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Hofstede's culture dimension theory is developed by Greet Hofstede and it refers to a framework or guidelines which is introduce for conducting communication at cross-cultural in effective and appropriate manner. By this theory company able to analysis impact of culture of society on its staff members (Beugelsdijk, Maseland and Van Hoorn, 2015). Respective theory is mainly divided into six categories that are Power distance index, Collectivism vs. individualism, Uncertainty avoidance index, Femininity vs. Masculinity, Short term vs. Long term Orientation and Restraint vs. Indulgence. Topics which are explained in this reports are critically evaluation and analysis of suggestions which is given in article. Along with this it contain explanation related to agree and disagree dimension and suggestion for improvement in activities.

Main Body

1. Critically evaluate the suggestions made in the article on Hofstede's cultural dimension

Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory is used by an organisation in order to develop effective communication between employees within a diversified culture. It is also responsibility of employer to develop strategies and plans in order to develop strategies accordingly so that all cultures employees communicate with each other in effective and appropriate manner. According to respective article author there are six culture dimensions through with four of them have profound impact on business environment of a company. These four are  individualism vs. collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity vs. femininity. According to which below are some suggestions mentioned:-

  • Individualism vs. collectivism – According to this theory Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory is based on those employees who are self oriented and work according to them. Individualism refers to situation which consider or represent to achievements of an individual (Lee, Trimi and Kim, 2013). Where as collectivism refers to a situation when whole organisation is working together in respect of an individual. In this company able to attain there goal in more effective manner. So it is suggested to an organisation to conduct its work or task in collectivism basis.
  • Power distance – It refers to situation within a workplace when two employees of same position have different level of power. This will show equality and discrimination between employees on basis of power. Due to which moral and motivation level of employees get decreased that directly affect on productivity and profitability of employees. So it is responsibilities of manager to allocate power between employees in effective and appropriate manner which leads to increase in productivity in effective manner.
  • Uncertainty avoidance – It refers to situation which is unknown and unannounced sue to which productivity of employees get affected (Matusitz and Musambira, 2013). So it is suggested to manager of an organisation to do analysis of market as well as work culture on regular basis in order to develop strategies and plans in effective manner.
  • Masculinity vs. femininity –It is a situation where employer do discrimination between male and female employees on the basis of there work, salary, role and responsibilities and many more. So it is suggested to employer to develop strategies and policies in effective manner in order to develop equality among every employees in effective and appropriate manner.

2. Which do you agree with and which do you disagree with? Justify your position

According to the article which is given there are major four dimensions of Hofstede's culture dimensioned theory and form these I am agree on some dimensions as well as disagree on some. Dimension on which I am agree are uncertainty avoidance because it is not possible for every employees to follow culture of all countries where they are working. Due to this organization supply its products and services in several nation without they follow their culture.

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Where as there are some factors on which I am not agree such as individualism. This is so because it is not possible for anyone in an organisation to work according to  a person in every aspects and it is also not possible to accomplish work without develop proper goal and objectives. Along with this, there is another point on which I am disagree that is power distance which is occur in an organisation while making any decision. This is so because some employer not involve every employees in decision making process in effective manner.  

3. Are there any suggestion would you like to make?

For enhancing business operation and function in effective manner on day to day basis there are several suggestion for an organization in prospective of Hofstede's cultural dimension theory. Some major of them are mentioned below:-

  • By Individualism an organisation able to motivate its staffs and increase there interest towards conducting work in effective and appropriate manner. But this factor is not appropriate for a company for a long term because by assistance or guidance of an individual, it is not possible to attain goal and objectives in effective manner at a workplace (Mazanec and, 2015). So that it is responsibilities of manger to apply collectivism at there workplace.  
  • It is also suggested to an organization to develop plans in future basis so that they can tackle any situation in effective manner. They must also consider those situation which are uncertain while developing plans and strategies. By this employees also able to work in effective manner and attain there goal and objectives in effective and appropriate manner. Manger also analysis its products and operations process so that they may avoid unnecessary steps from process in effective manner.

Above mentioned are some suggestion which is essential for an organisation so that they can attain there goal and objectives in effective as well as efficient manner. Along with this they also able to motivate its employees and encourage them in accomplishing work or task in effective manner. Company also develop positive and effective working environment.


From above discussed point it can be conclude and evaluate that for developing and running a business in effective and appropriate manner, company need to maintain there organisation culture in appropriate way in order to conduct attain goal and objectives in proper ways.  Organization culture of a company is mainly based on values, behaviours and norms. In an  organisation each and every employees is crucial and important for developing health as well as positive working environment at a workplace. Is also essential for an organisation to maintain proper communication with in cross culture environment for which they can use Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory at there workplace. Through this company able to get various advantage or benefits while operating there business at world wide market.

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  • Beugelsdijk, S., Maseland, R. and Van Hoorn, A., 2015. Are Scores on H ofstede's Dimensions of National Culture Stable over Time? A Cohort Analysis. Global Strategy Journal. 5(3). pp.223-240.
  • Lee, S. G., Trimi, S. and Kim, C., 2013. The impact of cultural differences on technology adoption. Journal of world business. 48(1). pp.20-29.
  • Matusitz, J. and Musambira, G., 2013. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and technology: analyzing Hofstede's dimensions and human development indicators. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 31(1). pp.42-60.
  • Mazanec, J. A. and, 2015. Homogeneity versus heterogeneity of cultural values: An item-response theoretical approach applying Hofstede's cultural dimensions in a single nation. Tourism Management. 48. pp.299-304.
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