
The Book Review


International relation and security is considered as the most prominent aspect for nation or country. The current study shed light on reviewing the book written in the same aspect “The Responsibility to Protect” (Bellamy, 2015). The review at first provide overview of the books and then its strengths and weaknesses are discussed. In addition to this, analytical part is also covered in the book.

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A brief overview of the book

The book under investigation shed light on three major aspects of responsibility to protect. The first one shows that major responsibility of states to ensure well being and provide protection to own community, ethnic cleansing, crimes and genocide etc. The second one is based on duty of states to support each other for building capacities for the sake of discharge from the first responsibility. In addition to this, responsibility of international community for taking the decisive and timely action in order to protect population from the mentioned kinds of crimes. However, professor Bellamy focused on the role of information groups into the United Nations for the advancement of consensus on responsibility to protect. It was contradicted with the role of formal political and regional groups. In addition to this, the books clearly reflects that double standards which are followed by actors at the time of fulfilling the responsibility to protect.

Furthermore, author stated that informal group work alongside the formation political and regional groups. However, he further stated about the relationship between sovereignty and fundamental human rights. For this purpose, effective protection is needed for security of united nation. In addition to this, author explained that international community got failed to protect the mass atrocities and genocide.

Overview of strengths and weaknesses of the book

The book of responsibility to protect has several plus points which help readers to understand the situation to united nation and role of international relationship and security that how it assists general population. It has been understood as follows-


·Effective presentation of information

·Suitable argument to support the statements and given information.

·Inclusion of precise and appropriate content.

·The responsibility to protect is considered as the both a norm and principle.

·Inclusion of chapters clearly which shed light on specific information for extracting valid outcome.


·The book do not incorporated to underlying social structure which tends to make the atrocities possible.

·The focus of book on piece of rhetoric which is developed for hiding the strategies of Western hegemony

·Narrow concept


The aforementioned information of book reflects that social structure is ignored which plays important role and assists international security which aid to complete all operational activities effectively. However, the presentation of information is very effective and supportive in order to draw the valid outcome. In addition to this, appropriate information and content is incorporated through which readers or targeted people can effectively find the conclusion or outcome. In addition to this, social structure can be effective with the help of meaningful information in accordance with present as well a future analysis.

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An analysis

The entire book of responsibility to protect reflect that how international relationship and security is importance and can be ensured for betterment of entire country. This enables parties to accomplish theirgiven task on time for taking care of general population. The basic focus is on international intervention along with its possible conflict national sovereignty. Furthermore, effective aspects of defence of responsibility to protect are explained in the file with clear justification and appropriate presentation. Sovereignty and protective of Western interventionism became the wary for many states. At the same time failure of international community to protect the people is the critical evaluated presented in the book. The book goes in the right direction in accordance with its subject and highlight the reasons or potential benefit which can be granted to public of the country (Bellamy, 2017). It can be critically evaluated that principle of mentioned in the responsibility to protect are not applied successful due to failure of will. Owing to this, it was inconsistent application with principle affected its final outcome for the community members.

Apart from this, the interaction of humanitarian programmes with peacekeeping mission as well as diplomacy might be considered as the problematic situation for the nation. It is because representation is done on the basis of case by case. Owing to this, it might not be suitable in particular situation. However, the author of the book has considered the responsibility to protect as a norm and principle both. It might be illusory at certain points of time due to association of many other studies for the same aspect. On the other hand, books like responsibility to prevent consists of very impressive piratical experience and academic in responsibility to protect (Birch, 2017). This is because of incorporation of genocide prevention, ethics, international law and social science.

Along with that, effective explanation has been done for international relations and conflict analysis as well as prevention. This aspects facilitate to clarify the scenario related to entire nation's security. For example, ethic, international relations prove to be effective to reduce the chance of war and production of different kind of weapon. This ensure to security and build good relationship among different countries. Moreover, the the addition of conflict analysis and prevention enable major parties of country to work upon some of the issues and accordingly find the solution as per the mutual consent. This leads to have peaceful relationship among nations and promote freedom as well as security.

Moreover, practice and academic experience has also been done in the book along with initiation of new book or similar books as responsibility to prevent. This reflects that nations can promote the peaceful relationship along with healthy environment. At the same time, overall security of population is considered which tend to bring stability.


The aforementioned report concludes that responsibility to protect has been presented in a precise manner by focusing upon international relationship and security. This defines that security system in a right manner along with protection of general population of country.


Books and online

  • Birch, M., 2017. The responsibility to protect: a defence.
  • Bellamy, A., 2017. The Responsibility to Protect: A Defense.
  • Bellamy, A., 2015. TheResponsibility to Protect: A Defence(Oxford: Oxford University Press)
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