
Proper management of Food and Beverage Section


Food and beverage section of any sector in involved in providing quality food to the clients. Its management is essential due to an involvement of many areas such as procuring of raw material, preparing food and beverage, maintaining hygiene, focusing on costing and inventory among others (Jensen and Ronit, 2015). Proper management of food and beverage section is required so as to improve guest experience which can then lead to consumer satisfaction followed by profitability. It can also assist the company in managing its costs, optimizing operational processes and also make informed decisions. The present study has thus laid emphasis on discussing the different businesses that are there in this section followed by emphasizing on rating system and regulatory procedures. Other than this focus has also been given on current trends and how will be evolve in coming future.

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P1 Profiling of different types of businesses within the food and beverage industry.

There is a presence of different business in food and beverage industry. There profiling has been done in below mentioned section.






Example Employer



It is a commercial establishment that provides primary services like shelter, food, refreshment etc. (Rashid and Ghose, 2015).

It is very easy for fresher’s to get entry level jobs.

There is a good opportunity for career advancement.

Employees usually enjoy good bonuses, free food as well as Free or Discounted Travel.


The working hours are usually long and odd.

There is increased work pressure during weekend and holidays.

The environment is quite stressful as there is constant interaction with consumers (Swinburn and, 2015).

Imperial hotel, UK

The company operates its business all over the world but in London it is situated inheart of Bloomsbury.



Fast food joint

These are a part of restaurant industry and are also known as quick service restaurant.

These provide food and beverage services in a quick manner. Some of them even have an option of live entertainment.

These joints offer flexible work schedule to employees.

A person can get employed at a young age which increases chances for career advancement (Hsieh, Chang and Wu, 2014).

It is difficult to get a decent amount of pay raise.

There is also a need to deal with nasty consumers.

Mc Donald’s, UK

The company operates its business all over UK be it malls, petrol pump, cinemas or theme parks.




Theme park

It is a large and permanent area that has a presence of many entertainment activities (Kock and Bosh, 2015)


Working in theme park helps to add a large organization in CV for future job applications.

Provides benefits in area of health, retirement, discount coupons etc.

Long work hours even during bad weather

Handling of

negative guest interaction

Alton Towers, UK

The theme park operates its business in Staffordshire.



Restaurant sector in UK is known for providing food and drinks to consumers that are often different cuisines. The kinds of services offered by restaurant include takeaway, casual dining, family restaurant, and cafes.

An employer can earn good tips while serving food to consumers.

They even get access to free food.

Have to handle rude employee behavior.

Work may turn quite stressful during peak hours (Davis and, 2018).

Wasabi Sushi and Bento, UK

The company operates its business all over UK.


Hospital Catering Services

This sector is involved in providing catering services to patients, visitors, doctors and other employees.

These firms are involved in providing high quality as well as nutritious food along with the cutlery (Chen and, 2015).

The employee usually gets discount in lunch.

There is also access to retirement plans such as pension schemes.

The working hours are usually long.

Many posts in this sector are for part time.

The wellington hospital

It operates its careering service in wellington hospital.


Golf Club

Golf club belongs to sports industry of UK and provides recreational opportunities as well as enjoyment to the masses.

Any golf club provides services such as golf lessons, practice facility, competitions and events as well as fine dining service.

These usually provide access to free food.

Employee gets access to good benefits in area of health, pension which is accompanied by good bonuses.


The employee has to work in all kinds of weather.

There is usually low pay.

Sunningdale Golf Club

Sunningdale, Berkshire is the place where this golf club operates its business.


Culture & Heritage
Food service consultant

The culture and heritage industry is involved in organizing events such as dance shows, plays, acts among others. It provides many kind of services such as practice facility, competitions and events as well as food services.

Employee gets good job opportunity in future.

Employee gets access to There is also access to retirement plans such as pension schemes.

The working hours are usually long.

Have to handle all kinds of consumers with full patience (Renton, Daellenbach Davenport, 2016).

Tricon food service consultant


It is located at the outskirts of East London and the Essex border,

P2 Different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally and internationally

There is a presence of different rating system that is used in food and beverage industry on national and international level.

  • Scores On The Doors – This is a rating system that is given after food safety and hygiene inspection has been carried out by food business inspectors. The inspection results are published as a grade or score which can then be displayed by company in form of sticker.
  • AA Rosettes – This is a UK wide scheme that is used for assessing food quality that is served in restaurants and hotels.
  • Michelin Stars – this is a rating system that is used to grade restaurant on the basis of quality food offered by them. For example, 1 stands for very good restaurant; 2 for excellent cooking with decent décor and 3 for exceptional cooking (Barrows and, 2017).
  • Hotel Stars – this range from 1 to 7 star hotel that are given on the basis of services offered by them.

P3 current and future trends affecting food and beverage businesses

There is a presence of many current and future trends that are affecting the food and hospitality businesses. Some of them have been discussed below.

Trend 1- Fusion cooking

Galvin at Windows, Restaurant and bar in UK offers fusion cooking which is a mix of Korean and French cuisine. This has impacted there business on a positive note as it gets both kinds of consumers who prefer either Korean or French food. This has led to increased sales figures and may lead to long term survival if it is able to maintain quality. This trend is also going to impact overall restaurant industry as more and more fusions will be made and unique dishes may also be invented (Koenigsfeld and Dickson, 2017). The trend may evolve in future as cooking may not be restricted to food items only but may spread to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well.

Trend 2 - Lifestyle/healthy eating/Foods as medicines/Super foods

Tanya’s kitchen has provides the consumers with complete organic menu where all the dishes are natural and gluten free. This has impacted its business as more and more consumers are flocking in which are health conscious and enjoying the delicacies that is good in taste. This trend is going to impact the industry as well as fast food and unhealthy food providers may soon have to close their businesses or adopt this new trend. The trends may evolve in coming future as more food options may be available for consumers that have absence of unhealthy ingredients and there may be creation of some new dishes as well.

Trend 3 – Robot waiters

Pizza Hut has hired robot waiters for taking orders and also processing payments. This trend has impacted the business as consumers can get a personalized ordering at stores followed by reduction in waiting time for take away. The industry is also impacted as sales will be more in those outlets who employ robot as waiters. New restaurants following this trend may further emerge in number. The trends may evolve in future as there may not be a need to appoint staff for taking orders. More focus can be given of food quality and other areas of business.

P4 professional food and beverage management skills within a food and beverage organisation

An employee working in F and B organization is required to adopt some professional food and beverage management skills which are as follows;

The employee must be able to manage all food and beverage operation within budget and also adhere with quality standards. He or she should be able to provide for a good consumer service by responding as per need and preference of consumers. He must be involved in a two way communication with not only the consumer but other members of organization who are working with him. He ought to have a basic knowledge about hygiene and sanitation norms to be practiced while preparing or serving food. This should be followed by adhering with them at all times with no excuse for non-compliance.

P5 legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service outlets must comply with.

The food and beverage outlets are required to comply with many legal requirements and regulatory standards which are as follows;

  • Use of correct temperatures – this is most needed to limit the development of food poisoning bacteria. This especially applies potentially hazardous food that must be kept between 5 to 60 degree Celsius of temperature.
  • Use of proper cooking and processing steps – This is most required strategy to avoid food poisoning. For example, minced meat and chicken should be cooked right till the middle to kill unwanted bacteria.
  • Use of proper processes - Food can be prevented from contamination if it adheres with small principles like supervision of display area; using different utensils for serving food and use of protective barriers.
  • Maintenance and cleaning of equipment – Food contact surfaces such as equipment etc. must be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis to keep them at safe levels which is away from microbes. The equipment and machinery should also be in working state and must be repaired as soon as any flaw is observed. Chipped or broken utensils should not be used.
  • General Food Law Regulation – This has been introduced to ensure that there is proper safety, labeling as well as quality of food produced by different outlets.
  • Law for nutrition labeling – the prepacked foods must declare nutrient content that is present in it. They should also be correct so as to provide right information to consumers.
  • Law for allergen labeling – this especially applies to food that contain nuts, dairy products that can cause allergy in a few people. Food makers should include this information in a clear manner.

The dish to be prepared by me and the one that represents my culture is Tacos of Mexican origin. It consists of corn or wheat Tortilla that is filled with different filling to allow for versatility and variety.Below mentioned is the check of all Food Safety and Health & Safety measures that were taken by me.

Ingredients Source


To demonstrate the ingredients came
from a safe and reputable source, list
all the places where you purchased
ingredients for your dishes?

I purchased the ingredients from a local supermarket by checking expiry date. Other purchase was done from nearby grocery stores that supplies fresh fruits and vegetables.

Storage Temperatures


When you brought the ingredients to your house, note where these were stored and the temperatures at which they were stored?

Items’ being Taco shells and salsa sauce was stored at room temperature.

The fresh vegetables and cheese were stored in fridge at a temperature of 10 degree Celsius.

Personal Hygiene


What safety measures did you put in
place to ensure that you avoided
contamination, and cross-
contamination, from your hands?

I used cleaned utensils to prepare Taco mix and also ensured that preparation place was sanitized. I further focused on wearing gloves and hat while working in kitchen.

Preparation Methods


How did you ensure that your working
surfaces, chopping boards and
cooking utensils were cleaned and

I cleaned chopping boards and
cooking utensils to be used an hour before I started work. I also ensured that they were dried completely.



What cooking methods were used? What was the temperature that the food was cooked to?

Shallow frying of vegetables -375 F

Cooling and Storage


How did you cool and store the items that you cooked?

Cooling of item was performed at room temperature.

The Tacos were then stored in aluminum foil



When transporting the foods to the
college how did you ensure that the
cold items were kept cold, and any
items transported hot stayed hot?

This step was not required in my dish



If the items were reheated at the college, how did you ensure that they were satisfactorily reheated?

A microwave oven was used for reheating. It was done for just 10 seconds which was quite satisfactory.

Other Measures


List any other Food Safety measures that your Group took


D2 - Part 1

Use the internet to research

Companies that been prosecuted for
serving unsafe food, or causing food

Quality Egg, LLC was prosecuted in 2010 for causing an outbreak of Salmonella that sickened 56000 people (Woodard, 2015).


What was the outcome for the

Company of this.

2 years of sentence and consumer loss.

P6 different operational and marketing technology for a range of different types of food and beverage businesses

There is a range of operational and marketing technology that are used in different types of food and beverage businesses. These are as follows.

Operational technology


What is the technology

What it does

Who might use it


Ordering from suppliers

Mobile order writing software

It helps in taking orders by using a mobile device.

Can be used by sales representatives, drivers, and merchandisers

It helps to make ordering process faster and easier.

Monitoring of equipment

wireless temperature and humidity monitors

It aids in monitoring the temperature of fridge, freezers and cooking equipment’s. An alert can then be send to concerned employee by message of mail

Chefs and servers

Paperless temperature monitoring gives peace of mind to employees. It also helps to save time

Stock taking

RFID technology

This technology helps in scanning large quantity of inventory stock items.

Inventory employees

It helps to improve stocktaking activities by increasing accuracy, efficiency as well as productivity of stock count by act of scanning.

Marketing technology


What is the technology

What it does

Who might use it


Consumer relationship management

CRM technology

This technology allows company to store data about consumer and other prospects

Marketers, market research, research and development team, production manager

It helps to improve business relations with consumers. It also aids in producing products as per needs of clients. There is also streamlining of business processes and increase in profitability.

Social media


It helps to connect with consumers by sharing of information about company. This can be with respect to its upcoming strategies, product and service offerings among others.

Marketing department, R and D employees, and product manager.

It helps to stay connected with the consumers.

P7 and P8


Branded coffee shop: Starbucks

Café/restaurant: Wasabi Sushi and Bento

Your Choice of

Hospitality Business

Business Name: Hilton


Places Visited


Picture ofEstablishment

Take a ‘Selfie’ of your group outside the

restaurant that shows the front of the

restaurant and its name in the picture also


Tariff Board/ Menus


Does the business have a full menu or tariff

board at the entrance, or above the counter?

Yes menu is displayed over the counter

No, Menu is provided only when the person is seated.

Menu is provided only when the person is seated.

EPOS System


Does the business have an EPOS system?

What manufacturer’s name appears on the system Terminal?

Does the system look
easy for the staff to use


Name of manufacturer is Microsystems, Inc.

Yes it is easy for staff to use.

No, there is an absence of EPOS system

Hilton uses Agilysys hospitalityPOS.

Staff can use it with ease.

Card reader


Is there a credit card payment facility?

Does it take contactless payments?

Will it accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and similar


There is an option of credit card facility and contactless cards are accepted. However it does not accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and similar


Credit card facility payment is there but an absence of contactless payment and accepting by use of other applications.

All kinds of payments and applications are accepted.

Product Display


Are products displayed in a logical order?

Are they attractively displayed?

Do they look delicious?

Yes products are displayed in a quite attractive manner and they also look delicious.

Yes, products are displayed attractively and they look delicious.

There is no display of products.

Purchase Boosts


What does the business do to encourage

Customers to purchase,
and tempt them to
spend more?

Are all items individually

Are there Impulse

Purchase items near the

Do members of staff upsell?

In order to encourage consumers for selling more, I suggest them to try our new options after they have finished with the coffee

All the items are individually


Purchase items in form of cookies are displayed on the counter.

Yes staff members use upscale technique discussed above

to encourage

Customers for purchase they ask them try out new dishes on the menu that are a little high priced.

Yes we price all our items individually.

No, we do not keep any Purchase items near the

Upselling technique is frequently used by our staff members by describing a menu item.

The brand name of Hilton is enough for consumers to spend more. Still we suggest our consumers to try out premium room that has a good view.

All the services come in a bundle and are also individually priced.

Upselling technique is used by staff by describing other hotel services such as spa and bar facility.



Are there posters and advertisements?

What are they promoting?

Are they appealing and likely to succeed?

Posters and advertisements are used to promote Starbucks coffee. They have appealing enough and have led to success as the ads are about quality. As Starbucks provides the same quality as mentioned in posters and ads hence the strategy is successful one.

Posters and ads promote the food items offered by Wasabi. They have not led to much success as consumers usually come to restaurant on account of word of mouth publicity and are usually repeat clients.

Hilton in itself is a big brand name hence the hotel does not carry out much promotional work.



Write down four or more
typical items, and their

Do the prices represent
good value for money?
Are there any special
offers, discounts, meal
deals, etc.?


Cappuccino (Grande) -


Mocha (Tall) £3.20

Raspberry Blackcurrant (Venti) £3.50

Prices do not represent good value for money due to less quantity.

Yes it offers discounts and special offers during festive time.

Fried Prawn hand roll £2.89

Salmon Onigiri


Nigri Tofu


Prices do show good value for money due to quantity and quality.

Yes it offers discount during happy hours.

Smoked Bacon and Chicken £6.00

Ham and cheese


Lousiana Shrimp


Prices do not represent good value for money due to less quantity.

Special offers and discount is seldom present

Repeat Business


What is the business
doing to encourage
customers to return?
Are there loyalty cards

Does staff encourage customers to return? Are there any


Promoting forthcoming
events or soon-to-be-
launched products?


In order to encourage consumer return it focuses on providing good service and quality coffee to consumers. Yes there is a presence of loyalty cards.

Staff also encourages consumers to return. No, there is an absence of any forthcoming
events or soon-to-be-
launched products.


In order to encourage consumer return Wasabi restaurant focuses on providing loyalty cards to them. Consumer return is also encouraged by staff. Some new menu items are soon to be launched by company which will be a fusion of Japanese and Korean food.

Repeat consumers are encouraged by Hilton by adoption of practices like giving discount coupons and loyalty cards. As of now, there is no advertisement for promoting upcoming products or events.

Other Observations


What else have you
noticed, that is relevant
to the operation of the
business, during your


Starbucks provides an exceptional consumer service to visitors. They do this by calling consumer by their name; offering congenial greetings and customizing product as per need of consumer.

The restaurant has a presence of fresh sushi and friendly atmosphere that makes the consumers feel at ease.




Before, or after, your visit, go to the

Company’s website and look at this.

Is it inspiring,
informative and

Does it provide all the information that

customers might need

(Opening times, location,
menus, prices, etc.)?

Do they advertise their
business in any other



The website of Starbucks is quite informative as it describes a lot about its products and services. It also provides information about opening hours, location, menu as well as prices. The company has been using social media for advertisement.

The website of Wasabi restaurant is very innovative. It has used vibrant pictures of Sushi to attract consumers. All the necessary information required by consumer is present on website.

The company uses banners and posters that are placed in prominent places of London.

The website of Hilton has been made in a very professional manner and provides all the information that is needed by consumers. It has advertised itself on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram.

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From the above report it can be concluded that there is a presence of different types of hospitality business such as theme parks, hotels, restaurants, café, catering service providers among others. Management of food and operations in any business of hospitality sector is not an easy task. This is as a lot of focus is required to be given on many areas such as consumer service; food quality; meeting demands of consumers; provision of customized offerings among others. The food and beverage providers in this industry are rated on different scales and are also required to adhere with regulatory and legal norms.

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  • Barrows, C.W., Early, K., Meyer, C. and Rogoff, J., 2017. A review of the club management literature: 2005–2014.Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management.26(3). pp.297-334.
  • Chen, E., Flint, S., Perry, P., Perry, M. and Lau, R., 2015. Implementation of non-regulatory food safety management schemes in New Zealand: a survey of the food and beverage industry.Food control.47. pp.569-576.
  • Davis, B., Lockwood, A., Alcott, P. and Pantelidis, I.S., 2018.Food and beverage management. Routledge.
  • Hsieh, C.C., Chang, Y.L. and Wu, C.H., 2014. Competitive pricing and ordering decisions in a multiple-channel supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics. 154. pp.156-165.
  • Jensen, J.D. and Ronit, K., 2015. The EU pledge for responsible marketing of food and beverages to children: implementation in food companies.European journal of clinical nutrition. 69(8). p.896.
  • Koc, E. and Boz, H., 2015. All-inclusive food and beverage operations.F&B/Restaurant Management, Pearson.
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