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How to Write College Assignments That Fetch Good Scores?

After passing the senior-secondary exams, we start thinking that college life will be full of fun and excitement. But the truth is far beyond this as you are expected to devote eight to ten hours to attending college lectures and spending the rest of time in writing the assignments. The teachers assign them in order to check student’s knowledge about a topic and motivate them to research and explore more ideas on the same. The problem with writing assignments at this level is that most college-goers are unaware of the writing norms which is entirely different than what they learned in high school. Apart from this, they do not know how to approach the questions and what to do in order to find the most comprehensive and appropriate answer that will impress the teacher. If you face similar issues, then the solution is to follow the steps that we have shared below:

Step 1: Plan your time

Before starting to write the assignment, know how much time and effort it is worth spending on it. It is quite essential to plan this in advance as most students get many assignments at a time and it’s actually not possible to focus on each of them as they have limited time on hands. In that case, it is rational to firstly work on the project that share a considerable proportion in the score card. Also, check the marking schedule to know what areas of the assignment you need to focus on and which one is not that important. For example, out of 100 marks, if 60% is allotted to research, 30% to drafting, and 10% to referencing the sources. In this case, if you ignore the bibliography part due to unawareness about the referencing norms, it’s absolutely alright as by focusing on all other areas you can still score 90.

Step 2: Analyze the question

One most common mistake that many scholars commit is that they jump to writing the assignment before analyzing what the question was asking about. Such document will certainly not fetch good grades. So, try to understand the question by rewriting it in your own words. Look for wh-words such as who, what, why, where, and how. And, search for restricting words, which limit the topic and make it more specific. One simple idea to understand the question is to rewrite it in your word. For instance- if the question is "Why has the population in Australia grown so much over the past 25 years and explain the adverse impact of population growth through examples," then rewrite it like I have to find out the various causes of increase in population within the last 25 years, and gather information about its consequences.

Step 3: Find information

The next step is to find out relevant information on the topic of assignment. The easiest way to do this is searching on Google. But do not rely on the information that you find over there completely and you must cross-check them. Apart from the Internet, reading books and journals can be of great use. Just visit your college library, and ask the librarian to suggest some good ones. In case the assignment requires you to seek secondary research methodologies, such as surveying and sampling, you may seek help from your seniors or professors as they might suggest you the best approach.

Step 4: Draft an outline

Creating an outline will help you focus on the topic of assignment. Moreover, it will save a considerable amount of time by allowing you to categorize the main points and organize the paragraphs systematically. It also helps you prevent writer’s blocks. The outline will consist of the main ideas that you gathered on the basis of research. First of all, write a suitable title and subtitles. Then, jot down the points that you will illustrate further.

Step 5: Write the first draft

Once you have completed the outline, start writing the first draft, but it’s not important to write it step-wise-step. As it’s often tough to write the introduction, do this in the last and complete all other sections ahead. While writing the paper, you can recheck the concepts that you are feeling confused about, and if required you can directly copy the texts from the source material. But in case you are copying it, make sure to underline it and change the text latter or cite it properly while writing the final document.

Step 6: Edit and proofread

Once you have completed the assignment, take a small break before proofreading it. This will allow you to check the document from a fresh mind. These days, there are many online grammar checker tools that you may use to filter the errors. But do not rely on them completely, and also check the paper on your own. However, if you do not hold a good command of English, then it’s better to get help from a professional proofreader.

On a final note, we suggest you read the document thoroughly and make sure your answer is comprehensive enough to impress the professor and the writing style is as per the university’s norms. However, if you are unable to write the academic papers due to lack of conceptual knowledge, time, or any other reason, then seek help from our subject experts. We provide cheap assignment help that means you need not pay through the nose to avail it.

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