
Business Foundation (Part 1)


Business foundation is defined as an initial stage where an organisation performs several actions in order to achieve sustainability at marketplace. In business foundation cultural development plays a significant role within the operations as well as actions performed by organisation at marketplace (Assiter, 2017). This report is based on the impact of culture that it has over the functionality as well as success of organisation which operates at global level. Hofstede culture dimensions and its importance within international business along with suggestions to add on cultural dimension.

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PART A (Cultural Dimension)

Culture is define as the set of valure, belief and norm which a group of people follow that affects the way in which a member of that group behvae or think. The characterstics of cultural group has an huge influence over the business and way in which it perform operations.

Significance of Hofstede's culture dimensions

Culture refers to homogentic characterstics that a group of people share in term of their vale, knolwdege, beliefs, language and custom. But to understand the dimensions of culture there is a model which is given by Geert Hofstede which work over four dimensions fro developing an understanding regarding cross-cultural factors. This is beneficial as it help in understanding teh culture of particular country which also support a business in dealing with different customer who have to assess different country’s business environment (Boud and et. al., 2014). For instance, in countries like US, UK there is a culture of handshaking but on the other side in China poeple greet one another by slightly bending down in front side. So by developing an understanding of culture a company can greet and treat its customer caccordingly which support in acheiving maximu satisfaction.

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Importance of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions on international business

Hofsteede’s culuture dimension is a framework for cross-cultural communication which describe aboutr teh impact of society’s culture over its memeber value, behaviour etc. The study of culture plays a curcial role in business structure and policy formation as organisations operating business at gloabl market have to deal with several issue related to cross-culture. Lack of knowledge regarding teh culture of nation in which business operates may lead to its failure. Hence, Hofstede culture model help company in understanding the culture dynamics that a country follow in operating business which support it in acheiveing excel at ne marketplace.For instance, county like mexico usually belives in power distance that means difference of authority among superior and subordinates in ordre to create an environment of dicipline so that work can be accomplished on timely manner (Edwards and et. al., 2014). So when company which want to enter in Mexico adopt this culture it be able to make its employees work effeectively as in that nation people prefer such leadership.
In addition to this Hofstede cultiure model is also beneficial in international business as it help an organisation to develop an understanding regarding the norms and behaviour of customers belongs to that country. So it become easier for them to alter their services as per the customer prefersnce. For instance, comapnies like KFC get succed at global market because it focues toward molding its services or taste of food as per teh prefernce or culture of customer in which it is operating business. Apart from this cultural dimension study also help an organisation to form effective policies for employees so that high performance could be acheived. For example, country like Canada influence its employees to take risk to bring innovation and excellence in work which further help in enhancing teh capability of workers. assignments australia

Suggestions for cultural dimensions

Culture have an great influence over the working style of employees within the organisation as it decides the plans and policies over which workforce work to acheive the set goals and objcetives. For instance, Countries like Great Britain beleive in avoding uncertainity such organisational culture is more rigid and doesn’t acceot changes quickly. But business in country like Canada employees are more risk taker which bring more changes and innovation in business that leads to business excellence (Terry, 2015). So, company must focuses toward building a better culture dynamics for acheiving success and recommendations are explained below:

  • A company must focuses toward providing a working flexibility options where employees have an opportunity to work as per their capability which help in maximising the employee’s skill as well as productivity.
  • Another recommendation for culture dimension is that a company must focuses toward developing a diversified workforce and prrovide opportunity to employees belong to host country for suggesting within customer related strategies. Thsi help in improving the market functionining of comapny that provide maximum customer satisfaction.
  • Critically evaluate the suggestions made in the article on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

In current article of culture dimensions bthere are basically two suggesstion are provided in order to present teh way in which an organisation can deal with cross-cultural difficulties. But each factor has bothe positive as well as negative sides and hence the critical evaluation of these two factors are explained below:

  • It is suggested that a company must offer free working style practice to its employees in order to keep them free from strees and work pressure which leads to bring maximum outcome from employees (Wernersbach and et. al., 2014). But on the side it have negatice imapct over the working of emmployees as it may bring laziness among them which reduces their capacity of work and deakys in operations that may resukt in reduction of productivity.
  • Another recommendation was giveen that an organisation must involve employees who are familier with teh culture of country in which company is entering. Thsi will support in understanding teh customers preferences so that proper stratgey can be formulated. But on teh other side it may create conflicts among teh exisiting employees who belongs to home country of business as they may feel insecure regarding ethri job or position. 

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Which do you agree with and which do you disagree with? Justify your position

The given case study is about the role of cultural dimension within an organisation which operates its business at international level. So in this case study it has been stated that an organisation must focuses toward creating ethical values and code of conduct in order to deal with cross-cultural factors present in external environment. This is an agreeable fact because understanding of culture will help in achieving success at marketplace.
On the other side it is also stated that a company must perform detail research over culture but it is not relevant as study of culture doesn’t support in creating it until and unless employees are ready to adopt it.


At last it is recommended to an organisation to it must focuses toward involving employees in strategy making process so that new ideas can be generated that bring innovation in company. In addition to this it is also suggested to an organisation working over international level must focuses toward maintaining a culture of flexible working and must not be rigid so that changes can get accepted easily by employees.


From the above given report it can be conclude that a culture plays a significant role within an organisation and also affect the performance of business up to a large extend. So it is very essential for an organisation to firstly analyses the culture of particular country before entering into it alter its product or services as per customer’s preference of particular nation. The culture dimensions can be better understood by using Hofstede cultural dimension model which provide a framework to learn about cross-cultural factor in order to avoid cultural threat in business operations.


  • Assiter, A., 2017. Transferable skills in higher education. Routledge.
  • Boud and et. al., 2014. Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge.
  • Edwards and et. al., 2014. Learning and study strategies: Issues in assessment, instruction, and evaluation. Elsevier.
  • Terry, C., 2015, March. Media multitasking, technological dependency, & metacognitive awareness: A correlational study focused on pedagogical implications. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1304-1311). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Wernersbach and et. al., 2014. Study Skills Course Impact on Academic Self-Efficacy. Journal of Developmental Education.
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