
NASA ISS Risk Assessment


Risk assessment is the process which helps management to identify and evaluate potential risks which are connected with a business. Further, it helps to reduce and avoid the potential risks within working environment. In the present report, various risks are identified which are related to NASA while working on a project such as International Space Station (ISS). Further, it shows risk management as well as management plan in order to overcome the different risks and problems. Apart from this the report focuses on benefits and drawbacks of the qualitative as well as qualitative analysis of risk.

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Task 1

Overview of NASA

NASA is an agency of government of United States which is highly responsible for two main criteria such as technology as well as science. Both these criteria are related with the space and air. The respective organisation of agency stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The agency was established in the year 1957 and it launched a product, that is, Soviet Satellite Sputnik. Headquarter of NASA is situated at the Washington, D.C., United States. It is mainly known by people for the research of aeronautics as well as different aerospace. The name NASA was introduced in the year 1958 which has more than 10 centres in its field across the country, United States (What Does NASA Do?, 2015). These four principals are aeronautics, space technology, science and human operations as well as exploration. The respective agency is highly helpful for engineers, science students, astronauts as well as workers and employees of the NASA.

Behind establishing the respective firm, main vision is to reach at new heights as well as aware people who are unknown about this along with making them benefited. Further, International Space Station (ISS) is a project of NASA which helps to improve and update new software as well as navigation systems in the organisation. Further, in order to improve and manage communication system and have control over the spacecraft approaches which are helpless for the firm, ISS is the best project for it. By this, crew members and experiments of the new technology and science are also safe at workplace with the help of ISS project to a high extent.

Task 2

A) Potential risks which are associated with the International Space Station

Risk is a concept in which different unpredictable or uncertain situations occur in the working environment and hamper overall smooth functioning of the firm. There are various risks which are associated with firm like operational, financial, strategic, systematic, market, unsystematic, etc. In NASA, while preparing a new project such as international space station or any other there are different types of risks are occurred. At the workplace, various kinds of chemicals, gases, products, containers, radiations, etc. are used to prepare aerospace and rockets. Further, all these types of products are highly risky for the crew members as well as for different employees of company (International Space Station Risk Management Strategy, 2017). In this context, there are different types of technologies used by ISS which lead to occur risks. If the tools and techniques used by the NASA are cannot implemented properly then it will lead to increase risks as well as negative impacts on the business environment.

Moreover, in context to the risks, there are different uncertainties and risks which are associated with the NASA are such as leaking air from aerospace, failure of technology and computer, venting of different gases, extravagant and highly vibrations during the process of reboot, etc. These risks lead to reduce productivity of company as well as hinder the process of making a new project and missiles as well. With occurring these all the problems, obstacles and risks astronauts or spaceman are not able to make effective missiles or aerospaces which affects to thefirm's productivity up to high level (Cucinotta, 2015). They can lose their life because when different leakages are there then chances of blasting aerospaces willl be increase. Hence, mentioned risks are connected with the project such as International Space Station of NASA.

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Risk Management Plan

It is necessary to manage the risks which are comes into consideration within the workplace. In order to reduce or overcome those risks, there is a process which is required to be adopted by company. The process for managing risk and avoiding to it is described below:

  • Listing risks and identify the potential risk: At first, company has to make list of all risks which are incurred as well as possible risks which can be occur in the future. After listing all risks, highly affected risks is to be identified in the organisation such as NASA (Hall, 2016).
  • Determining responsible area: Furthermore, it needs to analyse various reasons that due to which risks such as leaking gas and air, affecting health of crew members etc. are comes into consideration in the NASA. Here, area and factors which are highly responsible for the risks are supposed to analyse and determined by the management.
  • Monitor the risk: In this, managers monitor and evaluates all types of risks and try to make plan in order to mitigate them. There are mainly four ways which are adopted by the firm for reducing the risks are overcome, neglect, mitigate and accept the potential risks within the workplace (Wood, Paloski and Clark, 2015).
  • Plan to give response: At last, management of NASA makes plan that with which method response is to be given to the risks which are occurred during the process of making project such as International Space Station. Hence, by adopting such process or plan, NASA becomes able to reduce and overcome numerous risks.

B) Plan for disaster management

In order to disaster there are various types of disaster occurs in the business environment which are natural as well as man made. Different kinds of disasters are such as nuclear explosions, global warming, earthquake, damaging winds, extreme or highly heat, floods, terrorism etc. which affects to the NASA while introducing new project(Langston, 2016). Further, it is necessary to reduce influences of these in the firm which can be done by using a process which is mentioned below:

Prevention: As per this element the management protect or prevent employees from various hazardous process, risks etc. by implementing numerous measurements. It helps to prevent to the workers and make their health better and reduce risks of life from the different disasters.

Preparation: In this step the company make plan for overcome such factors affecting to the business environment. For instance: nuclear explosions is affects to the process of implementing ISS then the management will make plan which helps to reduce effects of such factor (Evans, Cornford and Feather, 2016).

Response: Further, the company analyse about the plan which is implemented in order to manage disasters. It will evaluate that above prepared plan is giving positive response to the firm or not.

Recovery: At the last management of NASA evaluate that up to which extent negative affects of disasters are reduces. It the plan is able to manage the disasters then it will be beneficial for the company and if not then corrective actions will be taken by the managers (Sánchez-Ortiz, Domínguez-González and Krag, 2015).

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C) Critically evaluation of qualitative and quantitative risk

In order to assess and evaluate risks, there are majorly two types of methods being used by the management. These tools or methods are qualitative and quantitative which are evaluated above:

Qualitative method: It is the technique in which thematic analysis is to be used where any type of statistical tools are not used to do research and risk analysis. Different advantages as well as limitations of the method are given as below:


  • Issues as well as risks are easily evaluated in detail by the qualitative research.
  • Framework of the research is able to revise when scholar uses respective method.
  • Data collection is authentic in this research (Myers III, 2016).
  • Different complexities as well as problems are easily solved because the researcher uses thematic data collection method.


  • Highly skilled and talented investigators are required to do qualitative analysis.
  • Further, it is a time consuming process.
  • It is not based on any parameter as well as assumptions.

Quantitative method: On the other hand, in quantitative technique, there are various secondary data used as well as here, mathematical tools take place. Benefits and drawbacks of the analysis are described as below:


  • The respective risk analysis gives a clear picture of the problems and provide effective suggestions (Lee and, 2015).
  • In this, statistical and mathematical tools are used which help to interpret data in a proper manner.
  • Further, it helps to identify relations between dependent as well as independent variables of company.


  • It is based on numerical analysis which sometimes create problems for the analysis if the researcher is not skilled.
  • Further, it ignores experiments because it relies on the facts and figures as well (Suter II, 2016).

Task 3

Above mentioned both the plans such as managing risk as well as disaster are very helpful for the NASA. With both the plans the company able to implement new project or plan which is International Space Station. It can be evaluate from above analysis that the company when use the plan of managing risks then it can reduce various uncertainties and their negative affects on the business environment. Apart from this when the management of NASA implement disaster management plan in its organisation then it will able to prevent employees from various hazardous process (Pastorok and, 2016). While making new aerospace then there are several kinds of risks are occurs often. Along with this different kinds of natural and artificial disasters are also influence to the process of missile making. In this context it can be said that disaster and risk management plan are beneficial for the NASA up to greater level because by this it will be able to identify causes and take corrective actions.

It can be recommended to the management of National Aeronautics and Space Administration that it should evaluate process of the business on weekly basis which helps to identify the problems very quickly. Along with this it will be able to know source of occurring problems by which it can reduce the negative impacts and risks in the business environment of NASA. In order to assessing risks the company needs to ask problems and questions to the employees, focus on the goals and objectives of business while making the plans and introducing new project, recognize risk assessment as well as make the strategies by which the workers are easily able to give response to the uncertainties (Hartmann and, 2015). With help of the respective recommendations and risk as well as disaster plan the NASA able to over by risks and run the firm in smooth way.


From the above analysis of risk assessment at NASA it can be summarized that it is going to make plan of International Space Station where different kinds of risks and disasters affects in adverse manner. In order to reduce such negative impacts the management use two effective plans that are disaster management and risk management plan. It can be recommended to the management that it should different criterias such as focus on goals, take feedback from employees etc. by which it will be able to assess risks and reduce them as well.


Journals and Books

  • Cucinotta, F. A., 2015. Review of NASA approach to space radiation risk assessments for Mars exploration. Health physics. 108(2). pp. 131-142.
  • Evans, J., Cornford, S. and Feather, M. S., 2016, January. Model based mission assurance: NASA's assurance future. In Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2016 Annual. pp. 1-7. IEEE.
  • Hall, J. L., 2016. Columbia and Challenger: organizational failure at NASA.Space Policy. 37.pp. 127-133.
  • Hartmann, L. C. and, 2015. Atypical hyperplasia of the breast—risk assessment and management options. New England Journal of Medicine. 372(1). pp. 78-89.
  • Langston, S. M., 2016. Space Travel: Risk, Ethics, and Governance in Commercial Human Spaceflight. New Space. 4(2). pp. 83-97.
  • Lee, C. M. and, 2015. An introduction to the NASA Hyperspectral InfraRed Imager (HyspIRI) mission and preparatory activities. Remote Sensing of Environment. 167.pp. 6-19.
  • Myers III, P. L., 2016. SMS Derived vs. Public Perceived Risk in Aviation Technology Acceptance (Literature Review). International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace. 3(4). pp. 1.
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