“As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown.”~~Norman Foster
To prepare a masterpiece for the unknown future, you need to start taking the baby steps today. The subject can make you a legend if your architecture piece is awesome and is exceptional in the theme and style.
(Thought Bubbles...)
Reality check, you’re still on the chair and the architecture homework due tomorrow lies on the study table and still no idea how to get it done. Well, simple, just put all you have practised till date in use and get ready to impress your professor. Didn’t practice all the basic designs in so many days? No worries, let us provide architecture homework help to you. And by the time we work on your architecture homework you check these 10 simple architecture design exercises to start practising now!
Basic Architecture Design Exercises to Practice for Your Homework
Exercise 1: Playing with the Dots and Lines
As an architect, it is only you who can understand the importance of that one point or line in your sheet. Start practising with the points and lines first, and then move to basic geometric shapes and then to the complex things. Move slow and sorted. Do not rush to the complex diagrams before excelling the basics. A big-picture begins with that one point that is going to change the whole image for you. So let the dots and lines make you ready for your architecture homework writing task.
Exercise 2: Working on the Proportions and Order
It is important that you know well to play with that one dreaded thing “RATIO.” Yes, we understand mathematics may never be your friend but you cannot have such foes. Keep practising the game to ensure that you never struggle with the concept. This is an eternal concept associated with the subject and the Romans and Greeks have the best examples to reflect its significance.
Just practice a little and see how easily you can identify the approx ratios in your complex drawings too.
Exercise 3: It Is All About Geometry
One thing that amazes many viewers is the way an architect sees things. How simply where we see just circles and triangles, an architect sees a Colosseum. Simple figures turn to masterpiece when viewed from an architects lens. Be very good with the figures and the spacing. You don’t have to arrange the spaces, but also ensure they have a complete balance.
Once, you have excelled the lines and points game, move further and see what geometry has in store for you.
Exercise 4: Your Perspective Is Important
The next big thing on the list is expanding your perspective. An architect is someone who sees the beauty in things before they have come in the picture. Here all you need to work on is the artistic and technical aspects of drawing. This is to make your subject enjoyable and help you learn simple principles of construction as horizon, viewpoint and vanishing point. This would also broaden your viewpoint to identifying, absorbing and analyzing dimensions and proportions, because architecture design was never about just knowledge, but also about one’s inspiration and perception.
Exercise 5: Work on Perfect Composition
You draw what you see, and you see what you perceive. But more than this the composition is the expression of one’s thought on the particular design and style. Since you have worked with the simple structures a lot, the next part is to move towards the complex stories. Well, here you need to work on every detail of the work, including periphery, front and back view, top and bottom view, and the different angles to be considered. Yeah.! Seems like seeing your masterpiece inch by inch and crafting it to perfection. Continue Mr Architect there’s a lot more to come.
Exercise 6: Human Body and Architecture
Where did this come from? Well, you know what experts have given to the field. It is just a part of it. And to add sugar and spice to it, Le Corbusier, discovered the design of the human figure that is according to the golden ratio. This human figure is called the Modulor. Its is based on the height of a man with his arms raised and integrated into his spaces for emphasis. Exactly that figure and that man has spoiled the game for all the architects. But this man till date finds space in the epics of the architecture. Here, one not just analyzes the human body or the proportions, but the complete scenario to reflect on work.
Gosh.! It’s Getting Tougher Step-by-Step!!!
Exercise 7: Adding Shades to Your Imagination
Light and colour are the two important components to be worked on. You have worked a lot on mathematics with the proportions and geometry. Now let’s add some fun element to the practice exercise. Here you need to work on the color mixes and color theory. You need to be very thoughtful of the colors and the designs that you use in the particular design and style of architecture. Initially, the mixes may seem difficult but gradually they’ll be fun to work with and explore.
(Keep your color palette aside, or you’ll spill them all.!)
Exercise 8: Reach to the Best Teacher
Nature is the best teacher. So, this exercise is aimed around nature. Look forward to nature for some inspiration and make sure that there are no missed points. Each time you are out there you would find something new and interesting that would keep you busy with your file. When you go strolling do not forget to take a small sketch pad along to let everything that adds to your vision add to your architecture homework too.
Exercise 9: Two-Minutes Are All You Need
You’ve been practising for a long time. Now let’s see how quick you are. With just two minutes in hand show the world what you can do. Sketch fast. Freehand yet almost calculated. This is a speed test for you. This would reflect how well you have practised over time and what are the aspects that need to be worked on. Easy.! Work with your tools and know where your weakness lies. Not just work on the weakness, but sharpen your strengths too.
Exercise 10: Let It Flow
The freehand drawing is all you need to work on. You’ve been practising everything, but for a while, you can keep your ruler aside. Start working on the diagrams and the designs freehand. A tough thing, but great things never come easy so quick. A bad craftsman quarrels with his tools while the perfect ones know when to work without the tools. Learn to be sharp with basic drawings freehand and see how easy it becomes for you to accomplish your architecture assignments and homework.
A bit difficult, but then nothing big comes easy.!
And the Final Chisel...
Now that you know what are the basic exercises that you want to cover for your work, all you need to do is grab your tools and get set go. Practising these exercises once or twice won’t help, to create an eternal masterpiece you need to practice every day. Yes, regular practice and a lot of hard work are going to earn you the name in the list of the best architects of all times. But before that sharpen your pencils and set to complete your homework. If you think you can not complete it on your own, let the architecture homework help experts rescue you from the task.
Till then Keep Practicing...Keep Drawing...
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