
Managing Operations


The essay is based on a case study of Mayfield Private Hospital. The hospital is a privately run organization in Guildford. It operates with the Carlton Health Group. Carlton Health Group operates some sixty private hospitals in the United Kingdom. The particular group aims to offer excellent quality healthcare services to the patients. But over the last few year, the hospital is facing some serious challenges regarding the operation of the hospital. The essay is concerned about managing these issues and difficulties with the help of evaluating and implementing management theories and practices(Boersma, 2012). The essay also contains leadership principles along with moral and ethical dimensions of management. The issues mainly occur due to communication problems. Therefore, the essay helps Mayfield Private Hospital with recommendations about how to improve communication skills between the patients and the hospital staffs. Moreover, improvement and development of management skills are included in the essay along with the application of different business tools.

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Theories of Total Quality Management: It is necessary for an organization to improve their quality management processes so that they can increase the level of their profits(Cavicchi, 2012). Therefore, to develop the processes the business organizations uses the quality management system. It uses many different types of tools and models to improve their process. The models and tools help them to make productive employees, also tries to create a healthy environment to form a team(Cunningham, 2013). According to this, they also concentrate on the customers' demands from their organization. It will help them to supply their products to the consumers before crossing the deadline.

Continuous improvement- A business organization use a TQM system to make the development unceasingly. It creates a real effect on the quality of the products of the organization and the business processes also("Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Tools for Building Organizational Performance2014 1 Edited by Hans-Ruediger Kaufmann and Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Tools for Building Organizational Performance Hershey, PA IGI Global 2013 478 pp. 978-1-46662-524-2 $185.00 Hardcover", 2014). In this case, the employees also should give much effort on their work and also tries to improve that department where the improvement is needed mostly.

Customer Focus- In an organization there have two types of customers such as the external and internal customer who looks upon TQM systems(Dekleva, & Zupančič, 2004). External customers are those who perches products from organizations. Internal customers are who works as a workmate in the organization. The employees have to classify their clients and should take their opinion about their quality needs.

Team involvement- TQM system improves the processes and products quality. The organization give some training to the workers such as concepts, tools and techniques of TQM system. Therefore, it helps employees to improve their work(Dhillon, & Moores, 2001). The inspiration and involvement are needed for using this system.

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Data were driven- An organization use data to discover those areas which need improvement and change the quality mistakes. Therefore, the employee can improve those defects.

Management as Practice: Management is one of the important parts of any organization. Associations are breed increasingly in today's multipart society, accordingly managing is essential as an important activity in every partnership(Fazlollahtabar, & Yousefpoor, 2009). Management is not a close business it concerns the economic, political, ethical and legal aspects through systematically approaches and functions such as planning, directing, organizing and controlling. Many theories and contributions were presented to clarify the futures and characteristics of management with a healthy relationship with operations in the real world. The authors stated some aspects for his theory, to accomplish the best result by methodically choose and prepare the workers from the perspective of knowledge of work. The organizational approach by Taylor mainly focusses on the management level. He divided management into five roles which are frequently practised in today's management, planning by putting the future steps regarding achieving the required goals(Freeman, 2000).

Processes - understanding processes and methods for process improvement: The total quality management process uses to improve the work process of an organization. There have some clarifications in TQM system like process improvements, models such as six sigma and about current quality also(HITT, 2011). Improving process, identifying, prioritising are used for quality process technics and development tools. The process is very precarious to quality. These methods and ideas are described clearly in total quality management methodology. There have some tools and technics which are included in these process to improve such as process mapping, cause and effect, flow-charting, brainstorming, force and analysis, statistical process control, Pareto analysis, bar charts, control charts, check sheets, matrix analysis, scatter diagrams, tally charts(Kearney, 2014). An organization have trained their employees very well. It is necessary for developing the organization. They have to motivate the workers and try to increase their ability so that they work properly. If they can do their jobs in a team, then it will be very profitable for the organization. Proper utilisation of people and their development plan are relevant to the quality management initiatives.

Evaluation of the nature of leadership and the moral and ethical dimensions of management: The authority of the hospital thinks to renovate the hospital's facilities. But for the lack of money, they cannot renovate ten rooms of the hospital(Liu, 2015). In Jerry Davis opinion the quality of the hospital's hotel services reducing their operating cost. It could be cooperative to point out that the leadership relationship may occur in different ways. Leadership may in like manner be attempted, productive or convincing. A leader may be constrained, formally designated or picked, picked coolly or rise in reality through the solicitations of the situation or the longings of the social occasion. The leader may rehearse authority as a reasonable for the formal position, or on commence of individual qualities or persona. Leadership effect will depend on constrain that the leader can rehearse over different people(Madanipour, 2010). The leaders of Mayfield Hospital can execute distinctive leadership styles for overcoming the challenges they are going up against specifically.

In the work situation, the growing thought has been given to style theories and leadership as a behavioural class. The greatest highlight has been put on a more democratic and participative approach; there is a broad assortment of possible leadership direct. Regardless, disregarding the many sorts of authentic leadership direct, there emits an impression of being general simultaneousness on two significant estimations of leadership. Beginning one is the sensitivity toward the errand, era or structure and the second one is the sensitivity toward upkeep, people or thought("Theory first or theory last?", 2008). The work of Tannenbaum and Schmidt and the continuum of leadership direct gives an obliging spotlight to talk about essential styles of leadership. Contingency theory draws attention for the centrality of situational factors while considering the qualities of leadership. Critical situational components include favourability of the leadership condition; decision quality and decision affirmation; the individual properties of subordinates and the method for the endeavour; and the status of the followers or social affair. The most appropriate sort of leadership is destitute upon the variables in a particular leadership condition. Starting late more conspicuous thought has been given to the possibility of transformational leadership and the capability with transactional leadership. It could be the convergence of an interesting talk among understudies who can be encouraged to relate the thought to their particular points of view and experiences of business force and transformational leaders(Tsumoto, 2009). Such trade may moreover give a profitable association back to earlier determine of sapiential master or appeal and referent power as an element of the possibility of the leadership relationship.

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Communication skill development

During the business operation, the hospital is facing serious challenges and problems. The hospital has been undergoing a planned renovation of all the facilities of hospitals. During this process, Jerry Davis has lost many key supervisor staff. Consequently, Mayfield Private faced an employee turnover issue. These problems have occurred due to a communication gap between the workers("Using ontology for goal-based query to evaluate social media data", 2016). The ability to communicate efficiently can allow Mayfield Private to attract new investors and employees for expansion, counterfeit relationship with the suppliers as well as increase the patient's satisfaction. In Mayfield Private Hospital, the communication skill can be demonstrated by keeping all discussions concise and clear regarding the planned renovation of the hospital's facilities. Jerry Davis of Mayfield Private needs to stay on track and desist from introducing distinct topics, concerns or subjects into the conversation. Moreover, Jerry needs to relay all the pertinent information and provide enough details to help paint a complete and definite picture of the situation("Using ontology for goal-based query to evaluate social media data", 2016). The relevant information will consist of the names of key individuals, dates and times for the meeting and other related information. Jerry needs to calm his mind and must keep patience. Patience can be tricky during dealing with other people.

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed or frustrated if Jerry cannot seem to get his point across. Jerry needs to communicate politely with the cleaning staff, and they must be given enough time to clean a hundred rooms daily. Moreover, patients should be given the priority so that they cannot file a complaint about the late responses from the nurses when they need the most(Ye, 2009). It has been reported from the nurses that the nurse station is far from the patient's room. Therefore, Jerry must reduce the distance between the nurse station and the patient's room during renovation work. Consequently, the strategy will lead to nurse satisfaction. Apart from it, the nurses and other staffs of Mayfield Private must be trained properly regarding showing positive attitude when dealing with the patients. Personal feelings must be kept far away in front of patients. Jerry must be honest and open with the nurses and other hospital staffs.

Management skill development by using different tools for business

Apart from communication skill, Mayfield Private Hospital also needs to identify and develop the management skill. Initially, the hospital needs to define the vision of the organization as well as broadcast it. The managers of that particular hospitals must arrange meetings and share his or her vision. An email should be sent to all the associates and workers of the hospital. It is true that defining an individual's vision is great, but it is not enough to engage the team to commit to it. It is like forcing the team to maintain the ethics of a manager. The manager should act like a leader, not a boss(Zawacki, 2002). Moreover, Mayfield Private should recognise the power of influence via personal branding. Questions may arise that what is personal branding. Personal Branding is the impression in the mind of others bout the leader and his or her team as well as the company. Besides that, a good personal branding provides an organisation with the power of influence. The organisation must set a clear dress code for ensuring consistency across them. The working quality of staffs must be improved by providing proper pieces of training. Mayfield Private should apply different tools for business so as to avoid organizational problems. At first, digital media is a management tool that includes SEO or search engine optimization, interactive online advertisements, mobile marketing, online partnerships like sponsorships and affiliate marketing and opt-in email. With the help of digital media, the hospital can quickly reach to their target patients and employees. As digital media, social media is also a business tool, and it is a subset of digital media marketing. Though, the objective of social media marketing tools helps the managers of the organization to develop a collaborative, online relationship with the clients rather than to mine secretly for customer data. Business cards, websites, press kits, informational videos and merchandise all falls into the category of promotional items(Zawacki, 2002). These promotional items are business tools, and some of these elements consist of large amounts of detailed information as well as highly attributes of the service or products. Moreover, business cards and trade helps a company with an opportunity to market abroad.

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Mayfield Private Hospital can improve the performance of their business through the implementation of SWOT analysis, benchmarking, market research, webinars as well as trend analysis. It is recommended for each and every hospital to uses these marketing tools and strategies for improving their business. Moreover, it is important for Mayfield Private Hospital to set business goals which must be related to SMART goals. Today, most of the hospitals lack comprehensive strategies due to increasing number of patients. Care has also improved, and fewer nurses are engaged in it. Therefore, it is crucial for the hospitals to recruit skilled nurses and hospital staffs so that they can take care of patients in a polite way. During the implementation of a particular strategy, Mayfield Private must develop a plan.


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  • Cavicchi, A. (2012). The New Rules of Green Marketing. Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding20121Edited by Jacquelyn A. Ottman. The New Rules of Green Marketing. Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding. San Francisco, CA: BerrettKoehler Publishers 2011. 252 pp. US $21.95.Journal Of Consumer Marketing,29(4), 310-311.
  • Cunningham, G. (2013). Theory and theory development in sport management.Sport Management Review,16(1), 1-4.
  • Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Tools for Building Organizational Performance2014 1 Edited by Hans-Ruediger Kaufmann and Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Tools for Building Organizational Performance Hershey, PA IGI Global 2013 478 pp. 978-1-46662-524-2 $185.00 Hardcover. (2014).Journal Of Consumer Marketing,31(1), 85-86.
  • Dekleva, S., & Zupančič, J. (2004). Key issues in information systems management: A Delphi study in Slovenia.Information & Management,31(1), 1-11.
  • Dhillon, G., & Moores, T. (2001). Internet Privacy.Information Resources Management Journal,14(4), 33-37.
  • Fazlollahtabar, H., & Yousefpoor, N. (2009). Cost Optimization in E-Learning-Based Education Systems: Implementation and Learning Sequence.E-Learning And Digital Media,6(2), 198-205.
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