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5 Genius Scientists Who Were Insane

When we talk about scientists, the first image that strikes our mind is of a man with beards, long hair and dressed in a white apron. But real life researchers are quite different from their Hollywood counterparts. They usually have the perfect combination of brilliance and eccentricity that help them come up with innovations. But sometimes, they go so extreme while trying to find the truth behind something or making a discovery that we can’t stop ourselves from calling them mad.

Read on further to know about five greatest mad scientists of history

William Buckland

This nineteenth-century English theologian and paleontologist was famous for writing the full account of a fossil dinosaur, Megalosaurus. He was also the first to use fossilized faeces (which he named as coprolites) to reconstruct ancient ecosystems. Moreover, he gave many theories on the origin of life which were later discarded. Well, all his scientific works were admired a lot, and he was awarded the Copley medal for proving that Kirkdale Cave near Kirkbymoorside in the Vale of Pickering had been a prehistoric hyena den.

What makes us call this scientist as mad was his strange eating habits. He was obsessed with eating raw meats of animals. The most distasteful items that he tried were mole, bluebottle fly, panther, crocodile, and mouse. It is also said that once he consumed the preserved heart of King Louis XIV.

Jack Parsons

Popular as the father of rocket science, this researcher at the California Institute of Technology invented the first rocket engine to use a composite rocket propellant. He is also famous for his pioneering work for the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets. Apart from his inventions, Parson is also famous for his weird interest in occult science. Well, there had been nothing wrong in this, if his interests were limited to getting a couple of weird tattoos. But the truth is that he was a strict follower of the Thelema, a sort of spiritual philosophy which was founded by Aleister Crowley. Parson was one of the most devoted disciples of Crowley. He did many crazy things, such as participating in a ritual known to summon a living goddess and trying to communicate with spirits.

Robert J. White

This 20-century surgeon is famous for his experiments in the field of transplantology. He discovered the spinal cord cooling process which is today used all over the world. In 1962, he surprised the world by his experiment in which he removed the brain of a dog and kept it alive outside the body. Then, in 1964, Dr. White further made the stupid experiment of transplanting the brain of one dog into the neck of another. During the 1970s, after carrying out a series of successful researches, White succeeded in transplanting the brain of one monkey onto the body of another one. The monkey only lived for a few days, but after this White repeated this experiment many times thinking that it would work one day. But lastly, he had to euthanize them because they were all paralyzed.


This Swiss physician, alchemist, and astrologer earned a doctorate in medicine from the University of Ferrara in the early 16th century. He was a pioneer in several aspects of the medical revolution during Renaissance era. Besides medicines, he was also a scholar in many other subjects, such as botany, mineralogy, mining, and natural philosophy and theology.

What makes us call him a mad scientist is his bizarre ideas about creating an organism. He tried to produce a living homunculus(a tiny man) by keeping semen in a warm place and feeding it on human blood. Science was a lot less advanced hundreds of years ago, but this was still a weird hypothesis that looks even odder to us today.

Nikola Tesla

You might know that this scientist was the inventor of alternating current(AC) electrical system. But this was not his only invention. Throughout his career, he developed ideas for a number of important inventions, such as radar technology, remote technology, and X-ray technology. Tesla also worked on some weird ideas, such as a particle gun that he believed might bring down tens of thousands of airplanes and anti-gravity flying machines. As he grew older, Tesla developed some weird notions that he could have direct communication with aliens and that he had fallen in love with a pigeon which holds the same feeling for him.

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