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3 Medical Miracles That Are Beyond Explanation

Throughout history, human beings have come across many incomprehensible phenomena. Surprisingly, a majority of people experiences miracles, but they avoid to talk about them publicly because one cannot develop a sound scientific theory to explain such occurrences. At the time when science has an explanation for almost everything, it’s illogical to say that there can be something supernatural.

But doctors have already come across many such cases when patients recovered themselves from life-threatening diseases that were incurable. While such patients believed it to be an act of God, scientists are instead looking to the underlying biology of these rare cases of self-healing. Here we have enlisted a few such stories that will make you believe in miracles:

Number 3

The Heart That Healed Itself

On August 17, 2012, a 23-year-old Irish man Michael Crowe was found unconscious on his couch. The family thought it was due to stomach infection as he was suffering from nausea and vomiting for the last four days. He was rushed to the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, where they learned that his heart was pumping out blood at just 10 percent of the normal rate. This was a severe case of viral attack which caused acute myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle. Doctors asked the family for a heart transplant. But they could not find any donor for the next seventeen days.

For that period, he was surviving on an ECMO, an external heart and lung machine that pumped his blood while his heart couldn’t. And, on the 18th day, when they were all set for his heart transplant surgery, the team of cardiologists came to know about a blood infection that he had developed. Under this condition, a transplant would be too dangerous, and thus there was no hope of his survival. But after a few days, Dr. Rainchlin who was handling this case found something unusual i.e., Michael’s left side of the heart was working normally. So, he hooked him up to a different machine that assisted only the right side of his heart. Again, he found that the right half of Michael's heart had started recovering. And, very soon he was in a healthy condition.

Number 2

The Cancer Curing Church

In May 2009, Greg Thomas, a 56-year-old man was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Doctors said that there was no chance of recovery and he would die in a few months. In the last days that he had, Greg decided to repair the church where he was coming for years. He approached the bishop with a deal that he would renovate the building in exchange for the key to the front door so that he could come for worship at any time. After the church’s association agreed to his demand, he hired some artisans, and the work progressed in his observation.

With each passing day, he started feeling better, and doctors were surprised to know that his tumors were shrinking. After four years and 23 days, the cancerous lumps in his body disappeared completely, and he was healthy again.

Number 1

A 12-Year-Old Warrior

On July 19, 2013, a 12-yr-old girl from North American Kali Hardig was admitted to a nearby hospital where physicians diagnosed her with a primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. In this disease, the brain-eating amoeba feasts on the brain tissue. Hardig’s condition was so fatal that doctors even told her parents that she might not be alive after 45 hours. But, they still spent all their money trying to prolong her life.

Hardig was put into a medically induced coma that reduced her brain swelling, and her body was pumped with antifungals and antibiotics. Along with this, she was given an approved German drug that had been received from CDC (Centre for Disease Control). What happened after this was least expected- Hardig’s brain swelling stabilized, and her sedation was decreased. After the next eight weeks, she was discharged from the hospital after recovering from this disease completely.

Although miracles rarely happen, when they do they change our perspective and make us believe in the religious principles. For example, Judaism and Christianity reports of miracles are generally associated with the initial phases of new developments. There are many such instances that had left the entire scientific community puzzled.

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