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5 UFO Sighting Incidences That Indicate Existence of Aliens

UFO is a mysterious flying object seen in the sky that might come from another world outside our planet. There are countless stories associated with these strange objects. And, well we do not have any reliable evidence, but schools have become commonplace for UFO sighting to occur. Read on further to know some interesting records on this:

Elder Park Primary

As per an incidence of 1952 in Glasgow, a few kids of Elder Park Primary School were walking back to their homes in the evening. It was summer, and the sky was clear. But suddenly it became so dark, and kids noticed a sombrero-shaped silver spacecraft in the sky. The children came back to their homes and told about the incidence to their parents, but they didn’t believe it. But the next day when the newspaper reported about the sighting of a UFO by locals, they told to the media about the incidence.

Ariel School

During 1994 at the Ariel Elementary School in Zimbabwe, almost 62 children accepted that they talked to aliens. Dr. John Mack, a psychiatrist from Harvard University, interviewed the kids and he said that as per his analysis they were not lying. Well, we cannot take a psychologist’s claim for finding the truth behind the existence of aliens.

Hillsdale College

This is probably the most interesting story of UFO sighting. In March 1966, a young female student along with hundred other students saw a silver coloured glowing object hovering around the college campus. She immediately informed the police about the incidence. After receiving the report, the officer in charge came to the area and saw nothing. Next day, during a press conference he said that the police did not find any evidence of any spacecraft’s arrival and students might have seen a burning swamp gas. The officer received a lot of public backlashes that forced him to reinvestigate the matter. And this time, he found that the soil of a swampy area near the college campus had a high presence of boron and other radioactive particles that point to the visit of a celestial object.

Broad Haven Primary School

In 1977, a group of classmates was playing on the sports ground of Broad Haven Primary School in Wales. The group suddenly saw a round flying object with a dome in the middle. It landed on a field near the schoolyard and the kids saw a man walking outside it. But no one saw his face as he was too far. After a few minutes, the UFO flew away, and the students rushed to their headmaster to tell about the incidence. The headmaster interviewed each of them and asked to draw a picture of the spacecraft. Surprisingly all of them drew the same image and told the same story. But the kids were not the only ones to see the UFO, and even a business woman named Rosa Granville living in Broad Haven saw it near her hotel. She also took a group of media executives to show the land where the craft had landed. The ground was literally burned, might be due to the actions of excessive radioactive elements.

Westall High School

On an evening of April 1966, a few students on the field of Westall High School in Melbourne were doing exercise, when they saw a silver disc like object flying nearly 50 metres above the ground. A few of them rushed inside to call friend and teachers. More than 200 people saw that object for almost 5 minutes which then disappeared in the nearby forest. A local witness from the area tried to trace the object in the forest. And, he found a large piece of depressed land that indicates that something heavy had landed there. But unfortunately, the government did not give any attention to investigating the case.

Well, the incidences of UFO sighting do not end here, and there are more cases in the record. But scientists have not yet approved any of them due to lack of traces. Hope one day; we will get to know whether aliens exist or not. And, if they actually live somewhere far from our planet, then let’s hope that we might find a way to communicate with them.

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