
Detailed Case study on Social marketing


Campaign for the promotion of a product or an innovation in society or market is an important aspect for the betterment of the organisation. The support of the organisational campaign is based on the handling of the media and the support provided by them to make the product or service available and viable to the society for the consumers of the organisation. The following work in the report supports the background of the campaign in the better understanding of the society and the children present. The report here deals with the betterment of the children in the society of Australia. This report also deals with the better understanding of the messages of the organisation and the proper tactics along with the strategies.

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Background of the campaign

“Save the Children Australia” is one of the most renowned children's Care Organisation in the society of Australia. It has supported with many small and large achievements in the society preventing the abuse and the mis-happenings to the children of Australia at a great level. It is justifiable that the organisation support the life and the betterment of the children in Australia with higher priority and better care. e organisation has supported this how many members of the society in providing care to the children of the society in Australia the rise in the abuse on the children have resulted in a little concerned to the Government of Australia for which the non profit organisation like the “Save the Children Australia” have come up with different Strategies and techniques for the better care of the children in the society of Australia. In terms of the background of the organisation provides new service and products for the certification of the needs of the customer in terms of the betterment of the children in Australia. Isn't that the Save the Children Australia organisations have provided National child abuse prevention helpline act for the better prevention of the children from the abuse in the society and the schools and other services of the organisations and Society provided.

Aims and objective of the campaign

The prime aim of the organisation is to provide support care and information to the parents of the children who faced abused in the society of Australia.

The objectives of the campaign are:

  • To understand and determine the prime cause of abuse in the society
  • To understand the ways to mitigate the abuse from the society
  • To determine the role of government in eradicating abuse
  • Today common proper values and ideas to the parents of children of Australia

Stakeholder analysis and target market

The stakeholders of the organisation are the customers and the people residing in the society of Australia. The stakeholder analysis is one of the most important factor that marks the success and this mode operation of an organisation in each and every society be in Australia or any place in the world Buhalis (2000, p.115) It is evident that the stakeholder and the analysis of the stakeholder are somewhat related to the development of the organisation from every aspect. The stakeholders of a company can be identified with the performance and the support provided to the organisation in return of the benefits savoured from the organisation. The proper form of the stakeholders of the save children Australia organisation are the parents all the children in Australia and the ones who were once affected by abuse in the society. (Maignan et al. 2005, p.976)

The target markets of the organisation are the children below the age of 17 who have less chance of defending themselves from abuse in the society. The supports of the organisation and the management have a health in Greater response from the organisational workers and Society of Australia. Most importantly the organisation targets the lady with children in lap and with children of age between 10 to 17 years.

Key messages

The key messages of “child wise” service provided to the people in the society of Australia is it provides optimum amount of services and clear in terms of phone calls by expert and trained counsellors. Key message provided by the product and the service is that management of the time and proper use of the resources in accordance to the mid in the society is the prime objective and key to success in an organisation. In addition to the above it also has much needed views and ideas on the method for avoiding children abuse in the society of Australia. The providing of the key messages to the people of Australia is one of the most important aspects in the better spreading of the campaign in Australia. The need and the support of the key messages, which in case of this report is to provide optimum support and care to the parents whose children have faced abused through the trained Counsellors and experts, is one of the prime key message provided to the stakeholders of the organisation (Lowe et al. 2007, p.723). The key message of the product or services provided by child wise is better to be preventive than to be supportive at the end.

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Campaign strategies

Determining of the campaign strategies is one of the prime estate in developing the campaign product and services to be provided to the Society of Australia. Determining of the product order services does not seems to be the end of the work the proper use of the Strategies for the better marketing of the product and services is necessary to make the services clear to the society and the stakeholders of the organisation (Narro 2005, p.465). The marketing strategy of the campaign strategy is determined with the 4 P's namely product or service, place price and promotion.

As supported by Aad et al. (2016, p.25), the product is marked as the commodity or the service provided by the organisation to serve the need of the customers in the society. It marks the rise in the fulfilment of the satisfaction of the service users and the common people in the society. The product or the service that the campaign is marketing for is the support of the intellectual people and expert with trained Consultants through helpline phone. We products is best for PC for the needs and the demands of the children in Australia. It also serves the name of the family members who have queries regarding dealing with children who have undergone abuse in near past.

As mentioned by (Canli et al. (2016, p.147), place determines the area, the service or the product is to be positioned for the better availability of the product and the service to the customers of the society. The place determines the proper placement of the product for the better support of the customers and the stakeholders. Most importantly the service provided is through telephone is viable and feasible to every stakeholders of the organisation.

Price is one of the critical part for the situation of promotion of an surface to the stakeholders. As inferred by (Aad et al. (2016, p.526), price is one of the prime factor that determine the demand and the sale of the product or the services rendered by the organisation. The placing of the price marks the rise or the fall of the demand of the service rendered by the organisation. Price determines the quality of the service from the perspective of the customers does maintaining of the price is one of the most important criteria for the development of an organisation (Yoo et al. (2000, p.210). The supports provided through the telephone line to the parents of the children under the age of 17 are charged at a minimum of $2 for 5 minutes.

As suggested by (Dickey et al. (2016, p.130), promotion is the end most part of the Marketing mix. It suggest the extending of the awareness of the common people in the society regarding the service or the product rendered by the organisation. Promotion at the end is the clinical age of every promotion activities. Save children Australia used the media Live television, templates and LED banners for the awareness regarding the services provided among the customers in the society of Australia.

Marketing Mix

Figure 1: Marketing Mix (4 P’s)
(Source: Liu et al. (2017, p.100)
SWOT analysis of “Save the Children Australia”

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat
Proper communication skill of the consultants
ï‚·Better managing of the problems
Not always possible to understand the problems and the emotion
ï‚·Not able to reach at the exact point of need
Availability of telephone connection
ï‚·Proper awareness among the parents in the society
Growing competition in the society
ï‚·Change in the current policies of the government

Table 1: SWOT analysis
(Source:, 2017)

Analysis: Organisation strength lies in proper communication skill of the workers of the organisation the better communication skill help in the proper management of the issues and the problems faced by the customers of the organisation along with the stakeholders in Australia. However, weakness up the organisation lies in not understanding the property motion through telephone lines and also not reaching the exact point of an incident while the incident has occurred in near past. The opportunity of the business however lies in the better telephonic communication among the stakeholders and the organisation. As supported by Bull et al. (2016, p.110), the developments of the communication network in the society of Australia have provided greater opportunity in reaching the people from every corner. In addition to the above, proper awareness among the parents of the society have helped the organisation in performing better in every aspect of the situation. On the other hand the growing competition in the society regarding support given to the children of Australia is posing the main threat to the saving children Australia organisation (Sefcik et al. 2017, p.12).


From the above report it is evident that the support of the organisation through any media is useful at the time of need. The better marketing of the products and services towards the stakeholders of the organisation help in increasing the chances of availing the service and the product at the time of need. From the above report it can be concluded that the organisation have a strong strength point with minimum of witness and higher amount of opportunity does making that organisation a reliable one.

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