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Lost in the Hunt for Best Plagiarism Checker Tool? Here’s How to Find It!

With the internet bringing everything closer to the users, there are so many confusions that students have to deal with. No doubt, the connectivity has brought several resources in the reach of students, but with those resources comes massive confusion. Students find it difficult to choose a single option from hundreds as the concern of what if they choose the one that is not up to the mark always surrounds them. The same used to happen with research resources, and now the same has started happening with academic tools.

Every other website has started providing assistance tools like grammar checker, paraphrasing tool, and plagiarism checker. While a student can manage with an average grammar and paraphrasing tool, he can never compromise on the results of a plagiarism checker as it will get the document thrown from the submission. Copied assignments get disqualified, and students have to face failure in the submission.

Thousands of websites boast that they have the best tool that shows accurate results. These claims make it more difficult for a student to decide as all of them are best, and one can not use the hit and trial method before submitting a document.

If you have ever faced the same situation and want a solution, this blog is something you do not want to skip. In this one, you will learn about 7 features of a plagiarism checker tool that you must check before making your decision. Without further ado, let’s start by understanding what a tool is and why it is necessary to use it.

What is a Plagiarism Checker? Why is it Necessary?

It is a tool that helps you analyze the quality of content based on plagiarism. There are times when students do not copy a single sentence from a source, but still, the information they use gets plagiarized. It means that students need to check the content they have curated for copied sentences before they submit the document, and that is where a plagiarism checker tool comes in handy.

The tool runs a thorough check on the content that you place in it. It gives you an idea of plagiarism in your document. It is necessary to know where your content stands in terms of originality as -

  1. It saves a student from submitting copied work which can harm their reputation
  2. It analyses the similarity index of the document and shows the sources that the work matches. It helps students to shorten their research.
  3. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and that is why submitting a document copied from somewhere can get you to fail your exam.

These 3 reasons are the most basic and common ones for those who use a plagiarism checker. There can be other instances when you might use a tool to check whether the sources that you are using in research have original content or not. All in all, the tool is helpful, and one must decide to choose a reliable tool wisely!

7 Features to Look for While Searching for the Plagiarism Checker

Here comes the star section of the blog, the features that can help you make your decision way quicker and better. Students often fall for shiny websites and shimmering reviews that can be fake and irrelevant. What they do not realize is that they are there to use the tool not to appreciate the website. While the ratings play a major role, they should not be the driving factor for your decision. What matters is the features that your tool is offering. If a tool can deliver on the following promises, you have a great choice. These features are -

  • Clear Security Instructions
  • Detailed Report of Content
  • Shows the Sources With Links
  • Ability to Download the Reports
  • Reference & Citation Detection
  • Multiple Format Support
  • Easy to Use Dashboard

These 7 features are a must-have in the plagiarism checker tool that you choose. Sure, you can look for some other features too such as the number of databases that the tool matches your work with, or the time that it takes to finish checking, but these things can not be verified, as you will not be able to see whether the website has the number of databases or not. All of these can be easily experienced, and therefore make a much better point of reference for the students to choose.

Always look for these 7 while shortlisting a tool for your work. In case you are unable to find all of them at a place, divide them according to your priority and see if you can find a tool with features that matter to you.

Can’t find one with all the qualities? Here’s a Bonus Tip!

If you have done enough research but still could not find a tool that ticks all the requirements, there is a relieving surprise for you. Instant Assignment Help Australia offers a one-of-a-kind plagiarism checker tool that not only delivers on all the mentioned fronts but also comes with an AI-based algorithm that ensures superior analysis of your document without you having to work on it.

Thousands of students have shown interest in our tool, and the reviews speak for the quality that the tool offers. If you want the best of the best on your side, this tool is a must-have! We hope the blog helps you understand what you have to look for while searching for a reliable plagiarism checker. If nothing works out, you have the option of asking our experts to provide assignment writing services.

You have nothing to lose and everything to win! Stop worrying and use the best plagiarism checker tool designed by our experts today!

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