
Managing a Successful Business Project

LO 1

P1 Aims and objectives

Background of research

In order to attain more significant results in small business, digital technology assists to make support with innovations and growth. In this regard, new tools and techniques could be implemented that helps to meet with desired results (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2016).

Furthermore, competitive advantages also gained in successful manner with different sources and activities. Along with this, revenue and profitability also develops with tools and techniques. With respect to make changes in business products and services, they are able to attain more economic values in creative manner (Chuen, 2015).

Rationale of the study

With respect to implement digital technology, it can be stated that small business able to implement several tools and techniques. As a result, it assists to make high profits and revenue at workplace. In order to make competitive advantages, researcher need to collect relevant information with respect to improve future results (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). Therefore, new tools and techniques identify with implementation of digital technology. It also helps to make wide enterprise and consider creative results at workplace.

Aims and objectives

Aim: To identify significance of implementation of digital technology in small business growth and innovations in small business – A Case Study on Small White Elephant.


  • To understand concept of significance with advance technology in small business.
  • To find importance of implementation of digital technology in growth and innovations in Small White Elephant.
  • To interrelate digital technology and growth and innovations of small business.
  • To recommend ways through Small White Elephant able to increase their performance with growth and innovations..

Research Questions

  • What do you understand by the concept of significance with advance technology in small business?
  • What is the importance of implementation of digital technology in growth and innovations at Small White Elephant?
  • How to interrelate digital technology, growth, and innovations of small business?
  • What are recommended ways through Small White Elephant able to increase their performance with growth and innovation?

P2 Project management plan include cost, time, scope, quality, communication, risk and resources

Task Mode

Task Name





Auto Scheduled

Research Project

1 day

Fri 7/6/18

Fri 7/6/18

Auto Scheduled


1 day

Fri 7/6/18

Fri 7/6/18

Auto Scheduled

Finding Of The Topic

3 days

Fri 7/6/18

Tue 7/10/18

Auto Scheduled

Statements Of Problems

1 day

Mon 7/9/18

Mon 7/9/18


Auto Scheduled

Time Frame And Allocation Of Resources

2 days

Wed 7/11/18

Thu 7/12/18


Auto Scheduled


1 day

Fri 7/6/18

Fri 7/6/18

Auto Scheduled

Literature Review

5 days

Wed 7/11/18

Tue 7/17/18


Auto Scheduled

Selection Of Correct Research Methodologies

1 day

Fri 7/13/18

Fri 7/13/18


Auto Scheduled

Data Analysis And Interpretation

2 days

Fri 7/13/18

Mon 7/16/18


Auto Scheduled

Evaluation Of Results And Outcomes

2 days

Wed 7/18/18

Thu 7/19/18


Auto Scheduled

Project Closer

1 day

Fri 7/6/18

Fri 7/6/18

Auto Scheduled

Giving Conclusion And Recommendation

1 day

Wed 7/18/18

Wed 7/18/18


In order to gain creative work performances, it can be stated that there are different kinds of elements ascertained to attain desired results. With this perspective, research considers concentration on proper time frame as they able to accomplish desired results (Karimi and Walter, 2015). Following are certain elements consider in the project management plan that assists to attain more growth and profitability:

  • Cost: In order to conduct present research, there is around £680 needed. All elements and tasks cover with this perspective to attain overall growth and profitability at business environment (Sivarajah, Irani and Weerakkody, 2015).
  • Risk: Due to lack of time and cost, there is high risk exist in front of researcher. Therefore, it increases problems and issues to find relevant information. Furthermore, collection of data is also major issue, which creates negative impact to gain more effective results at workplace (Veselovsky, Pogodina and Kuzovleva, 2018).
  • Scope: In order to consider research, it can be stated that there is a wide scope exist to implement digital technology at workplace. It assists to make high growth with revenue and profitability. Hence, people are targeted with using systematic approaches.
  • Resources:With respect to collect relevant results, it can be stated that there are several resources consider attain more systematic work performance (Pick and Nishida, 2015). In this way, aims and objectives will be accomplished with primary and secondary information. It helps to develop systematic functioning to attain more growth.
  • Quality: Quality is also important parameter that assists to perform functions and operations in systematic manner. In this regard, information that is collected by researcher must be qualitative and relevant so that effective results will be generated (Carlson and Usher, 2016).
  • Communication: Communication also consider important role to share proper outcomes and findings in creative consideration. In this regard, researcher needs to contact properly with other members.
  • Time: Around 2 weeks are taken to complete the present project. On the basis of time, relevant information will be gain at workplace easily (Reilly and Jones, 2017).

P3 WBS and Gantt chart

Illustration 1: Work break down structure

LO 2

P4 Small scale research with applying qualitative and quantitative research methods

In order to gain effective results towards growth and innovation in small business, it can be stated that different elements must be implemented. On the basis of creative information, researcher can communicate their findings in large audience. Qualitative results and performance develop with using different kinds of data such as primary and secondary. In respect to collect primary data, questionnaire has been used that based on survey, graphs, etc. (Ainin, Parveen and Mohd Shuib, 2015). All these tools help to gather fresh and relevant information. Apart from this, secondary data collected from books, journals, articles, etc.

Following questionnaire has been prepared to gather more relevant information at workplace:





1. Does digital technology help to attain competitive advantages?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

2. Do innovative activities could be implemented with using digital technology?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

3. Which is the most important element to implement growth and innovations in small business?

  • Online payments
  • Website of the company
  • Online forms with customer information

4. What is the main tool needed to be implemented at Small White Elephant?

  • Social media
  • Internet tools
  • Printing advertisement
  • Paid research

5. Does digital technology enough to consider advance results in the chosen business?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

6. How to make growth and innovations with using digital technology?

  • Implement company website
  • Develop Internet tools
  • Consider new software programs
  • Social media activities

7. How are you satisfied with using digital technology implementation at Small White Elephant?

  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Highly dissatisfied

8. Does company want to use internet website in particular year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

9. Which is main feature consider with internet website offer?

  • Online payment
  • Integration with social media
  • Media rich content
  • Secure website

10. Does chosen business make goals with using internet in particular year?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

11. Did information and communication technologies useful for Small White Elephant?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

12. Which strategy needs to use by selected business to make high growth and innovations?

  • Google AdWords, Pay per click
  • Newspapers, magazines
  • Twitter, Facebook
  • Television, radio

Theme 1 Digital technology helps to attain competitive advantages

Does digital technology help to attain competitive advantages?






Cannot say


Interpretation: From the above graph, it can be stated that there are 17 respondents consider their views as digital technology assist to make competitive advantages at workplace. Furthermore, there are 3 respondents said that it is not useful to make competitive advantages.

Theme 2 Innovative activities assist with implement digital technology

Do innovative activities could be implemented with using digital technology?






Cannot say


Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that there are 18 respondents said that innovative activities could be consider to focus on digital technology implementation at workplace. There is one candidate that said that it is not useful for develop digital technology implementation. Remaining one person said that it cannot be said that digital technology is useful or not for considering innovative results in business environment.

Theme 3 Online payment is most important element of growth and innovation in small business

Which is the most important element to implement growth and innovations in small business?


Online payments


Website of the company


Online forms with customer information


Interpretation: Furthermore, the present graph depicted that there are 16 employees consider their views that growth and innovation in small business developed with online payment so that Small White Elephant must consider it in business. Furthermore, there are 3 candidates argued that growth and innovations could be maintained through consider website in the business. Remaining 1 person said that online forms with customer information must be ascertained to make high and effective results.

Theme 4 Social media is the main tool to be implemented at Small White Elephant

What is main tool need to be implemented in Small White Elephant?


Social media


Internet tools


Printing advertisement


Paid research


Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be stated that there are 14 respondents said that social media is useful perspective that assists to make innovations and growth in small business. In this way, researcher able to ascertained their significant advantages at workplace. Beside this, there are 3 candidates stated that internet tools majorly implemented in Small White Elephant for growing effective results. There are 2 people said that printing advertisement required in selected firm to make them large enterprise. Only one person said that paid research is useful for the organisation to grow their performances. ;;

Theme 5 Digital technology enough to develop advance results at workplace

Does digital technology enough to consider advance results in the chosen business?






Cannot say


Interpretation: In the above graph, there are 13 candidates said that digital technology is useful consideration to make advance results in the business. In this way, it can be said that advance outcomes helps to focus on maintain growth and innovations. Furthermore, there are 5 candidates said that digital technology is not considered advance results in selected business unit.;

Theme 6 Social media activities help to make high growth and innovations with using digital technology

How to make growth and innovations with using digital technology?


Implement company website


Develop Internet tools


Consider new software programs


Social media activities


Interpretation: In addition to this, the above graph stated that there are 15 candidates said that social media activities mainly helps to create growth and innovations in small business. In this regard, Small White Elephant need to consider their operations and functions as per social media activities. Furthermore, there are 2 candidates said that new software programs also consider to focus on growth and innovations in business. There are 2 people said that development of internet tools mainly assists to ascertain significant advantages.

Theme 7 Employees are highly satisfied with using digital technology implementation in chosen enterprise

How are you satisfied with using digital technology implementation at Small White Elephant?


Highly satisfied








Highly dissatisfied


Interpretation: On the basis of above graph, it can be stated that there are 16 employees highly satisfied with using digital technology. Furthermore, there are 2 people said that they satisfied with consider digital technology in Small White Elephant. 1 person is neutral with using digital technology at workplace of chosen business. Remaining 1 employee is dissatisfied with consideration of digital technology.

Theme 8-Selected company want to consider internet website in upcoming years

Does company want to use internet website in particular year?






Cannot say


Interpretation: From the present graph, it can be stated that there are 15 respondents said that in present year, Small White Elephant implement internet website that assist to develop more significant advantages at workplace. On the basis of more effective consideration, they are able to make high growth and innovations. Furthermore, there are 3 employees said that company does not use any internet website in particular year because it is not helps to generate more significant advantages at workplace. Remaining 2 candidates said that it cannot be interpreted that internet website is using or not in particular year.

Theme 9 Integration of social media is main feature that adopted to consider internet website offer

Which is main feature consider with internet website offer?


Online payment


Integration with social media


Media rich content


Secure website


Interpretation: In the present graph, it can be interpreted that there are 16 respondents said that integration with social media is main feature that helps to adopt internet website. Furthermore, there are 2 candidates said that online payment must be taken by Small White Elephant to increase their internet website offers.

Theme 10 Small White Elephant consider changes in their goals with implement internet elements

Does chosen business make goals with using internet in particular year?






Cannot say


Interpretation: In order to depict above graph, it can be stated that there are 18 respondents said that chosen business able to make changes with their goals regarding internet implementation in particular year. Furthermore, there is one person said that company has not required any changes to implement internet tools at business environment. Remaining 1 person said that it cannot be interpreted that chosen business make changes or not towards their goals and objectives.

Theme 11 Information and communication technologies useful for Small White Elephant

Did information and communication technologies useful for Small White Elephant?






Cannot say


Interpretation: In respect to focus on the present graph, it can be stated that there are 17 respondents said that information and communication is most useful consideration for Small White Elephant. In this regard, there are 2 respondents said that information and communication technology is not useful perspective for chosen business environment. There is remaining 1 person said that it cannot be interpreted that communication and information is useful or not for the chosen enterprise.

Theme 12 Twitters and Facebook are main element that used to consider high growth and innovations

Which strategy needs to use by selected business to make high growth and innovations?


Google AdWords, Pay per click


Newspapers, magazines


Twitter, Facebook


Television, radio


Interpretation: From the above graph, it can be said that there are 16 respondents said that Twitter and Facebook major perspective that helps to make high growth and innovations in chosen business. It will help to attain more significant advantages at workplace. Furthermore, there are 2 employees stated that newspapers and magazines major consideration that assists to contain innovative results. 1 candidate also said that television and radio must be included to attain more effective growth in business.

LO 3

P5 Research and data using with appropriate tools and techniques

In order to find useful information, it can be said that research includes different tools and techniques that helps to meet with desired results. With respect to make high growth and innovations in small business, it can be said that following elements are generally helped to consider research at workplace:

  • Introduction: In order to collect relevant data and information to make growth in small business, introduction consider description of research methods. With this regard, it can be stated that there are different tools and techniques explained that help to meet with goals and objectives (Terjesen, Hessels and Li, 2016). Growth and innovation of Small White Elephant determines with following tools.
  • Research design: Research design consider different kinds of options that helps to solve issue and problem of research study. There are different kinds of research design such as descriptive, exploratory, experimental, etc. From this, researcher select descriptive research design which helps to find in-depth information from whole contain (De Massis and Kotlar, 2014). This research design selected because it helps to gain relevant information. However, other designs are not suitable because it is not useful for find in-depth information.
  • Research philosophy: This element of research consider belief about way in which data gathered, analysed and used. In this consideration, fact and true things identified that assist to develop significant advantages. There are two varieties of research philosophies such as interpretivism and positivism (Soto-Acosta, Popa and Palacios-Marqués, 2016). Researcher select interpretivism that helps to focus on gather relevant information and data. However, positivism is not useful because it is long and rich historical tradition. It is embedded regarding society knowledge claims that are not grounded in positivist.
  • Research approach: Research approach is also useful perspective that assists to consider plan and procedure with detailed assumptions. In this way, data collection, analysis and interpretation included that assists to make high growth and innovative results in the business (Xi, Kraus and Kellermanns, 2015). There are two ways to implement approach in research. It includes inductive and deductive methods. Inductive method considered thematic analysis in which study determines to attain goals and objectives in creative manner.
  • Collection of data: In this element of research, it can be stated that primary and secondary both kinds of data useful to measure effectiveness. Therefore, both helps to find creative work performance at workplace (Schuurman, De Marez and Ballon, 2016). Primary data collected from questionnaire which design for survey. Apart from this, secondary information has been gathered from different tools such as books, journals, online articles, etc.
  • Analysis of data: In this aspect, researcher consider certain responsibilities to assess relevant information and make effective functioning as well. There are two kinds of techniques exist that helps to analysis data such as qualitative and quantitative. From the both, researcher using qualitative in which thematic analysis have been taken. Beside this, quantitative information not undertaking because it considers Z test, Chi square test, F test, etc. (Soto-Acosta, Popa and Palacios-Marqués, 2016)..
  • Sampling: In this consideration, researcher select 20 sample size that are employees of Small White Elephant. Simple random sampling method is generally used to make high growth and innovation in business.
  • Limitations: Furthermore, it assists to collect relevant information to attain aims and objectives. Researcher face different issues and problem to identify relevant information. Therefore, lack of time and cost create limitations to make systematic work performance in business (Terjesen, Hessels and Li, 2016).

P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations results of research with meaningful conclusion

In order to find useful information, it can be stated that digital technology assists to develop more significant advantages in small business. In this way, it can be stated that there are different tools and techniques exist in which Small White Elephant able to implement meaningful results. Social media is very important consider nowadays that helps to promote more effective outcomes (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). From the analysis it can be summarised that Facebook and Twitter are most important aspect that helps to focus and maintain creative information. Furthermore, it can be concluded that aims and objectives will be accomplish with using different methods. It also helps to make large business that able to attain their systematic work performance. Apart from this, following recommendation could be provide to carry more effective results:

  • Create new form of share ownership to provide reward to all employees: In order to collect data and information, in small business growth and innovations could be completed with new form of share ownership. In this regard, it is important to provide reward so that Small White Elephant able to encourage their employees (Sivarajah, Irani and Weerakkody, 2015).
  • Offer training sales and marketing requirement to start business: Furthermore, training to sales and marketing people also provided to start new venture in successful way. In order to make large enterprise, it is important to focus on gathering more effective consideration. In this aspect, chosen business should develop successful results and start business with maximum number of people (10 recommendations to help small businesses grow. 2018).
  • Access to international market: Small White Elephant also require access with their international market. It will assist to focus and maintain more effective work performance in the different areas. In order to develop more significant advantages, maximum number of customers will be gather from different places (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2016).

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LO 4

P7 Reflection of the report

In order to carry present report, I had learned and understand several things. This assists me to focus on effective consideration which develop more significant advantages at workplace. I able to understand about different kinds of tools and techniques that is majorly used in research program. On the basis of this information, I can gather more relevant work performances. Furthermore, present research also assists to increase my communication with different respondents that helps to develop my knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, it assists to develop my knowledge and skills that would be beneficial to focus on creative work performances. As results, I can work to make creative results at workplace.

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  • Acemoglu, D. and Restrepo, P., 2016. The race between machine and man: Implications of technology for growth, factor shares and employment;(No. w22252). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Ainin, S., Parveen, F. and Mohd Shuib, N.L., 2015. Factors influencing the use of social media by SMEs and its performance outcomes. Industrial Management & Data Systems.;115(3). pp.570-588.
  • Carlson, M. and Usher, N., 2016. News startups as agents of innovation: For-profit digital news startup manifestos as metajournalistic discourse. Digital Journalism.;4(5). pp.563-581.
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