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How to Write a College Essay That Stands Out from the Rest?

In this competitive world, it has become very tough to get admission in a college, no matter whether a student has opted for a traditional subject or a vocational degree program. In such a scenario, a well-written and highly appealing college essay can help one get into the dream institution. Although university admission boards give more weight to the test score, the college essay is a good chance for a scholar to show that he/she deserves a seat. Sometimes, it can be the one thing that tips the scales in someone’s favor, even if the grades or test scores weren’t satisfactory. For that reason, if you are looking forward to getting admission in the coming session, then it is important to focus on submitting a high-quality college essay. But as it is not the same kind of essay that you write for your high school English teacher, thus you need not follow a similar pattern. Here we have mentioned a few tips by following which you can write a perfect college essay that would help you crack the admission process easily.

1. Your first paragraph should grab the reader

The introduction is the most vital part of your essay as it can make a great first impression on the evaluator’s mind. Try to write it in such a way that makes the reader curious about you. You can do this by starting the essay with a question, a bold statement, or an interesting quote. You can write a fascinating story about your childhood or something else that motivates you to study at that college. Sometimes, even a single line can make the reader wonder and read further.

2. Be a real person

While reading articles in newspapers or blog posts, we often do not care who the writer is, and he/she fades away behind the facts. But this should not be done in the case of a college essay. This is the only way that you can let the college committee know about yourself. So, write more about yourself, such as your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, political and religious opinions, and more. Open your heart and tell the admission officer how your background, talents, and personal strengths come together to make you the right candidate for their school.

3. Don’t lie

Trying to sound impressive and intellectual can make you misrepresent yourself. For you, the college essays offer the best opportunity to share who you are beyond your academic records. No one is perfect, and you do not have to hide your true self in order to impress the evaluator. And, remember creating a false impression of yourself is not going to work at this stage because in the next round, i.e., interview you might be cross-questioned on the points that you mentioned here. And, once the interviewing committee gets to know about your lies, it will disqualify you.

4. Show off your linguistic skills

Anyone can write a college essay, but making effective stylistic choices in terms of structure, ideas, and words can really make it shine. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your intelligence. And tactfully written lines are the best way to give your essay a mature and intelligent tone. If you have already attended a lot of English quizzes during the SAT preparation, then do not let them go in vain. If you can find the right spot for all those uncommon words in your college essay, include them. But at the same time, keep in mind that using too many sophisticated words is equally counterproductive as the evaluator may know about your trick.

5. Leave your reader with a lasting impression

An engaging introduction can make a reader go through the entire paragraph, but the conclusion can help you impress him/her easily. After all, people remember the last things for a long time. In the conclusion section, summarize all the points that you mentioned in the essay. Also, end your college essay with something that is memorable and poignant.

By following all the above-mentioned tips, you can easily produce a high-quality college essay that will provoke the admission officer to select you. Well, once you get into the university, the further journey is going to be tougher as you will have to bear the burden of so many academic responsibilities. But don’t worry about that as the entire team of Instant Assignment Help Australia is ready to render you academic writing support. You can approach us anytime for getting your homework, assignments, coursework, dissertations, or project reports written by our subject-oriented experts.

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