve problems and issues to handle situation at workplace. For instance, Twitter is creating online services without clear application (Malhotra, Wu and Whitelock, 2013). It assists to create positive environment through launching new product at workplace.


From the above report it has been articulated that to make sustainability, advertisement is very essential element that demonstrate various benefits to manage business results and performances. In this aspect, promotion is requires in effective so that M&S can perform functions and operations in different ways. Furthermore, it also analysis different types of techniques which develops profitability and positive results at workplace.


Books and Journals

  • Edelman, C. L., Mandle, C. L. and Kudzma, E. C., 2013.Health promotion throughout the life span. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Ford, A., MacKintosh, A. M. and Hastings, G., 2016. Adolescents’ responses to the promotion and flavouring of e-cigarettes. International journal of public health. 61(2). pp.215-224.
  • Gholami, S., Roushanghias, E. and Karimiankakolaki, M., 2016. Examination of Factors Influencing On Enhancement of Brand Equity with Emphasis on Advertising and Sales Promotion.Journal of Current Research in Science. (1). p.320.
  • Giddens, N., 2015. Building your brand. Ag Decision Maker Newsletter. 6(3). p.3.
  • Green, T. and Peloza, J., 2014. Finding the right shade of green: The effect of advertising appeal type on environmentally friendly consumption. Journal of Advertising. 43(2). pp.128-141.
  • Johnson, M., Singh, A. J. and Ma, Q., 2015. The impact of authorization of the Travel Promotion Act on hotel firm stock returns. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 56(1). pp.29-40.
  • Kumar, D. P. and Raju, K. V., 2013. The role of advertising in consumer decision making. IOSR Journal of Business and Management.14(4). pp.37-45.
  • Malhotra, N. K., Wu, L. and Whitelock, J., 2013. An updated overview of research published in the International Marketing Review: 1983 to 2011. International Marketing Review.30(1). pp.7-20.
  • Rasool, M. S., Rafique, Y. and Hannan, M., 2012. Impact of advertisement on consumer behavior of fmcg in lahore city. Academic Research International. 2(3). pp.571.
  • Schudson, M., 2013. Advertising, the uneasy persuasion (RLE Advertising): Its dubious impact on American society. Routledge.
  • Shi, L., 2016. Advertising-Operations Interaction Effect on Promotion Success in the United States during the Early Stage of a Retailing Innovation. Journal of Promotion Management. 22(6). pp.918-931.
  • Spotts, H. E., Weinberger, M. G. and Weinberger, M. F., 2015. How Publicity and Advertising Spending Affect Marketing and Company Performance.Journal of Advertising Research.55(4). pp.416-432.
  • Street, R. L., Gold, W. R. and Manning, T. R., 2013. Health promotion and interactive technology: Theoretical applications and future directions. Routledge.
  • Yin, Z., Zhang, Y. and Zong, R., 2012, August. Discovering patterns of advertisement propagation in sina-microblog. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising and Internet Economy.pp. 1.
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