
Business communication Theory of Glen-more Hotel


Business communication is a practice of sharing information within and outside people of an organisation which is performed basically for commercial benefits. Present study will focus on interaction within Glen-more hotel (Bargiela-Chiappini and Nickerson, 2014). It is one of the industry leader in field of hospitality and events. Company presently is facing communication problem because of hiring diverse range of people from different culture.

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Analysis of Good Practice

This section analysis about the good practice related to communication that has been done by Glen-more hotel. For better understanding of the practices related to interaction communication theory of virtual learning environment can be used by hospitality organisation. Event, sales, restaurant and facilities staff are engaged in making use of different type of communication skills. It includes the following:

Empathy: Empathy is basically the ability to understand and share the feelings of one another. Helen a restaurant staff member was able to recognise the thoughts of Vivien about not writing the email properly (Bargiela-Chiappini and Nickerson, 2014). This action was performed by the staff member in order to have the idea about performing of the actions. In case study all the people have different opinions but they were trying to understand the other people feelings by showing empathy. It can help hotel Glen-more in taking appropriate actions. Reason behind Helen action in the scenario is that they focus on only her personal strength and skill.

Effective Listening: One of the most important factor in efficient communication skill is effective listening. Like in case study Max has to engaged in effective listening with Jed in order to make changes in the menu. This can help hotel Glen-more in addressing and solving the problem that has been occurring in going through alterations (Pearson, 2017). This skill can be learned through virtual learning environment that includes the guidelines related to effective communication. It can also help in reducing the difference between diverse culture people. Jed and Max are facing these problems because they are not engaged in effective listening. Reason behind Max action is because their manager ask them to do so. This must be communicated by Max to Jed and he must effectively listen to him.

Listening Process: To make the communication more effective hotel Glen-more staff needs to follow the proper listening process. Like for example Jed and Max must involved in following proper listening process while communicating. It includes receiving, understanding, evaluating and remembering. This can support the hospitality staff in resolving the issues that is arising between them due to ineffective communication. They can learn this skill through virtual learning environment. It includes providing guidelines through video tutorials. Understanding and properly evaluating things can help Glen-more hotel in engaging staff and gaining competitive advantage

Direct Approach: It is basically two way approach in which there exist free flow of communication of ideas and thoughts. Like for example Jasmine and Vivien can get engaged in direct interaction with Helen so that issues related to email writing can be solved between them. Also, Vivien can learn to write of emails through virtual learning environment (Pearson, 2017). Direct approach can support Glen-more hotel staff in improvising their communication skill. Also, it can allow them in understanding the cultural need of each other. Organisation should lay keen emphasis on direct communication as they have recruited people from varied culture.

Indirect Approach: It means sending of messages with the help of indirect channels like emails, telephonic conversation, messages and many more. Like for example Jasmine and Vivien are involved in indirect communication with Helen by writing her email. They are having a problem in composing of mail for this they can take classed from virtual learning environment with the help of videos and guidelines (Mikkelson, York and Arritola, 2015). For implementing effective communication in Glen-more hotel it is very necessary to lay emphasis on indirect approaches.


Causes of the Communication Breakdown

It has been identified that in Glen-more hotel communication is breaking down because of various cultural issues. Firm needs to lay keen emphasis on them in order to expand their business. Issues include the following:

Power Distance: It is one of the drastic culture issue faced by Glen-more. Here the individual feels that power is been distributed unequally in the industry. Like for example Jasmine thinks that more power is given to Helen and Jed because of difference in culture. Firm needs to focus on effective communication between these staff members in order to resolve this (Effective communication, 2018).

Time Orientation: This is basically looking of things with different perception toward past, present and future thinking. Like for example Jed and Max is facing problem with Vivien on not arriving on time. All the people have varied perception of managing time. For this Glen-more hotel must communicate the rule to every staff member to follow one proper time.

Space: It can also be one of the cultural issue faced by Glen-more hotel. It describes how much personal space is been given to employees in an organisation. Like for instance Jasmine feels that less space is given to her while she is been engaged in performing their duties. Diverse culture people can have different attitude towards providing space, firm must be involved in solving this issue. Standing very close to any peer or worker can make them feel harassed or uncomfortable.

Context Sensitivity: Glen-more can also face context sensitivity cultural issue. It means while communicating with different cultural people, staff member should provide the context or body which is honest and true. Like for example Jasmine must communicate true information related to problem they are facing with behaviour of Max and Jed. This can help in resolving the issues that is arising between them.

Time Focus: Time can be used in varied ways in different culture. It can act as cultural issue in Glen-more hotel. Like Jed and Max are reported to never be on time. So this can hamper the performance of every individual, team and staff members. For this training must be given by firm to properly manage the time.

Attitude Toward Gender: Different cultural people have varied attitude towards gender. Like Chinese and American have rude attitude towards each other. Jasmine thinks that Jed has a negative attitude with her (Penrose, 2015). This cultural difference should be minimised in Glen-more hotel otherwise it can hinder the growth of firm.

Formality: Formality dimensions can also act as a cultural difference in Glen-more hotel. Norms while speaking and writing language followed by an individual represents their culture. Like for example Jed and Helen are doing formality with Jasmine they just walk upon her and walk off without any proper communication. For improving this firm needs to make proper rules and regulations for the way of interaction.

Stereotyping: Stereotype is basically having a general belief about category of people. It can act as one of the reason for cultural difference in Glen-more hotel. Like for example Vivien has a belief that Jasmine is Chinese and they do not have a proper behaviour towards black people. Firm should lay emphasis on reducing this stereotype feeling in an individual. As this can hamper the work efficiency of employees.

Prejudice and Racism: This culture difference also exists in Glen-more hotel. Like for example discrimination on basis of race, thoughts and values in been done in an organisation. Jasmine feels that American Jed has a rude and irrational behaviour towards her. Firm should make them understand through virtual learning environment. Racism and prejudice can hamper the quality of communication and misunderstanding can rise between employees.


Managing Improvements

Glen-more hotel is surrounded by ineffective communication and cultural differences between the staff members of company. Firm needs to lay keen emphasis on them and try to manage it appropriately. For this the action that can be carried out by board of managers are:

Training and Learning: To resolve the cultural issues faced by various staff members of Glen-more hotel, they need to provide training and learning to their employees (Penrose, 2015). Like training must be given to them on various aspects such as managing time, changing attitude towards gender, communication skills, racism and prejudice. Cross cultural training should also be given by hospitality organisation. It is one of the most important aspect in building collaborative team and increasing potential of employees in doing work.

Like for example This training will help Jed in reducing the prejudice and racist feeling towards Jasmine. By this they can able to work as a time and understand the cultural and spiritual need of one another. Also, training should be given on basis for making the communication effective. This can help staff members to interact changes regarding the behaviour, way of doing work, time management and many more (Moshiri and Cardon, 2014). A good training program can help in reducing the subtle difference among individual and groups. It can increase the work efficiency and productivity of Glen-more hotel.

Team Activities: In order to remove cultural differences among staff members of Glen-more hotel, they need to implement more team activities in the organisation. This can help in creating bond among people of diverse culture. Also, it can assist in developing new and healthy relationship between employees. Team activities should lay emphasis on sectors like active listening, empathy and effective communication skills. They can make use of activities such as arranging informal meetings, organising parties for the team members, creating an informal bond with them. This can help Glen-more hotel in bringing workforce close to each other. Team activities can lay positive impact on the performance and efficiency criteria of employees. Activities can also impart the competitive spirit in the mind of employees. It can also help in solving the issues related to culture, racism, time focus and orientation. Team building activities can also help in improving the communication skills of employees. Company can also provide training to workers of different culture on their ways related to interaction. Training is given on direct and indirect approach of communication, active listening, verbalization and language basis.

Policy Change: Glen-more hotel to reduce the cultural difference can also get engage in policy changes. They have implemented various policies during the time of recruitment. Like for example Max was guided to prepare food as asked by Jed. He has no authority to make food of his own choice (Moshiri and Cardon, 2014). Also, the employee was not interested in involving in discussion related to food and beverage. So hospitality organisation should be involved in implementing new policies in order to resolve the issues. They should establish policies according to the needs and demands of employees. This will help in increasing the efficiency of workers, teams and individuals. Also, policy should be changed related to management of time, so that employees can manage and finish off their work on time. Glen-more should also develop policy by analysing and identifying the needs and demands of workers. This can help them in retaining and acquiring new talent and also this can increase the brand image of firm. 

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From the above study, it has been summarised that Glen-more has faced various challenges related to the communication skills. For this company have implemented varied techniques like providing training and learning. This has helped them in making employees more effective and efficient. Also hospitality organisation has engaged in composing team activities that has helped them in removing racism and prejudice in firm. Also, it has assisted in developing skills like management of time. Policy change has increased the efficiency and productivity of organisation.

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