
Proposal On Perception And Attitude Of International Asian Students Towards Study In The U.K


With the increase in the trend of immigration quantity and quality, the Asian students are seen to be migrating from their birth land or continent of Asia towards European nations such as that of UK for doing higher studies in the best form and in the best quality and also in the best infrastructure of education which is ranked as one of the best reputed global or educational infrastructure of Europe. In this analysis the there has been provided a detailed discussion of the trend in the pattern of behaviors of internationally mobile Asian students towards the study curriculum and educational infrastructure of United Kingdom (Liu, 2013, p.77).


The aim of this proposal will be to analyze the behavioral pattern or attitude cum perception of Asian students who are desired to migrate to foreign nations in relationship with the study pattern or study curriculum of the universities of United Kingdom. The aim will be based on the course pattern taken by migrating students as it determines the migrating requirement of the students towards United Kingdom based universities. The aim will also be dependent on the course pattern or study curriculum based on various streams of study in the universities of United Kingdom as it is the factor which directly determines the attitudes of international Asian students towards their decision to go abroad for the sake of doing higher studies.

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  • To determine the number of students of Asian origin who are migrating to U.K for higher studies.
  • To analyze proportion of actual percentage or number of immigrated Asian students pursuing different higher study based courses in U.K.
  • To analyze the study courses or study stream of Asian students based on which they are moving abroad to do higher studies in the United Kingdom.
  • To explore the availability of desired courses needed or chosen by the migrant Asian students in UK based universities.
  • To evaluate opportunities of higher studies that Asian students are getting after migrating to UK.

Background to the study

Among £10 billion students enrolled in the universities of United Kingdom, a huge portion of students coming to UK are immigrants. According to Davis et al. (2016, p.287), not only it has also been observed in the government based sample survey in United Kingdom that the trend of migrated students constituting the majority proportion of UK’s higher education population of pupils are maximum of native Asian origin. This is a positive indicator of growth of HDI of United Kingdom in terms of augmentation of human skills based on sharing of intelligentsia among students of Asian origin and European descent.

This aid them that is the students of United Kingdom a lot in terms of boosting up of knowledge based on UK pattern of universities which is directly enjoying the fruits of opportunities of getting huge number of talented Asian youth of both sexes participating in the regular courses of the curriculum of United Kingdom based industries and this participation rate is increasing in terms of boosting up of the rate of immigration and huge market demand of study based streams of UK oriented industries being generated by the talents and creams of Asian continent.

As cited by Setiawan (2015, p.47), another typical phenomenon based on the attitudinal pattern and perception pattern of Asian students migrating to UK based industries is that they are manly opting for higher level of courses like that of postgraduate and research oriented origin rather than joining in undergraduate courses. This phenomenon is based on the type or pattern of education based choices of migrating Asian students to UK and also dependent on the limited capacities of monetary resources of Asian student to make expenditures for studying and residing in United Kingdom in terms of betterment of their personal and professional lives based on academic or non-academic purposes. Taking into account the academic resources, it can be interpreted that Asian students mainly prefer to visit universities of UK for pursuing none other than higher studies in terms of achieving post-graduate and doctoral degrees which is strictly related with the optimum pattern of budgetary allocation resources of the students in monetary terms.

According to Gallagher-Brett (2016, p.66), another crucial point to be noted in terms of the above analysis that the migration creates an allover positive externality for UK by boosting of relationships between Asian countries and UK in terms of pacts and treaties of migration between the Asian and European continents respectively. It leads strengthening of socio -cultural relationships between the peoples of Asia and UK and aids in bolstering of economical infrastructure of United Kingdom.

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Research method: In this analysis research method will be based on the criterion of research. Research philosophy will be based on post -positivism origin which lies at the outermost layer of research onion based structure. Research approach will be of deductive pattern or kind and the research design highlights a descriptive pattern. Both primary and secondary data based on quantitative and qualitative origin are being proposed for carrying out the research methodology or analysis based on this topic of interest. Research philosophy will be based on the post positivist approach which takes into account various kinds of theoretical frameworks, models and other relevant sources for carrying out the research effectively.

Approach and design: Deductive research approach and descriptive design of research will be the chosen items of research analysis for our research topic .Deductive research topic will base the analysis of our research on the various kinds of research based theories and models taking its route from particular to generalized based research approach which is of descriptive pattern or type (Chaudhary, 2015, p.55).

Data collection and sampling

Data collection techniques will be both of both quantitative and qualitative origin where the quantitative data will be based on mathematical and statistical tools of analysis while the qualitative research topic will be based on interview based questionnaire and historical research. For quantitative data collection, 47 immigrant students will be chosen from a respective university and for qualitative data 7 professors of leading universities will be interviewed. This interview will be comprised of some discussions related to courses and opportunities that Asian student are getting while migrating to UK.

The sampling procedure will be of Purposive sampling of non probabilistic origin based on choosing samples of UK based Asian students from the reputed universities.

Time frame

The time required to complete this study will be obviously of long duration as it is a rigorous process of identification of samples of from universities of UK but approximately it will be of 7-8 weeks.

Research ethics

Research ethics will range from maintenance of time related processes in punctual pattern and also to conduct research analysis keeping into consideration the norms and rules of doing inter country research which should obviously abide by government rules and regulations of doing cross border based surveys. The ethics is typically based on the notion that the researcher will not use his well collected sample units of students for commercial purposes but will only use them in research. assignment writing service in Australia

Research outcomes

Research outcome will depend on the findings of our research that whether the students of Asia does really have a knack of doing higher studies in UK and if so how far does the curriculum of study in UK based universities fits with their chosen streams of knowledge as per the analysis done in statistical and mathematical terms of our research. This outcome will be based on fulfillment of all the objectives of the research (Avakian, 2015, p.88). Besides that, the researcher will be able to point out prevailing issues as well as some better opportunities available in the same context.

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  • Avakian, K., (2015). Understanding pupils’ attitudes to e-learning in secondary schools: example of Moodle application in Tartu schools (Doctoral dissertation, Tartu Ülikool).
  • Chaudhary, S., Zhao, Y., Berki, E., Valtanen, J., Li, L., Helenius, M. and Mystakidis, S., (2015). A CROSS-CULTURAL AND GENDER-BASED PERSPECTIVE FOR ONLINE SECURITY: EXPLORING KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ATTITUDES OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 13(1).
  • Davis, E.O., O'Connor, D., Crudge, B., Carignan, A., Glikman, J.A., Browne-Nuñez, C. and Hunt, M., (2016). Understanding public perceptions and motivations around bear part use: A study in northern Laos of attitudes of Chinese tourists and Lao PDR nationals. Biological Conservation
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