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Simple Steps to Learn a New Language at Home

In this new era of globalization, everyone around the world desires to learn a new language besides their mother tongue. A Chinese might wish to learn English, and an Australian might aim to become proficient in speaking Spanish or French. But mastering a new dialect is not like falling off a log, especially when you want to do it on your own. The good news is that in this digital age, we have plenty of resources to use for the same. Here are the two steps suggested by linguistic experts to become fluent in a foreign language:

  1. Focus on the basics
  2. Immerse yourself in the language

Let’s discuss these steps in more detail:

1) Focus on the basics

Learning a new language can become a fun experience when you start it by practicing a few greeting words. For instance, if you are learning French, then practice phrases like Salut (Hi), Bonjour (Hello), Bonsoir (Good evening), Bonne nuit(good night), Quoi de neuf (How's it going?) Besides this, there are many other areas to work on, such as:

A. Learn the alphabets

Learning the alphabet is an essential step toward acquiring a firm grip over a foreign language. Do it in the same way your preschool teacher made you learn- A for apple and B for boy.

B. Learn vocabulary

Mastering over the common words of a new language can help you understand and speak it better. One good idea here is to memorize the words that are most relevant to you. For instance, if you are learning it for business communications, then learn all the common terminologies. For instance, in case you are studying Chinese, mugging words like chÇŽnpǐn(product), bÄ“ngkuì(collapse), biàndòng chéngbÄ›n (variable costs), cáifù(wealth), etc., will help you set a business conversation with ease. So, try to learn a set of ten such words daily and keep going.

C. Learn the grammatical rules

While it’s difficult to memorize the grammatical rules of a new language, it’s pretty important if you want to speak and write it correctly. One important point here is that while grammar is important, do not spend too much time in learning the rules. You just need to know how to conjugate verbs to form correct sentences. The rest can be learned by reading books, journals, and other published materials.

D. Work on pronunciation

There is no use of learning hundreds of words and phrases if you pronounce them so weirdly that no one understands them. Therefore, learn phonetics and try to practice speaking the words correctly. This exercise can become fun and easy when you practice it with a friend.

2) Immerse Yourself in the Language

It’s difficult to learn a new language because we all tend to speak in our mother tongue. So, even after acquiring a good command of the grammatical rules and vocabulary, one needs to translate one’s thoughts word for word in order to speak or write in the new language. Here are some tips to help you become more fluent in the language:

A. Connect with a native speaker

The most common problem that one fails to learn a new language is that he/she spends all the time memorizing new words and grammar, instead of putting what has been learned into practice. So, find a friend who speaks the language and would help you practice. Alternatively, you can log in to a chatting website with people similar interest.

B. Study the language every day

Practice is the best way to attain perfection in something, and learning a foreign language is not an exception. Mastering a language is based on repetition- the more you practice it, the better you can remember it. And, do not take a long gap between two study sessions as this will make you more prone to what you learned in the last session.

C. Watch, listen, read and write in the new language

The simplest thing that you can do to learn a foreign accent is to watch television shows or movies in the language. You should also buy some magazines and novels. And, try to read at least two pages in a day - looking up any words you don't understand in your dictionary.

These were some simple tips to learn a new language. On a final note, we suggest you not be afraid of making mistakes. Otherwise, you won't get much far. In case loads of pending academic projects are deterring you from focusing on the above-mentioned tips, take help from our subject-oriented writers. Our team of Australian assignment help experts has so far assisted many students in submitting high-quality college papers on time.

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