
Unit 11 Manage Quality Customer Service BTEC HND Business Level 4 Regent College


Customer service plays an imperative role growth and success of every business association. It entails with taking care customers' needs in terms of providing or delivering them high quality service and also provide assistance before and after purchasing. Most successful businesses recognize the importance of providing outstanding customer service. A courteous and empathetic interaction with a trained customer service representative can mean the difference between losing or retaining a customer. When problems arise, customers should receive timely attention to the issue. Prompt attention to emails and phone calls is critical to maintaining good relations. The customer planning process of the firm ensure that people are getting higher customer satisfaction level (Ryu, Lee and Gon Kim, 2012). Customer service adds value to a product and builds enduring relationship. In this modern era, business organisations are tend to acquire new and innovative customer services so as to gain high competitive edge and market share. Along with this, purpose of this document is to implement a framework towards implementation or maintenance of an appropriate data or record management system. Innovation Widget is the chosen organisation in this present assignment which is committed to manage necessary records which are able to meet business needs as wells as its legal and financial requirements.

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1.1 Investigate, identify, assess, and include the needs of customers

About Innovations Widgets – Basically, innovation widgets is a leading producer of Widgets in Australia which was implemented in 1952. These Widgets are used as elements for various types of machinery, including industrial or domestic machinery. Innovative Widgets Innovative Widgets is small firm with about 50 employees. All of their widgets are well designed, functional and produced by managing high quality services. In addition, customers over Australia expects to get qualitative and value added products at competitive prices. Although, to run effectively of these innovative widgets various departments or staff are liable for different roles and responsibilities at workplace (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013).

Appendix 1: Customer Service plan Template

Innovative Widgets Customer Service Charter


Welcome to Innovative Widgets!

Our vision and mission:

Create a vision and mission statement that includes reference to customer services

Vision and mission statement of the company – Vision statement of the company encompasses with how firm will envision customer services being delivered in the future. On the other hand, the mission statement of small businesses insists will what a firm will do to accomplish its vision. This may encompasses with firm's function, objectives as well as philosophies.


The vision statement of Innovation Widget is to be market leader in last five years in terms of customer service satisfaction by delivering timely and responsive services with integrity, generate passion for excellence while meeting buyers' expectations.

Mission of the company: -

  • Innovate new ways of manufacturing and testing widgets
  • Deliver consistently high-quality customer service internally and externally
  • Keep Australian businesses buying Australian widgets through quality products and second-to-none customer service
  • Have the best safety record of any widget company.

Who are our customers?


Our internal customers are:

List Innovative Widgets’ internal customers

List Innovative Widgets’ internal customers

Internal customers of the company are those colleagues or department in business organisation who are liable to do internal function, like- how marketing will be used for delivering internal services as well as communication. It also involves those activities that interacts with research and development, human resources, production or logistics, information technology and customer services as these are the internal parts of the company.

Our internal customers require:

List these customers’ needs

The basic needs of internal customers of the company is to provide them healthy and positive working environment as they can perform in better manner. It is essential for management to provide basic remuneration to all employees as per their skills and abilities.

Our external customers are:

List Innovative Widgets’ external customers

External customers of the company are those end users, target audiences and stakeholders that have a huge impact on firm's market condition. Along with this, external customers exchange money to buy goods and services and actually consume these products. These people have an impact in corporate activities.

Our external customers require:

List these customers’ needs

The basic needs of customers is to deliver them qualitative and value added products. Customers also want to get effective products at premium prices in order to gain high competitive edge.

We’ll give you what you need … and more!

We promise to deliver a widget that’s right for your needs:

List relevant productquality specifications

  • deliver premium quality products in accordance with its commitments;
  • work closely with customers to understand their needs and the value in use of its products;
  • promote consistency of quality and customer focus throughout the company;
  • align the company's business plans with the quality requirements of the market; and
  • improve its value proposition to customers over time.

We promise to support you:

List relevant customer service guarantees, e.g. related to time, cost and after-sales support

  • Providing products on or before delivering time
  • Cost of the products should be affordable by maximum number of customers
  • Management should also have to proper feedbacks and reviews from clients after purchasing so as to attain and retain for long term period.

We’ve support our people to support you!

Innovative Widgets’ policies and procedures that support customer service include:

List relevant policies and procedures

Innovative Widgets’ policies and procedures that support customer service include:

Innovative Widgets records and data are accurate, up-to-date and clear to ensure that they can be used for the benefit of the customer and service provision.

  • They must be understood by anyone who needs access to them.
  • They are to be treated as confidential and kept secure as per Privacy Act 1998
  • Customer are allowed to see the information which Innovative Widgets hold about them
  • Any incorrect information must be changed or destroyed
  • Updated (date) CEO Innovative Widgets 2014

Apart from this, RATER model can be used by companies so as to measure customers' expectations; the main elements of this model are -

  • Reliability – Ability to perform the promised service accuracy.
  • Assurance – Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their capability to improve trust.
  • Tangibles – Appearances of physical facilities, personal and communication materials.
  • Empathy – Provisions of caring individualised attentions to buyers.
  •  Responsiveness – Willingness to help target audiences and deliver prompt service.

Reflection – The main problem with performance of Innovation Widget is the execution of effective customer services. By considering the mission statement of the company, to deliver passion for target audiences as well as service experience. While developing a customer service plan firstly I assessed vision and mission statement of the company then identified internal and customers who have a huge impact on decision making process of the firm. Afterwards, there is developed certain specifications of product quality in order to make it more effective. In order to measure customers' expectations, I have considered RATER model.

1.2 Ensure plans achieve the quality, time and cost specifications

A manager can use various technologies and components for conducting an effective research and effectively manage relationships with customers as well as train and align the responsibilities to team members. Although, the process of customer relationship management can be quite difficult or it can be a simply basic data which is retrieved from firm's point of view. Customers expect to receive high-quality goods or service. Quality refers to the characteristics of a product, system, service or process that meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties (Lee, Lee and Kang, 2012).These characteristics are generally discussed in terms of the value offered to a customer. Quality, cost and time are three components that contribute to value. These are discussed below: -

Quality – A product's quality links with its capability to fulfil that purpose for which it has been developed. Although, buyers are expected to confirm quality with safety legislation and meet their demands in the best possible manner. They wish appropriate and clear description and operating instructions to be available. Various components that must involve in product quality are – performance (primary operating traits), features, reliability, conformance, technical durability, serviceability, perceived quality, value of money erc.

Cost - A product's cost is linked with its quality, customers' expect competitive and reasonable prices. Although, there are different dimensions of costs, such as- manufacturing cost, value added, selling price, running cost (price is required to keep product running in market), service cost ( cost of servicing of a product), profits (Rummler and Brache, 2012).

Time – Various dimensions of time are – manufacturing lead time, due date performance, rate of product introduction, delivery lead time, frequency of delivery etc. Customers expect the product or service to be available when they need it and/or for it to be delivered on time. The value associated with a product, process, system or service relies on the organisation’s ability to meet the cost, time and quality specifications of the customer.


2.1 Deliver products and services to customer specifications within organisation’s business plan

Delivering consistent quality of products at competitive prices supports companies to adopt needs and requirements of clients in order to create a positive relationship with them. It is also beneficial in enduring customer relationship. Although, managing consistent delivery of products by adding value in them requires higher knowledge of customers' needs as well as an ability cope performance level of service team; this will support them to get rid out from difficult situations (Wu, 2011). For instance – Innovation Widget is a widget company which provides business technology rental solution through different Australian retailers. The firm follows an open as well as collaborative approach in order meet customers' desires. The business model of the company includes direct interaction or dealings with target audiences. Along with this, To guarantee their item is addressing the requirements of both the end clients and their business accomplices, the organization builds up a few deals instruments to show the reimbursement and tax breaks after some time (for end clients) and to help business people in prescribing their item.

2.2 Monitor team performance to consistently meet the organisation’s quality and delivery standards

There are various types of performance management frameworks which supports to facilitate communication and direct behaviour at workplace; it will also contribute in foster mods and determining positioning as well as production capacity of the firm. Following are the main methods that can be assists to meet quality standards Innovation Widgets, such as-

Industrial relations – It covers different elements like – how staff members will be remunerated in order to deliver effective customer services, educated and licensed people must be hold, reasonable working hours and other employment conditions (Tan, Benbasat and Cenfetelli, 2013). For example - Ensuring staff have accredited and up-to-date training towards generating new and innovative widgets.

Code of practices – These are acquired or utilised to set fundamental requirements of industry for a provision of certain products and services that are going to be delivered to buyers. For instance - Understanding and applying the code of practice that outlines service standards for industry.

Financial transactions - Enactment guarantees that the monetary exchanges of clients are receipted and that electronic instalment forms are secure. For example - Secure receipts which are issued to check for possible pricing errors for customers.

Work health and safety – These legislations also ensure that all customers as well as staff members are living in safe and secure environment while delivering customer services (Zhao and et. al., 2012).

Methods include:

  • formal training: presented by managers or trainers
  • informal training: such as peer-group meetings, role-modelling
  • trial and review: to ensure standards and legislation are being adhered to
  • opportunities for feedback and improvement: formal or informal.

2.3 Help colleagues overcome difficulties in meeting customer service standards

Client benefit issues can run from identity clashes and contradiction over cost through to physical dangers and legitimate activity. Overseeing staff in a client benefit part requires learning of the different techniques for struggle determination and methods for applying them to the group through powerful authority, supervision, instructing and tutoring. Along with this, employees will frequently encounter troubles in the regions of client contact and or on the other hand data administration (Sampson and Spring, 2012). A portion of the more typical challenges identified with client contact and data administration are recorded underneath: -

Customer contact

Information management

Handling customers complaints

Product knowledge

Addressing customers' behaviour

Record keeping and management methods

Relating to customer needs used empathy.

Understanding customer inquires.

Obtaining customer feedback

Aligning products and services with needs.

Innovative Widgets

Customer support policy and procedure – collecting market research


The main purpose of customer service policy is to raise expectations of customers. Representatives who go above and beyond to find the right product or service or troubleshoot a problem quickly are bound to meet the needs of clients and make them feel valued.


There are various people like- staff members, management, customer service department, higher authorises of Innovative Widget are involved in providing customer services to people.


Human resources, physical resources, technical resources and financial resources are involved in effective customer service policies.

Relevant legislation etc.

Legislation can help protect customers, but excellent customer service requires sustained focus from organisations.

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010(which replaced the Trade Practices Act 1974 on 1 January 2011) aims to give businesses a fair and competitive operating environment.


Yes, the customer service policy of Innovative Widget has been approved by higher authorities of the company.

Customer support process/es

There are several steps which are getting involved in customer support process, such as -

  • Firstly, management of Innovative Widget should greet their target audiences in proper manner.
  • Then, there is required to be determine their needs and wants to so deliver the products accordingly.
  • Afterwards, customer service staff can use various strategies so as to influence people towards purchasing.
  • After purchasing, there should be taken proper feedbacks and review from customers so as to determine the whether they are happy with products or not.


3.1 Develop strategies to monitor progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards

In order to monitor progress of customers services Innovation Widget has adopted a key performance indicator which measure the value which determines how effectively firm is going to be achieved its key business objectives. Companies are being used KPIs at diverse level in order to evaluate their success so as to arrive desired targets. In addition, high level Key performance indicators are emphasised on overall performance level of business association, whereas low level KPIs are tend on processes of various department, such as- marketing, sales, human resources and call centre (Sallis, 2014). Along with this, a KPI is only valuable as the actions it encourages. Business industries, now these days, are acquiring several key performance indicators that are able to reflect their own business as well as fails to hinder positive changes.

On the other hand, a commitment towards continuous improvements in delivery of services is one of the model of International customer service standards. Several methods are presented in order to make such modification in current operational system, it involves endowing effective data for measure performance, training and development assistance to staff, executing a range to feedback mechanism as well as amendment of existing policies or procedures (Lai and Chen, 2011).

A customer relationship management database encompasses these following aspects: -

  • Sales performance and customer or market trends
  • Customer margins (profitability of individual customers or segments)
  • Customer alignment (product segmentation)
  • Customer drift (changes in buying habits)
  • Selling opportunities (cross-selling, up-selling or switch-selling)

Service target

Strategies to monitor progress


10% increment in answering calls in order to diminish customers' dissatisfaction.

Customer survey – a sample of end users polled to identifying satisfaction level.

Customer relationship management compare current calls answered against calls answered for the same period last year.

Adoption of key performance indicators helps to measure customers' satisfaction level in a systematic manner (Hussain, Al Nasser and Hussain, 2015).

Appropriate data will provide quantitative improvements year by year.

Quick or fast improvements in order to back up service target objectives.

3.2 Develop and use strategies to obtain customer feedback

Key performance indicators is one of the best strategy that is used for getting accurate information form target audiences, such are stated as under: - cycle time from request to delivery, call length (time takes to answer a call), volumes of call handled (per call centre staff), number of escalations, number of reminders or alerts, customers' ratings of service, number of late task and customer complaints. In order to obtain customer' feedback, there is required to conduct a questionnaire so as to gain maximum information from customers.







Staff available in a timely manner


Is staff greeted you and offered to help you ?


Staff was friendly and cheerful throughout.


Staff answered your questions properly


Employees showed knowledge of the products and services


Staff offered pertinent services


Staff was courteous throughout


Overall, how would rate our customer services


The ease of contacting the service department to make an appointment


The service advisor's understanding of the work required when you book the appointment.


Communication during service/ repairs to keep you update on progress.


Open ended questions

  • What did you like best about our customer services?
  • Based on your recent visit, should you wish to, please enter below any additional comments or suggestions on how we might improve our aftersales customer service ?
  • Is there a staff person you would like to command



Thank you for taking the time to complete our customer service survey.


3.3 Develop, procure and use resources effectively to provide quality products and services

For management, people are required to determine the sources which are essential to influence changes of a customer service system. Following are the internal factors which promote quality services, such as -

  • Decisions made as a result of customer feedback and opportunity analysis
  • Other organisational policy or procedural changes.

Therefore, providing quality products or services needs to establish a balance system between resources in order to accomplish desired outcomes. While changes occurs such resources are out of balance, in this relations business organisations are required to remove or acquire those resources bring a new system in order to implement equilibrium between all working activities (Hazen and et. al., 2014). Below is defined details of resources which are needed to response towards changes, such as-

Buildings and facilities – A new manufacturing process plant or a new office location may be required.

Equipment – Upgrades in existing customer relationship management system often requires new hardware in order to run the system in an effective manner. Other measurements need might be handheld communication devices for sales and service staff.

Finance – Internal funds should be produced for improving projects of customer services. For example- additional staffing, an advertising campaigns as well as staff training. On other hand, to make larger changes changes there should be required to collect external changes through debt or equity funding options.

3.4 Make decisions to overcome problems and to adapt customer services

The end result of data analysis and customers' feedbacks is to attain better outcomes from target audiences. For accessing regular improvements, management should allow determining those areas small acquisitions of products or services and customer service processes must be necessary.

Several methods can be adopted that stated as under: -

Loan manufacturing – It is a procedure that is steadily eradicates wasteful work processes. Although, waste can discussed as any activity which occurs directly or non directly and add value in customers' experience. Along with this, loan manufacturing encompasses with streamlining activities, such as- customers' issues or complaints, improving delivery, introducing with online and rendering more comprehensive information about product.

Six Sigma – It is a system of determining and eliminates defects or errors in customer service processes. In context of manufacturing, six sigma entails with production output. On the other hand, in customer services it means to be reduced the number of complaints or further metric handling tools, i.e. fast answering calls, number of customers' calls on hold as well as customers' satisfaction responses (.Büyüközkan, Çifçi and Güleryüz, 2011).

Total quality management - Basically, TQM is a strategy that support to embedding of an organisation wide awareness of quality in business procedures. This aspects cover a wide range of customer service, i.e. delivering proper information, managing complaints fairly, ensuring prompt delivery, rendering accurate and correct product information to customers.

In bigger associations, changes are once in a while left to one individual to execute. In the event that suggestions for process, item or administration changes are made, interview between work force influenced by the progressions ought to happen. The counselling procedure guarantees that applicable faculty are incorporated into any change procedure and in this way have the chance to increase the value of any change. Interview procedures can include:

  • formal and casual gatherings
  • meetings to generate new ideas
  • Introductions to partners of input got and proposals made
  • open doors for question and answer sessions.

3.5 Manage records, reports and recommendations

In order to manage these records or reports it is recommended to customer service department to follow these elements which are stated as under: -

Decision-making processes: -

When suggestions have been submitted and the discussion procedure has happened, you will be required to settle on a choice to beat distinguished issues. The choice procedure is an administrative expertise that is transferable to all circumstances furthermore, settings (Sweeney, Danaher and McColl-Kennedy, 2015). The fundamental guideline of good basic leadership requires that you do the following:

  • Think about every single accessible choice.
  • Measure the alternatives against the related dangers.
  • Select the alternative that best accomplishes the target

Skill development – It is necessary for administration to reflect their own performance while coping organisational procedures; it supports to deliver a high standard of customer services. Management should seek opportunities that can attained by improving employees skills and knowledge in a specific area. They must also use professional or interpersonal networks so as to maintain currency as well as industrial knowledge. Along with this, self management skilled will be beneficial to continuous monitoring and measure effectiveness of the company in following policies, procedures, legislation and standards (Chen and Tsou, 2012).

Complaints records - Grievances records are delicate reports. Grievances with respect to client administration may go to an ombudsman or be submitted as legitimate confirmation. Records require to be clear, precise and adequate. They are additionally a helpful component of the consistent change process. Furthermore, grumblings records are frequently put away with the particular client document on CRM frameworks. Inquiry capacities or rotate tables can be utilized to sort and break down dissensions information.

Innovative Widgets 

Record keeping policy and procedure


Record keeping in customer service is a quintessential part of customer data and information. Structured documentation in customer service ensures that details on customers are all in one place and accessed easily within the company by those who need it.


Sales department, research department, audit team, higher authorities are getting involved in order to take all necessary decisions.


There types of resources, i.e. Buildings and facilities, equipment and finance.

Buildings and facilitates – A new manufacturing process plant or a new office location may be required.

Equipment – Upgrades in existing customer relationship management system often requires new hardware in order to run the system in an effective manner.

Finance – Internal funds should be produced for improving projects of customer services.

Relevant legislation etc.

The following legislation is relevant to the Records Management

Financial Reporting Act 1993 - it defines the standards to be used in preparing financial reports and obligations in respect of the preparation and audit of financial statements. See also Public Finance Act 1989 for relevant sections.

Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 - it includes requirements for the keeping of records to support the administration of the Goods and Services Tax system (s 75) and their retention for a period of at least seven years after the end of the taxable period to which they relate.



The record management policy entails preserving the institution's corporate memory by enabling records of enduring cultural and historical value to be identified, captured, and transferred to the possession of an approved repository at the end of their life cycle; which has been approved by top management.


From the above mentioned report it get analysed that customer services are one of the crucial part for every business association in order to get market growth and vitality. Although, it is essential for administration to involve all stakeholders of the firm while making any business decisions so as to gain high competitive edge. Along with this, the report has stated that while developing a customer service plan, Innovation Widget must consider several components: - quality, delivery of time, accuracy of information, goals and objectives. Although, identification of customer services is necessary so as to gain higher customer satisfaction level and getting high competitive edge in a certain time period. While monitoring team performance supports to meet organisational quality and deliver quality standards. Loan manufacturing, six Sigma, total quality management are the main methods to overcome from customers' problems and barriers.

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  • Ryu, K., Lee, H. R. and Gon Kim, W., 2012. The influence of the quality of the physical environment, food, and service on restaurant image, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 24(2). pp.200-223.
  • Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013.Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge.
  • Lee, S. M., Lee, D. and Kang, C. Y., 2012. The impact of high-performance work systems in the health-care industry: employee reactions, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.The Service Industries Journal. 32(1). pp.17-36.
  • Rummler, G. A. and Brache, A. P., 2012.Improving performance: How to manage the white space on the organization chart. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wu, C. C., 2011. The impact of hospital brand image on service quality, patient satisfaction and loyalty.African Journal of Business Management. 5(12). p.4873.
  • Tan, C. W., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. T., 2013. IT-mediated customer service content and delivery in electronic governments: An empirical investigation of the antecedents of service quality.MIS quarterly. 37(1).
  • Zhao, L., Lu, Y., Zhang, L. and Chau, P.Y., 2012. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model.Decision support systems. 52(3). pp.645-656.
  • Sampson, S. E. and Spring, M., 2012. Customer roles in service supply chains and opportunities for innovation.Journal of Supply Chain Management. 48(4). pp.30-50.
  • Sallis, E., 2014.Total quality management in education. Routledge.
  • Lai, W. T. and Chen, C. F., 2011. Behavioral intentions of public transit passengers—The roles of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and involvement.Transport Policy. 18(2). pp.318-325.
  • Hussain, R., Al Nasser, A. and Hussain, Y. K., 2015. Service quality and customer satisfaction of a UAE-based airline: An empirical investigation.Journal of Air Transport Management. 42.pp.167-175.
  • Hazen, B. T. and et. al., 2014. Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in supply chain management: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications.International Journal of Production Economics. 154. pp.72-80.
  • Büyüközkan, G., Çifçi, G. and Güleryüz, S., 2011. Strategic analysis of healthcare service quality using fuzzy AHP methodology.Expert systems with applications. 38(8). pp.9407-9424.
  • Sweeney, J. C., Danaher, T. S. and McColl-Kennedy, J. R., 2015. Customer effort in value cocreation activities: improving quality of life and behavioral intentions of health care customers.Journal of Service Research. 18(3). pp.318-335.
  • Chen, J. S. and Tsou, H .T., 2012. Performance effects of IT capability, service process innovation, and the mediating role of customer service.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 29(1). pp.71-94.
  • McColl-Kennedy, J. R. and et. al., 2012. Health care customer value cocreation practice styles.Journal of Service Research. 15(4). pp.370-389.

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