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6 Amazing Robots That Show the Path to Creating Artificial Human

Robots have been one of the best discoveries by human beings as they can perform many complex tasks automatically. You might be surprised to know that the idea for their creation was conceived centuries before they were actually invented. That is why many of the best known robots can be found in classic novels and scientific fictions of the past. May be our ancestors were already knowing that they could make something smarter than themselves. Nowadays, robots can be found in all types of industries, right from entertainment and toy industries to military and medical applications. These metal-clad machines have pervaded almost every aspect of our society and are apparently here to stay. But sadly, we’re not yet capable of building humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from biological humans.

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To create the perfect humanoid robot, a machine has to exhibit three fundamental qualities i.e., It has to look, move, and act like a human. While there isn’t a single robot in existence that hits all of these marks, some of the models can perform or exhibit at least one or two of these criteria quite well. We hope roboticists will some day pool together their individual skills to produce the first generation of superrealistic humanoids. Here our engineering assignment help experts have mentioned six such robots that can help them emerge successful in the recent years:


Created by Honda in 2000, ASIMO has the ability to perform many physical activities, including walking, running and playing. Moreover, it is capable of understanding voice commands, recognizing human faces, and mapping its environment. This super-smart machine has even challenged a famous world leader to play a soccer match. Honda claims that in coming years, this robot would assist the elderly and perform dangerous jobs like that of a security guard and firefighter.

2. NAO

This programmable robot was created by Aldebaran Robotics, a French robotics company. However later, it was acquired by SoftBank Group. NAO is a 2-foot tall humanoid bipedal robot that is intended to be a “true daily companion” for families. This device has the ability to teach whenever you want, monitor your home, wake you up in the morning, talk and do many such activities. Its flexibility to work as per the fed programmes makes it one of the most widely used humanoid robots for education, healthcare, and research. A larger version of this robot referred to as Romeo is intended to assist the elderly and differently abled people.


This is the best known commercially released robots from the series of AIBO robotics pets that were created by Sony in 1999. QRIO has been named as the world’s first running humanoid robot. It is capable of performing many physical feats, such as walking up stairs, jumping, standing up after falling down, and throwing a ball. Moreover, it has embedded voice and face recognition system.

4. HRP-4

This slim body and the light-weight robot is the advanced model of HPR-2 and HPR-3, the conventional humanoids. It was invented by Kawada Industries with support from Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The external features of this device resemble Japanese anime. It can move like a human, utilizing 30 body motors and can make amazing facial expressions too. Besides speech recognition, it has the ability to sing, using the vocal synthesizer Vocaloid.

5. WildCat

This quadruped robot was designed by Boston Dynamics for use in wars, intended as mechanical packhorses for soldiers. It is notable for its exceptional running speed, i.e., 16 mph on flat terrain. Its design is based on the Boston Dynamic’s Cheetah robot, the only difference being that the former one can operate without being tethered to a treadmill. It uses a galloping gait just like a dog, and leans during a turn in order to balance its body.

6. Curiosity Rover

It is world’s smartest and sturdiest robot that has been exploring the surface of Mars since 2012. According to NASA, it was designed to access the probability for life on the red planet. The six-wheeled robot possesses many highly advanced hardware components, such as radiation detectors, environmental sensors, multiple cameras, spectrometers, atmospheric sensors, and a laser “eye” for vaporizing rocks. Its intelligence has been possible by the “radiation-hardened central processor and while its “brawn” is derived from the electricity produced by its plutonium dioxide-powered generator that is expected to last 14 years.

Although these robots could not replace a human, they are our new friends. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, these futuristic automatons have come a long way. They have also found a place in the military, hospitals, software firms, and any other workplaces. So, being an engineering student, it will be great to make a career in this field.

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