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Crazy Traditions Followed by World-Class Universities

College holds a special place in our lives as it is where we hone our knowledge along with technical and social skills. At present, students feel a lot of pressure as they have to juggle classes, academic projects, self-study with their part-time job. Moreover, exam preparations take a heavy toll on their health and mental well-being. The good news is that over the centuries, many universities have come up with numerous customs and rituals to help their members remain sane even after facing all the academic challenges. Here we have discussed some most interesting university customs:

Baker House Piano Drop (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Since the year 1972, the students of MIT dorm gather to drop an upright piano from the roof to celebrate the drop day that is the last day on which students can bunk classes without getting appeared on their college transcript. The piano is dropped from the sixth floor of the Baker House dormitory. And, it is crashed into a second piano which is positioned on the ground, after which students scramble over the ground to hunt for the broken pieces.

Silent Night (Taylor University)

At Taylor University, sports fan participate in a strange ritual called silent night. Every year before final basketball home game, students dress up in all sorts of costumes and pack the college stadium. They stay quiet until the Taylor Trojans team scores their 10th point, after which they storm the court to enjoy the moment by dancing and singing. The tradition started as a campus-wide pajama party, but currently, it manages to gather a vast audience from outside the college.

Toast Throw (University of Pennsylvania)

This tradition started in the 1970s in protest of the alcohol ban within the college premises. Now, the custom is repeated during the third quarter of football games. As the pep band plays the anthem song, students start throwing baked food in the field. It has been estimated that about 200 tonnes of bread, patties, and pasties are thrown on the day.

Bash before exams (University of Coimbra)

It is one of the most outstanding campus holidays in Europe, which is symbolized by burning ribbons that represent each faculty. Every year before the commencement of final exams, scholars, teachers as well as hundreds of locals throw a big party that includes various fun games, food, and dance.

Foam Fight (St Andrew's University)

Each year, freshers at the Scottish University are adopted by their seniors. In the month of November, the university holds its annual Raisin festival, during which the academic parents hold parties for their adopted children. They ask them to dress in fancy clothes and also gift them chocolates and wines. On the Raisin Monday, freshers gather in the university’s main lawn for the shaving fight in which they apply saving foam and floor on each others’ face.

Penny Throwing (Oxford University)

This unique tradition is celebrated on Ascension Day, the holy day on which  Jesus ascended to heaven. While earlier, it encompassed many activities, such as parade, dinner, and wine tasting, now it is organized in a much simpler way. On the day, all the students of Lincoln college gather at the terrace to throw pennies at a group of children waiting below. It is said that a few decades back, it was customary for students to warm the pennies before throwing them. But now, due to safety concerns, the rule has been changed.

Underground Exploration(Stanford University)

Steam tunneling has been one of the most famous traditions at Stanford, full moon on the quad, fountain hopping, screw your roommate, and assassins being others. It is said that beneath the campus there is an intricate catacomb of tunnels. Stanford students have been exploring their campus’s impressive collection of subterranean tunnels and pipes since the years 1881. For generations, scholars have risked the perils of insects, rats, and trespassing laws to find the legendary secret entrance to the Hoover Library. Recently, all the doors to the tunnel had been locked by the college authority to prohibit them from exploring it. But, they secretly cut locks, break the CCTV camera, and enter it during the midnight.

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