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A Step-By-Step Guide in CHCCCS023 for Young Community Service Workers


What Is the CHCCCS023 Support Independence and Wellbeing Assessment?

The assessment is done to identify the independence and wellbeing needs of people through independent nurses working on the ground. They are meant to recognize a person’s social, cultural, and spiritual differences without disrespecting them. The CHCCCS023 assessment answers are important to understand people’s knowledge regarding self-care and independence. The assessment allows you to become more open to society and help those who are being treated in a discriminatory manner.

Several areas are covered under this unit that the students need to learn. The unit is about independence and wellbeing but the areas covered are a little wider than the main theme

What Areas Are Covered Under the Unit CHCCCS023?

The unit aims at making a difference in society using several CHCCCS023 assessment criteria. There is a need to understand these before we proceed towards the assessment answers.

Recognize and Support Individual Differences

The assessor needs to learn not to draw conclusions on what a person has answered. They should holistically assess the scenarios based on the living conditions of one person. There can be differences but the whole point of the exercise is to identify them. This will help you to create a support mechanism for people with different opinions on a particular issue. For example, some people refused to put on the mask during the pandemic, they are independent to do so. But the health agencies are obliged to keep them away from public spaces.

Promote Independence

Health care is most successful when individuals are taking care of themselves independently. This can be done by building capacity or ability to promote self-care to reduce the requirement of an agency to get into the task. This can ease out the load on the main health units of the country. For example, Covid-19 wouldn’t have been such a pandemic if the people understood that personal liberty can sometimes need to bow before the wellbeing of all.

Support Physical Wellbeing

The assignment will need you to identify physical wellbeing markers that are being practiced in society. The CHCCCS023 assessment answers must be assessed in such a manner that you understand the importance of personal wellbeing. Physical activities are important and need support from young volunteers.

Support Social, Emotional, and Psychological Wellbeing

There is a need in society to address these issues. Many people have been suffering from a lack of social interaction. They are deprived of emotional needs. They can be marred by psychological issues that are not being brought to the social forums. These markers of lack of good support are needed to be identified using the CHCCCS023 assignment answers.

These were some areas covered under the unit, now let’s understand the concepts which define it. These are important to understand the basic nature of the unit.

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Concepts Students Should Understand for CHCCCS023 Assessment

Recognize and Support Individual Differences

  • Recognize and respect the person’s social, cultural, and spiritual differences.
  • Avoid imposing their values and attitudes on others and support the person to express their own identity and preferences.
  • Consider the person’s individual needs, stage of life, development, and strengths when engaging in support activities.
  • Recognize, respect, and accommodate the person’s expressions of identity and sexuality as appropriate in the context of their age or stage of life.
  • Promote and facilitate opportunities for participation in activities that reflect the person’s individual physical, social, cultural, and spiritual needs.

Promote Independence

  • Support the person to identify and acknowledge their strengths and self-care capacity.
  • Assist the person to identify opportunities to utilize their strengths while communicating the importance of using available support when required.
  • Provide information and assistance to the person who facilitates accessing support services and resources when needed.
  • Provide support that allows the person to self-manage their service delivery as appropriate.
  • Encourage the person to build, strengthen, and maintain independence. 

Support Physical Wellbeing

  • Promote and encourage daily living habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Support and assist the person to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  • Identify hazards and report according to organization procedures.
  • Identify variations in a person’s physical condition and report according to organization procedures.
  • Recognize indications that the person’s physical situation is affecting their wellbeing and report according to organization procedures.
  • Identify physical health situations beyond scope of your own role and report to the relevant person.

Support Social, Emotional, and Psychological Wellbeing

  • Promote self-esteem and confidence through the use of positive and supportive communication.
  • Contribute to a person’s sense of security through the use of safe and predictable routines.
  • Encourage and facilitate participation in social, cultural, spiritual activities, using existing and potential new networks and as per the person’s preferences.
  • Identify aspects of supporting a person’s well-being outside the scope of knowledge, skills, and/or job role and seek appropriate support.
  • Identify variations to a person’s well-being and report according to organization procedures.

These were the concepts followed in a CHCCCS023 assignment to assess the social, spiritual, and cultural tensions in society. When a student walks out of the door to conduct such surveys, they need some basic accessories to assist them. The next section will provide you with a list of things that a student must have before embarking on such a task. 

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What Do You Need for a CHCCCS023 Assessment?

When such assignments are taken on, students have to be on the field constantly to assess the masses. They are far from home and have to set up a camp to conduct their daily routine. This can go on for a long time to get significant responses to complete your study. These are the basic set up props that one must have to conduct a successful CHCCCS023 assessment task. 

  • A chair to sit in when you have a hard day at work and now you have to analyze the answers collected in survey forms.
  • A table to work on when you have hundreds of forms to go through. This may take a long time and you must have a comfortable sitting arrangement while working.
  • When you are in the hinterland you may come up with the need for artificial lighting. Surveyors have to go out again the next day, so they must keep in handy some kind of lamp to help them complete the day's task without any electricity break.
  • Old-time surveyors used pen and paper. The new age has brought in the need for laptops and notebooks. Whatever you are carrying, you must ensure that under any circumstances you won’t run out of power or resources while recording or analyzing data.
  • One must carry reference texts and sample surveys to ensure that they can update assessment answers on the go. They may also need a dictionary when they are working with people of different lingual attributes.

These can be some lifesaver accessories one needs to carry on any survey. They are also important when you are collecting data that is not quantifiable and is needed to be read to understand it. The task is hard and needs a lot of dedication along with knowledge of the concepts. Here are some sample questions which may help you understand their purpose in the assessment.

Some Sample Questions for Your CHCCCS023 Assessment

  1. Cultural inclusiveness, explain the term in one paragraph, and provide a solution to promote it?
  1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of cultural inclusiveness in areas affected by poverty and the class divide. 
  1. Has society accepted same-sex marriages? Explain the reasons behind this social discomfort even among the developed and educated cultures?
  1. Why there is a need for diversity in the workplace? How does it improve the behavior of people towards the minority when they are in their social circles?
  1. Does the minority need to cater to the likes and dislikes of the majority? Do they need to cater to their confirmation biases when they are in the majority workplace?
  1. Do a developed society needs to think about the conditions of the left behinds? Are left-behinds a threat to the social and civilian peace of a developed society?
  1. What are the expectations of the young from the old? What are the expectations of the old from the young? Compare them and provide a pathway to address the differences.

These are important questions for the survey and students rush to online assessment services to get help with questions like these. Students need a service, able enough to provide them with suitable answers.

One more interesting read: How to Write CHCECE007 Assessment Answers with the Help of 3 Vital Steps?

Why Instant Assignment Help Australia Is the Leading CHCCCS023 Assessment Help Provider?

Students have to go through many trials before they turn out to be gold. They have to perform difficult tasks to gain knowledge and qualifications to lead others. A CHCCCS023 assignment can be of great importance to the policymakers, but it drains the soul out of the students. These assessments are important and students need to function more smartly to ace them.

The resources and fieldwork required can be taken care of by working to help students. The CHCCCS023 assessment answers provided by them can help you bring change in society, without stressing your resources. Instant Assignment Help Australia has been working in this area for a decade and has resources to conduct an elaborate survey. Their other features that can improve your experience with them are:

  • 24*7 Customer Support
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  • Professional Writers and Surveyors
  • Free Revision and Money-Back Guarantee

Now, you have learned about the conditions at play while you are collecting data for a CHCCCS023 assignment, you can think about getting it delivered to your home. You may still think more but smart students have already used the ‘Order Now’ button several times.

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